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Weird Convos

Ever get the feeling you were being... IM'd?

Hi, and welcome to Weird Convos, the section of L&C where I post up the strangest conversations. Sounds impersonal and just so wrong? I know. That's why I'm doing it. ^_^ But don't worry, I got everyone's permission and shtuff, plus I changed everyone's screen names. So everything's A-OK.

Oh, and if YOU have a weird convo with someone, please feel free to e-mail me and send it. Just make sure you got the person's permish and that you change everyone's screen name. Your screen name you can change or not. Your convo can be about anything, just try to make it have a bit of Digimon stuff in it. If not, that's okay. Weird convos are fun to read anyway. ^_^

Well... unto the weird convos. ^_^

Also note, everything between **'s, colored, and are italiced will be my or your comments, depending on whose Convo it is. ^^ You can have comments in yours too, just make sure to already have them added in.

One rule and one rule only: Make sure that you convo is REALLY weird. I mean, not just a regular ol convo. =P


Mari-San's Convos

Convo #1
The start of this whole pathetic section. ^^;
Quick Synopsis: "Pretend to be a psycho."
Convo #2
Three very short convos put together.
Quick Synopsis: Basically, we talk about Brad Pitt, Hello Kitty, and Jun.
Convo #3
One of the WEIRDEST conversations. ^^
Quick Synopsis: Er, just read it. There's many topics, including Jun, *NSYNC, 2GE+HER, and missing cats.

Taitheriszilada's Convos

Convo #1
An odd IM, brought to you by Taitheriszilada! ^_^ A very entertaining IM. ^^
Quick Synopisis: Well, what first caught my eye was the talk about birds. ^^ Just go read and you'll see. *laughs*
Convo #2 
Another weird IM by Taitheriszilada. ^_^
Quick Synopsis: I wouldn't call it quick, since it's pretty long. Just read it. ^_^
Convo #3
Woah! Another weird IM! *claps* ^_^
Quick Synopsis: Oooh... Pretty Matty cards... *snaps out of it* Oh, and other interesting shtuff too. ^^;
Convo #4  
It's official. Taitheriszilada has beaten me in this section. ^_^ Whoo! You go! ^^
Quick Synopsis: Well, there's a lot of stuff going on. ^^
Short Convos  
A whole bunch of short convos on one page! Wow! That's the best thing since George Washington invented the lightbulb!
Convo #5
Whoo-hoo! ^_^ A nice, hyper convo. I like it. ^_^
Quick Synopsis: A bunch of spiffy topics. ^^ One is Taito. Whoo! ^^
Convo #6
Whooooo-ee! A good long one. ^_^
Quick Synopsis: YAMATO SITE!!! Yay!! ^^
Convo #7
Another nice, weird one. A really weird one too. ^^
Quick Synopsis: Talking to yourself. Another loss art. Just like disco.
Outsyder's Convos
Convo #1  
Blah, so many typos. (I'm doing this just to tick him off. JK! ^^) Anyhoo, very interesting....
Quick Synoposis: BOY BAND WAR!! I wish I was there. *holds up a 2Ge+her sign* Also, shtuff about Britney, Christina, SNL...
Virginia's Convo
Convo #1
How demented is this one. ^^;
Quick Synopsis: Some guy says Yama is at his house. Yee-ah, now I know you wanna read this one. *grins*
Convo #2
Oooh, this one is even more entertaining. ^_^
Quick Synopsis: A funny chat with a guy named Zack and a leprachuan named Skippy...
NEW! Jul-Chan's Convo NEW!
Convo #1
A nice read, eh? ^_^
Quick Synopsis: Oh, this convo has a little bit of everything. 

Well, that's all. Don't forget to send your weird convos in!

Go back to Laughs and Candy.

Disclaimer: I don't have anything to say except don't steal anything! You may not put these convos on your site or anything unless you have the convo owner's permission.