SasuNaru Writers :: Sasuke x Naruto Shounen-Ai
SasuNaru Writers

SasuNaru Writers
Sasuke x Naruto Shounen-Ai


Writer of the Moment






Because we've run out of room in our group files section for fanfiction, we use this page to store our member's fanfiction. Go to submit to find out how to submit your work. Currently, we have 11 fanfiction.


Newly Weds
By: AsnGothic  Mail
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Humor
Chapters: 1
Summary: A few years later, Naruko (Female Naruto) is married to Sasuke, but Sasuke feels she's keeping something from him...


By: LilSasamiGrl  Mail
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Humor
Chapters: 1 2 3
Summary: Sasuke and Hinata switch bodies accidentally. No, it's not a SasuHina fanfic.


Heartless World
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG
Genre: Poetry/Angst
Chapters: 1
Summary: Naruto thinks about himself. Songfic/Poemfic


Things Aren't What They Seem
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor/Drama
Chapters: 1
Summary: What happens when Kakashi, Ino, and Sakura eavesdrop on Naruto and Sasuke who are locked in a room together…but yet neither would confess what they were doing.


Something Happened
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Romance
Chapters: 1
Summary: Naruto and Sasuke are stuck in a forest and things happen. Actually by a friend of SilverWings...


Heartless World, The Sequel
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Drama
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Summary: Sequel to "Heartles World." What happens when Naruto closes himself off?


He Loves You Not
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Angst
Chapters: 1
Summary: Naruto thinks about his relationship with Sasuke. Sakura bashing, Songfic.


The Stars are Cloudy Tonight
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG-13
Genre: General
Chapters: 1
Summary: Naruto went to the forest to think and Sasuke followed him. What happens when they get lost and sleep together?


Dream and Reality Aren't Really Different
By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Romance
Chapters: 1 2
Summary: Sequel to "The Stars are Cloudy Tonight." The morning after Naruto's confession. Sasuke takes care of Naruto when he sleeps.


By: xxSilverWingsxx  Mail
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst/Romance
Chapters: 1
Summary: Naruto thinks why he's still alive in a world where no one wants him


Coming Home
By: Sorensen  Mail
Rating: G
Genre: General
Chapters: 1
Summary: Naruto-tachi are reincarnated, but Naruto still remembers his past life...including his love with Sasuke.


Behind the Rivalry
By: AsnGothic  Mail
Rating: G
Genre: Romance
Chapters: 1
Summary: Songfic. Behind the rivalry, there's always something else...

|  © Copyright SasuNaru Writers 2003. Naruto content belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.