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By Jonathan Evans

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Although the changes don't seem all that important until the events of 'The Empire Strikes Back', the seeds of change begin much earlier as you will see when you read this....

Sections in red are parts of the Star Wars Universe that remain unchanged;

Sections in blue are parts of the Republic Saga that have been written in detail;

Sections in green are parts of the Republic Saga that have not been written but could be by other members of the team :)

Sections in purple are parts of the Republic Saga that have been chosen to be written by certain authors.

-25,000 BSW4

The Galactic Republic is formed;

A group of learners known as the Jedi learn of the Force and try to find ways to control it;

The Jedi become the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy;

The Jedi Code is developed;


-14,000 BSW4

The Sith develop holocron technology;


-5000 BSW4

The Golden Age of the Sith begins;

The Sith Empire falls thanks to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi;


-4000 BSW4

The Sith re-emerge thanks to Exar Kun who, along with fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma begin the Sith War which is only averted with the death of Kun who is killed by Qel-Droma in a huge battle;

Ulic Qel-Droma along with Nomi Sunrider and other Jedi Masters form the Jedi High Council;


-3000 BSW4

The Jedi Philosopher Drainli Fral'lis gets a vision of the future. Before the memories fade he writes down a prophecy he is given of a child who will bring balance to the Force; ["The Prophecy" By David Maciver]


-1000 BSW4

Nomi Skywalker suggests a rewrite of the Prophecy of the One, believing the original to be unrealistic; ["The Prophecy" By David Maciver]


-891 BSW4

Jedi Master Yoda is born;


-800 BSW4

Yoda, still a Padawan Learner, is taught by Master Allnan the Prophecy of the One, written down many years before his birth. He becomes one of only a few who understand the text. ["The Prophecy" By David Maciver]


-790 BSW4

Yoda completes his training as an apprentice after finding it a difficult and arduous task and becomes a Jedi Knight. ["Yoda Saga: There is No Try"]


-490 BSW4

Yoda becomes a Jedi Master after completing the training of his first padawan;

Yoda returns to his home planet that is racked in a civil war. The rebels have used Mandalore weapons, flambers, to erupt the entire world in flames.

["Yoda Saga : Do or Do Not part 1" By Jonathan Evans]

Only Yoda and a young child, Yaddle, survive as the entire race along with Supreme Chancellor Frewkin die;

A new Chancellor is voted in;


-455 BSW4

Yoda becomes a member of the Jedi High Council soon after becoming a Master. This comes as a surprise to him but he accepts it graciously.


-300 BSW4

The idea of a Jedi master training only one apprentice at a time comes into play although some had been doing this of their own free will for several centuries.


-200 BSW4

Chewbacca is born on Kasshyyk;

Tatooine is colonised by miners and moisture farmers;

The huge experimental Jedi starship, the Chu'unthor is launched in order to locate the prophesised One who will bring balance to the Force. The test fails and the vessel crashlands on Dathomir. The only copy of the Prophecy of the One is destroyed. ["The Prophecy" By David Maciver]


-150 BSW4

Chewbacca realising he will never find a mate begins to explore the galaxy, leaving his home planet behind;


-112 BSW4

The first form of C-3PO is activated but later stopped. Some of his parts later find their way to Tatooine;


-92 BSW4

Qui-Gon Jinn, later a Jedi Master, his born on Malastare. Within a year he is taken away to begin training as a Jedi.


-82 BSW4

Palpatine, future Republic Senator, Chancellor and later Emperor is born on Naboo;


-79 BSW4

Qui-Gon Jinn becomes a Padawan Learner;


-72 BSW4

Mace Windu, future Jedi Council Member before he falls to the Dark Side is born;

Shmi Skywalker is born into freedom she will later lose;


-64 BSW4

Wilhuff Tarkin is born on Eriadu;


-62 BSW4

Palpatine begins to dabble in the Dark Side and finally realises the power it wields. He begins his journey to becoming a Dark Lord of the Sith; ["Tales of the Sith" by Jonathan Evans]


-61 BSW4

Palpatine journeys to Korriban where the remnants of the Sith culture is found. He is contacted by Sith from the past who 'help' him in furthering his corruption; ["Tales of the Sith" by Jonathan Evans]


-60 BSW4

The Millennium Falcon is constructed;

Kas Grendor is born on Dorin and is taken in for Jedi training. He later becomes a member of the Jedi Council in the New Republic


-57 BSW4

Obi-Wan Kenobi is born. He is taken away to be trained as a Jedi a year later;


-55 BSW4

Palpatine is told by the Sith spirits that he is ready. He adopts the name Darth Sidious; ["Tales of the Sith" by Jonathan Evans]


-47 BSW4

Owen Lars is born on Tatooine, his father being Cliegg. Although he never knows his brother well the two eventually meet again.


