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Making Sense of May
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Making Sense of May

an Astrological Perspective

By Molly Cliborne

The big planetary event of Spring 2002 is the Saturn-Pluto opposition. These two planets are currently lined up on opposite sides of the Solar System. We here on Earth happen to be in the middle. This happens every 35 years. The aspect powered up in the Summer and Fall months of 2001, and returns for one final contact in late May. After May, the energy dissipates and moves on to a new, more stabilizing and much easier pattern.


Saturn represents solid structures, boundaries and walls. Pluto represents power, transformation, death, rebirth, and healing. This marker calls out to us to take responsibility for healing the structures in our lives, breaking down walls where needed, and putting boundaries in place where needed. Great healing can occur during this time when we focus on reworking our inner structures according to our highest truth and calling, rewriting the "scripts" where necessary. How this affects you personally depends on where in your chart these planets are traveling, and which of your natal planets they are touching.

Saturn loves shoulds. Pluto abhors them. Thus any situations in life which are built upon an outdated idea of what you should do, or what should happen, are subject to the forces of change during this period. When Pluto is active, we are called upon to look at our "stuff," and indeed it is to our advantage to do so. There is much to be gained. If your Saturnian part will accept the gift of liberation from the old shoulds and let Pluto do his work, you'll wind up with a whole new set of guidelines that will ultimately make you stronger and more in touch with your true nature.

This is intense energy. It's not easy to make these transitions. Most of us are struggling with life and death issues in one form or another. Careers are disrupted, relationships begin and end, people change, people die. Saturn-Pluto aspects are associated with wars, violence, and destruction– all very difficult to understand, much less accept as a necessary part of our evolution. How do you make it through May then? Do your best to "lean into" the energy. Use it to remind yourself what's most important. Give yourself time to grieve for what is lost. Resist the urge to blame someone else. Take responsibility for your own healing by embracing the experience of vulnerability. Consciously holding awareness of your greatest weakness– neither indulging it nor fighting to hide it, but accepting it as a part of yourself– is a great source of power.

Immediately following the completion of the Saturn-Pluto opposition is a Lunar Eclipse on May 26. Full Moons are "mirror times," when we can see aspects of ourselves in those around us. They are also times of completion, decision, and harvest. A Lunar Eclipse is a very special Full Moon which happens once every six months. May's Lunar Eclipse, combined with the powerful energy of the Saturn-Pluto opposition, is the pepper on the soup, echoing the idea that May is a powerful time for cleaning out the closets, letting go of old situations from the past, and clearing old karma.

Pluto is associated with transcendence and healing. The potential within this period is enormous-- to clear and heal very deep issues that go all the way back to your childhood, and even into past lifetimes. Oppositions bring awareness of self through others. We as individuals make the choice: will we choose to learn from the people in our lives (friends and foes), or will we choose to make it "their issue" and fight against them? There is tremendous potential for healing within this energy. Pluto is associated with the idea of Perspective. Let Saturn and Pluto work their mojo, and you can come out on the other side renewed, with a fine-tuned perspective on the world, and a fresh approach to life.

When Mercury begins the retrograde portion of his cycle on May 15, we need extra patience in dealing with delays and flexibility to get past misunderstandings. The "thinking" function (Mercury) is in reverse, calling out for us to use the energy and look into the past. This is excellent for cleaning out the closets or finishing up old projects. This retrograde period ends June 8.

The scene shifts drastically to the positive in the Summer months, as Saturn moves on to create a comfortable trine to Uranus, the planet of new inventions, exciting chi energy, and personal truth. Stay tuned!


By Molly Cliborne 

Molly Cliborne is an astrological consultant living in Charlottesville, Virginia.  She began her study under the mentorship of Lance Ferguson in 1996, and has been consulting since 1999.  You can find her on the web at www.north-node.  or e-mail Molly here:

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Last updated: March 05, 2003.