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Good Dream, Bad Dream, It’s Still a Dream

Why Don't You Awaken from the Dream?

by Bhujagendra and Vidya Ishaya

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a man called Zaradustra. Now in his time, Zaradustra said a lot about life, God and the world, but you could sum up the gist of his teaching like so:

"Two paths can be followed in this world: the path of the True, or the path of the lie."

But what is the Truth, and what is the lie? How can anyone know, for sure, what the Truth is?

Everywhere you turn your ear, you find more people selling their beliefs about how things are. Economists absorb themselves in an economic world, businessmen in a world of business. To a politician, politics is all there is.

For some this world is a cover up for all the secret, terrible things that the government doesn’t want you to know about. For some, we live in a world created some five thousand years ago by our heavenly father and it’s only a matter of time before our Lord returns to destroy the sinful and draw the faithful unto Him.

Or maybe we live as forgetful members of a Universal Brotherhood of Light, filled with glorious beings in motherships, who are benevolently guiding us into a fantastic New Age.

The scenarios are endless. The numbers of worlds we can choose to make real are infinite. Our capacity to dream is unfathomable.

Yet, all the scenarios do have one thing in common: they're all world views, projections of mind and imagination, ideas that exists outside of ourselves. It’s all something we choose to believe in. After all, we have to believe in something, don’t we?

Oddly enough, most of us choose to believe in a worldview that is ultimately flawed. SOMETHING out there is wrong, SOMETHING has to change. If we can just win democracy for all, if we can just boost the economy, if we could just convert the world to worship Christ or Krishna, or channel Ascended Masters, THEN things would change, THEN we’d have a world we could live in...

Can you see, even for a moment, how you can follow any thought, any idea, until it becomes your reality? That you can make anything, absolutely anything real? This world of possibilities is so like a maze with paths extending in infinite directions, yet it’s pathways are superficial at best. What of the depth? If you can create any belief as your personal reality, where, if anywhere, is there one single solitary shred of Truth in this world that we all partake in?

Imagine for a moment that your entire world is just a mind-created dream. What, then, of the reality of the dreamer?

If you’re reading this article, then I imagine it’s because your heart has moved you to search for more than you could find in the dogmas, theories and platitudes about life and truth that so abound in this world. Your heart searches not for mere words of possible explanation but for a living experience. In fact, it’s usually a moments’ experience that inspires a lifetimes search.

Underlying all the world, all your experiences, all your thoughts, emotions and beliefs, there is a field. It underlies all the scaffolding of false identity that surrounds you, all that you think you are. There is an infinite depth within you -- out of which all things you contact have arisen and to which all things soon return, a fullness in the midst of an empty world, a silence in the midst of chaos, a stillness within the world of action.

Growth of consciousness is the process of going within, contacting that field, knowing it (experientially!) and bringing that experience out into the world. By looking into multiplicity, we have created a world of chaos, but by knowing The One within and living from that direct, personal experience, we allow ourselves and the world to return to the natural state: a state of spontaneous perfection.

So the game is really not about what we DO or what we BELIEVE but rather it’s about what we truly ARE. For we honestly cannot create a New World for ourselves by doing anything.

In fact, the game is not about creating a new better world, a more spiritual world, a more ANYTHING world at all. For if you seek a new age outside of yourself, you are still dreaming. It’s that simple. Good dream, bad dream, it’s still a dream. It’s still fiction. The age of truth comes only when we awaken, fully conscious, within the dream and transform it through the power of our awakening.

Truth is something you are; it is the reality of the dreamer. Truth is known when one turns within, in all circumstances. Truth is lived when one learns to act effortlessly, from the heart of each  experience.

Then quite spontaneously and naturally, the entire world is nurtured and healed. It’s tremendously simple. In this world of infinite possibilities, there is only one thing to do: find and use tools to turn within and so know yourself.

Then you need no longer pay any heed to the voices which seek so valiantly to justify what they believe. You need not pay heed even to similar thoughts which arise in your own busy mind. For you have ascended beyond form and concept into the beautiful simplicity of direct personal experience.


Bhujagendra and Vidya Ishaya are teachers of the Ishayas' Ascension (the Art of Inner Exploration.) At, discover how you can attain full human consciousness while totally freeing your nervous system from stress, quickly and easily. Free ebooks are available. Or you may email for more info.

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Last updated: March 05, 2003.