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“Is he back yet?”

“For the hundredth time Heath! I have not seen him.”

Heath huddled under a blanket on the couch he was shivering uncontrollably. “I-I’m getting worried about him Lana.”

“Lana? Okay fine. Forget the B for now.” Then B’Elanna noticed how Heath was acting, “Are you okay?”

“J-just c-c-cold. I’m f-fine.”

B’Elanna didn’t believe him then she walked over to where he lay and placed her hand on his forehead. “No fever.”

“I t-told you I’m j-just cold.”

“Mary?” B’Elanna asked hoping that Mary could hear her from wherever she was.

“Yes B’Elanna dear?”

“Something’s wrong with Heath.”


“He’s cold.”

Mary almost laughed, “Well get him another blanket.”

“He already has 2, why would one more make any difference?”

Mary sighed, “Okay, okay. I’ll fix him right up.”

Heath shook his head, “Nah.. Only c-cold. No fixing.”

B’Elanna grinned, “Oh be quiet, Mary’s going to help you.” Heath tried to protest, but in response he got a bonk on the head from B’Elanna. Sighing Heath didn’t say anything but still wondered what was happening to his brother.

In the Bishen Realm it was getting dark Than took a deep breath of the new night air and smiled. “Night time. Bother and I’m not ready to go to sleep.” Than kept walking until he ended arriving at a small town. Inside one building there was music going and people talking some singing others were merely drinking at a table silently. Than shrugged and decided to go in, what he didn’t expect was to find the old man whose sword Than had stolen sitting by a large group of others. Than rolled his eyes at his luck. Casually he sat down on a bar stool and ordered a drink not realizing that he most likely wouldn’t be able to pay for it. Somebody sat next to Than just then and glancing out of the corner of his he saw that it was the old man.

“Hello kid. What’s your name?” The old man said smiling at Than.


“Hmm. Interesting name. Hey look, I think you have something of mine. Is that? Yes it is! That’s my sword. Could I have it back?” He asked nicely.


“Why not? It is mine after all.”

“Hey man! That guy givin’ you any trouble?” One of the old man’s friends yelled to him.

“Nope, he’s fine. My name is Tawno kid.”

“Hmph.” Was all Than gave. The old man reached for his sword but Than moved it away. Soon Tawno’s friends had surrounded Than.

“Hey give Tawno back his sword thief!” One yelled and then all the others did the same.

Than sighed, “Let me think about that? Hmm.. No.”

One pounced the other jabbed and soon every single friend of Tawno’s was trying to beat up Than. You have to feel sorry for those guys. One by one Than through them against walls until most of them were either lying unconscious or just lying on the floor not being able to move. Tawno stared at Than for a few seconds then said, “Well seems like you are capable to handle my sword.”

“Excuse me?”

“Only a great warrior can use Duldrus. That’s the name of me sword. Seems you shall be able to use it. So that being the case you can have it. I’m too old for it anyway. It’s yours, use it well.”

Than didn’t really expect this, but then he nodded and said. “Okay then. Bye!” On his way out the man at the side of the bar shouted. “Hey you didn’t pay for your drink.” But Than ignored him. He was getting tired. Lazily Than strolled back to the Bishen Realm there he stopped just outside of the front doors and looked around for a place to stay. Spotting a small spot under a willow tree he walked over to it and sat down. Once again for the second time that day Than fell asleep and just as he was asleep the Kailan peeked through the hanging branches of the willow tree to look at Than. *What torments you?* Leukosri asked but Than didn’t respond as well he wouldn’t because he didn’t here the Kailan’s question. In the deepest reaches of Than’s mind though something did hear the Kailan something that was not supposed to be there.

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Page 16~Syl'Onora

Full Moon Graphics