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Getting from Here to There

By Eileen Lock 


How do we get from here to there? No matter where we are we continue to move and shift. Occasionally we feel stuck. So what are the steps to move out of where you are?

1. Release your attachment to what you are doing and allow yourself to consider who is underneath.

Allow yourself to step back from what you do long enough to find the person that is doing it. How is this person feeling? Are they content and feeling loved? Are their needs being met? What does this part of your self need? Consider giving these things to yourself.


2. Spend time with your "underneath" self and explore the feelings that exist in that space.

What portion of your life do you devote to what you do? Consider giving yourself time to explore other ideas and feelings. Watch yourself and see how different it is for you. Ask yourself how happy you are with what you do. Who do you see yourself becoming? Is it a true reflection of your self?


3. Allow your "underneath" self to begin to participate in your everyday life.

Give permission to this part of yourself to participate in what you do. Become aware of how differently you handle your typical daily process. Does it make it lighter and easier to move through your day?


4. Release your attachment to what others are doing and consider their "underneath" self as well.

Other people are the same as you in that we all have an underneath self. Some people are more comfortable than others to allow this to express.

5. Be with others, meeting them at the energy level of their "underneath" selves.

Through your willingness to see that part in others you will support them feeling it as well. As you release yourself from identifying with what they do your response to them will change. This can effect how they see you and may influence their choices as well.

6. Experience the shift.

Stay open to what happens after that. Release the need to decide what to do long enough for you to see what is already beginning. Magic happens in our lives when we release the need to control it. The divine life that is available has the potential to bring us everything that is perfect for us.

  by Eileen Lock  May 2002 



Eileen Lock is a Clairvoyant-Astrologer. She lives in Bend Oregon and has been involved in many spiritual experiences throughout her life. She is available for classes and private sessions. She is also the creator of New Perspectives, a world wide link via e-mail of an intuitive and Astrologically based positive thought for the day. If you would like to be a part of this link email.gif (13928 bytes) Eileen.  Or click here and scroll down to join the Daily Offerings email list by entering your e-mail address. Visit Eileen's website  by clicking here.   Great job on the site Eileen!! 


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.