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The Bridge of Understanding       Fairy&Rose.gif (37075 bytes)    

By Eileen Lock

It seems we spend so much time seeking love. Wanting it and fearing constantly that it could be taken away. What is important to remember is that love is the energy that connects all things. It will continue beyond the point where our conscious minds exist. It is an energy that many have tried to stop and they have developed anger and a variety of other emotions to experience because of it. If you are angry because someone seems to have taken away the love or even the opportunity to love, then it is time to understand that you can feel love no matter what. It is up to you. Obviously it is easier to experience love when the situation provides all of the important props. The test comes when the props are gone. It is important to remember that we govern our feelings and it is up to us to set our own mood.

Take a moment and remember something wonderful. Let your self feel completely the joy and love that you felt at that time. This shows you that you always have access to all of your feelings. Now think of some one that you care deeply for and remember a time that you were angry with them. This proves that they are not responsible for your feelings or you would always feel the same. You begin to understand that you really are choosing how you want to respond to each person. Every time you see them your mood will be colored by how your day has gone.

Take a moment and think of all of the people that you do not understand or agree with, yet you still love them deeply. Realize that you could not stop loving them if you tried. You may not like them or even like that you love them, but you do and you realize it will never change. Now imagine that you are on a bridge with all of these people off to one side. Know how much you love them but you understand that you cannot be around them and still have a healthy life.

Then look off to the other side and realize that here are all of the people who do not understand or agree with you. They may not like you or even like that they love you, but they couldn't stop loving you if they tried because love goes on no matter what. You now need to accept that all of the people who you believe stopped loving you, or kept you from being able to love them, have never stopped loving you for a moment. They may not have chosen to be in touch with that love but it will run deeply in them forever. Nothing you can do will stop that.

You can choose to be angry that you love or grieve that you are no longer allowing yourself to feel it. This seems pretty normal in our society. No one teaches us that we are loved right from the beginning and will be loved every day of our lives. It is time for us to remember this. When you fear losing another's love remember that you can only lose sight of your own love. Keep a strong focus on the love in your heart and you will find that life supports this. As you feel love you attract others who are doing the same and you raise the experience for those around you who have forgotten. Right outside of our illusion we are whole and loved, and we are deeply connected to every other thing in our existence. Remind yourself of this often and love something deeply everyday of your life. This will keep you healthy and alive.

Eileen Lock is a Clairvoyant-Astrologer. She lives in Bend Oregon and has been involved in many spiritual experiences throughout her life. She is available for classes and private sessions. She is also the creator of New Perspectives, a world wide link via e-mail of an intuitive and Astrologically based positive thought for the day. If you would like to be a part of this link email.gif (13928 bytes) Eileen. Visit Eileen's website  by clicking here. 


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.