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Healing Hands

A Beginning Guide On Working With Energy To Heal and Balance the Body

By: Karisa


There is a force of energy that courses though everything. Everything is made up of energy. Working with this energy is something all of us can tap into. There are many beliefs and ways to do this, none are right or wrong…’s just what feels right to you, what resonates on a soul level. Working with the body’s energy helps balance the natural flow of life force with in us. This opens up areas in the body that might be blocked, assisting in the healing process, and helping to prevent more blocked areas from forming. Picture a clogged up sprinkler. Water trickles out here and there, maybe some openings are totally plugged, and gushes out in other spots….we want an even constant flow to run smoothly. Overall, energy work creates a healthier body that can resist emotional and physical stresses.

A good basic place to start is with you. To feel this energy try rubbing your hands together for a bit until they have warmed up then hold them up palms facing together, 3-4 inches apart. Slowly move your hands away from each other and back again a few times. Do you feel the push and pull of the energy that is being shared between your two hands. That’s one of the energies you’ll be working with. Some people call this energy, Life Force. It is also known as light, prana, cosmic energy, Chi, Ki, to name a few. There are also many types of energy work that have been given names such as Reike, Therapeutic Touch, Polarity Therapy, Shiatsu, This-Chi, Chakra Balancing, Quantum Touch, Pranic Healing, etc. Again it’s a matter of what you are comfortable with.

If working with energy is something that interests you, you can either get professional training or use your innate inner wisdom and guidance. I have been working on others for 9 years and I’ve had no training, instead I use inner guidance, or innate wisdom. Go ahead, grab a friend and practice. Let your hands be your guide. Relax and follow their (your hands) lead as to what to do, where to touch, where to not touch, where to hold above the body, where to hold on the body, how long, and where to move to next on the body. You can also practice on yourself. Hold your hands over various parts of your body and feel the various sensations either in your hands on your body or body or both.

There are 7 main energy centers in the body. These are commonly called Chakras, which means wheel of energy in Sanskrit. This might be a good beginning point to start working with, but don’t feel limited to these areas of the body. These energy points are located along the center of the body as follows:

  1. The First Chakra is known as the Root Chakra and is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back. This center holds the basic needs for survival, security and safety.
  2. The Second Chakra, Sacral or belly Chakra is located two inches below the navel and is rooted into the spine. This center holds the basic needs for sexuality, creativity, intuition, and self-worth.
  3. Third Chakra referred to as the Solar Plexus. It is located two inches below the breastbone in the center behind the stomach. The third chakra is the center of personal power.
  4. The fourth chakra is referred to as the heart chakra. It is located behind the breast bone in front and on the spine between the shoulder blades in back. This is the center for love, compassion and spirituality.
  5. The fifth chakra is referred to as the Throat. It is located in the V of the collarbone at the lower neck and is the center of communication, sound, and expression of creativity using thought, speech, and writing.
  6. The sixth chakra is referred to as the Third Eye. It is located above the physical eyes on the center of the forehead. This is the center for psychic ability.
  7. The seventh chakra is referred to as the Crown. It is located just behind the top of the skull. It is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy.

There is much fascinating information on charkas; just do a search on the net for this topic if it draws you and you want to know more. I have touched just on the basics.


Here are some tips, techniques, and ideas to get started with:

  1. Start with a prayer, in your own words and terms, intending that this work be done with the highest love and light vibration. Create your own little starting ceremony if you’d like. But remember it can be as simple as stating it inside your head. Intention is where the power is.
  2. Ask for guidance from those of the highest love and light vibration to assist you in this work.
  3. This work can be done on the floor, a massage table, on a bed, sitting up, basically any where.
  4. You can use your finger tips, whole hand, palms, etc as a healing tool, or energy transmitter.
  5. Try placing one hand above the other when directing energy. Also try using your fingers as "energy pointing tools".
  6. Practice working with your eyes shut or open and sees what feels right for you…maybe a combination of both.
  7. Listen to those little voices in you head as to what to do next.
  8. Do worry if you don’t feel anything or see anything, just believe it’s working. We don’t always need proof, though it’s human nature to want it.


Good luck and happy healing.

About the author.

Karisa is a single mother of 3 girls ages 17, 14, and 3. She lives in North Central Texas on 104 acres of land. She is a teacher and spiritual healer. Karisa creates jewelry that is spiritually charged, various Native American influenced spirit tools, and is also available for distance healings. She is currently in the process of creating a spiritual retreat center. She can be contacted at

Here are some great sights for more information: Technical, very cool though. Various rooms where you can submit your needs, etc. offers a link to a newsletter for healing

The art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient healing art of placing hands on the body. A great site. Lots of "Light" information for people. A site on Reiki.


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.