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The FWA!

Welcome back to arguably the greatest WWA site ever! The site is now re-open and will be updated whenever there is some news on the WWA!

December 9th: WWA Pictures from Belfast...MORE

December 7th: WWA Retribution Results AND Pictures...MORE

December 2nd: Pictures of WWA Wembley show including a pic of STING!...MORE

November 29th: Results from the Dublin House show by a Fan...MORE

October 20th: WWA Sign Luger and STING!...MORE

June 26: WWA Cancells European Tour...MORE

June 25: Lex Luger joins WWA...MORE

June 22: WWA joins forces with Australian entertainment company...MORE

June 7: The Ultimate Warrior speaks out about Andrew McManus...MORE

May 13: New WWA tour dates and info for Ticket Refunds...MORE

May 3: Loads of WWA news, thanks to V-Man!...MORE

April 29: Yesterday I noticed that the WWA have started advertising for their upcoming UK tour. On page 67 of the Sunday Express there was a small ad with pictures of Sid, Sabu, Jarrett, Jerry Lynn, Crowbar and the Midgets. It also said that tickets are available from

April 20: WWA announce tour dates for Germany...MORE

April 17: WWA finaly announce a date for an event in Ireland...MORE

April 15: Names have been officialy announced for the upcoming UK tour...MORE

April 14: More Notes from the PPV...MORE

April 13: Spoilers for the WWA PPV Eruption...MORE

April 9: Matches for WWA Eruption. Scott Steiner Main Eventing for first time in a year...MORE

April 7: Results from Sydney..New WWA champ!...MORE

April 7: WWA chairman confirms that they are negotiating a TV deal with Channel 5...MORE










The FWA!

Please bookmark! - Also Click HERE to keep this site active!

October 20th: Site re-opens

July 10: New CHAT ROOM has been added...CHAT!

July 10: The Dewey Man has posted his first column...MORE

June 24: An exclusive interview with a former WCW Champion conducted by Brandon Finch...MORE

June 22: A great edition of "Pinfalls" by Brandon Finch...MORE

June 22: A new column by "V-Man" is up...MORE

June 5: Zach has made an editorial...MORE

May 26: You can now use the email address to enquire about JTR Video© on!...MORE

May 23: A new Edition of "Pinfalls" is up...MORE

May 11: A new edition of V-Mans column is up...MORE

May 4: Brandon Finch has added his 3rd Edition of "Pinfalls"...MORE

May 4: Interview with one half of the WWA tag team Native Blood is up...READ IT


April 21: New Poll Added @ Bottom of page...TAKE IT

April 21: The 2nd Part of Zachs Interview with Paul Heymans right hand man in ECW is up...MORE

April 21: 2nd Edition of "Pinfalls" is up...MORE

April 18: UK WWA Fans can now order WWA Eruption from this site for just £7! Also in this week are some CZW and OVW tapes...MORE

April 18: A new column written by "The V-Man" is up and we have an exclusive interview with WWF wrestler Ron "H20" Waterman...MORE

April 13: Both The Extreme Midgets; Pupett and Tio have had their bios added to the site. Thanks to!...MORE

April 12: Brandon Finch gives us his first column "Pinfalls". He looks at how the WWA has changed since The Revolution and talks about those crazy midgets!...MORE

April 6: 4 more WWA wrestler Bios added...CHECK THEM OUT

April 2: More WWA wrestler bios have been added...CHECK THEM OUT










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The WWA Poll
Do you think the WWA will still be here this time next year?

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