Parades and Shows at the ParksAs the parades at Disneyland have always been favourites of mine, this page is devoted to them, as well as the similar parades of the other 3 parks.
AnimazementThis show is strongly recommended. In this musical masterpiece, classic Disney characters come together and result in a mix of humour, incredible costumes, and brilliant music, my personal favourite being a medley between Pocahontas, Hercules and Quasimodo: "Just Around the Riverbend", "Go the Distance" and "Out There". Mum and I saw it twice, one time going early and getting front-row tickets, though it's good no matter where you're sitting.Fantasmic!One of the most popular shows at the park, and rightfully so, this incredible display of takes you on a journey through Mickey's imagination, where countless Disney characters live: King Louie and the apes from "The Jungle Book", classic villains, princesses (in the "Princess Medley" involving Ariel, Belle, and Snow White dancing with their princes), pink elephants, and more. The greatest part comes at the very end of the show, when every Disney character imaginable comes aboard the Mark Twain. (Though personally, I preferred it when Pocahontas stood at the front of the boat.) I was there for Jane's Fantasmic! debut, and everyone just went crazy when she danced out. This incredible show has just moved to Walt Disney World - MGM, I think - and should DEFINITELY not be missed! According to a Fantasmic! card from Disneyland I received when I saw it at the all-you-can-eat dessert whatsit overlooking the Rivers of America, the show runs for 22 minutes and has approximately 10 000 guests per showing, with 101 cast members. "Mist Screens" are made up of 70mm film images on 30ft x 50ft walls of water, and are incredible depictions of scenes from the movies. Kaa is 100 ft long, the Tick Tock Croc 25ft wide and 17ft tall, Ursula is 20ft tall and 32ft wide, and the Maleficent Dragon 45ft tall.
45 Years of MagicThis is the new parade celebrating, well, 45 years of magic at the original park. Unfortunately, despite my fondest wishes I am NOT able to get to Disneyland every day, so if anyone has any pictures, info, first-hand experiences or links to help us out, that would be juuuust greeeeat. (Not supposed to sound sarcastic, I just wanted elongated worrrrds.) Please send'm to me. Of course, you can always find info at www.disneyland.com but make sure you come back here. Or press the handy Ctrl-D buttons and add me to your bookmarks ...