-46 BSW4

Padme Naberrie Amidala is born on Naboo;


-44 BSW4

Obi-Wan Kenobi becomes Qui-Gon Jinn's apprentice;


-41 BSW4

Anakin Skywalker is born on Bespin where his mother is the servant of a wealthy businessman;


-40 BSW4

Hela Zapalo is born on Naboo to two wealthy politians. She is discovered by a Jedi Knight who is visiting the planet and is taken away for training.


-39 BSW4

Evajo Siinit is born on Correllia. He is discovered by Adi Gallia and taken to the Jedi Temple for training


-37 BSW4

A Dark Jedi adept finally complete the training to become a Dark Lord of the Sith and adopts the name Darth Maul;

Jedi missions begin to end in "accidents" and deaths of the Jedi involved. This slowly begins to decrease their numbers.

Sel'ine Dr'alik is born on Twi'Lek. Her parentsm plan to sell her as a slave to wealthy businessmen but she is discovered by Mace Windu who deals with an evil slave trader to rescue her and takes her for Jedi training; ["Savior" By Jonathan Evans]


-36 BSW4

Anakin and his mother are sold to Gardulla the Hutt and move to Tatooine;


-33 BSW4

Padme Naberrie Amidala becomes Queen of the Naboo after the abdication of the former king;


-32 BSW4

Palpatine begins his plan to destroy the Jedi and take over the galaxy. He, under the guise of Darth Sidious, along with the Trade Federation, takes over Naboo. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are sent to stop the blockade, thinking the Federation is the only party involved. The save Amidala but only get as far as Tatooine after their hyperdrive begins to leak. There Qui-Gon encounters Anakin Skywalker who he believes is the Chosen One, prophesised by Drainli Fral'lis. After the boy wins his freedom in the podraces he returns to Coruscant where the Jedi Council questions him. Mace Windu begins to realise the potential of the Anakin but realises the effect of the "ultimate Jedi" on the whole Order. Anakin is told he cannot train. The Jedi and Amidala return to Naboo where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan battle the Sith Darth Maul. He is beaten, hacked in half by Obi-Wan and fallen down a shaft, but only after the death of Jinn. Obi-Wan takes Anakin as his padawan after the Council agree to it. Mace, however, keeps his thoughts and feelings a secret.


-31 BSW4

Palpatine orders that cloning experiments begin on several planets including Byss, Kamino and Novemia. Each one is under the guise of minor genetic enhancements, which is considered legal within the Republic;

A series of clones are created on Byss from the DNA of a Grew Ashandi, a supposedly midi-chlorian free subject chosen by Palpatine. They are used to attack several outposts but prove faulty when several develop unforeseen Force abilities and try to revolt against Sidious. All but two are destroyed before the situation can get worse. The two survivors are children who are taken away by sympathetic scientists;

Darth Maul, using Dark Side powers, survives his supposed death and uses ransacked droid parts to build a temporary body to escape Naboo. He does not return to his former master, thinking him to be too weak for his talents;


-30 BSW4

Mace Windu befriends Palpatine and unwittingly gives out many Jedi secrets to the Sith including the locations of many important masters;

Palpatine/Sidious, thanks to the information provided to him by Windu orders Wilhuff Tarkin to keep a watch over the Jedi and to ensure they do not increase in numbers;

Clones are improved and are supposedly ready of battle;


-29 BSW4

Han Solo is born on Correllia;

The clones rescued from Byss are given up for adoption. The first is sold to the Calrissian family and grows up thinking Narril Calrissian and his wife are his real parents. He is named Lando. The other is not taken and is sold as a slave to Rellij the Hutt; [Mentioned in "Republic Saga: Vengeance"]


-25 BSW4

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker travel to Novemia where they discover a cloning project. The Jedi Council begin to worry when Anakin uses Dark Side powers to kill a creature that is blocking their Force abilities; ["Premonitions" By Jonathan Evans, "Premonitions: Aftermath" By Jonathan Evans]


-26 BSW4

Dark Jedi, under the instruction of Darth Sidious attack the Bfassh System and the planet Dagobah. Yoda, along with Mace Windu defeat them. Mace gets his first taste of the Dark Side and likes it.

Evajo Siinit becomes Adi Gallia's Padawan Learner


-24 BSW4

The first batch of clones turn out badly when the clones begin to disintergrate since they are unable to maintain their physical structure;

Sel'ine Dr'alik reaches the age of 13 but no Jedi take her as their Padawan Learner. Mace Windu, the Jedi who discovered her, takes pity and, sensing potential in her, takes her as his own student; [Mentioned in "Savior II: The Way of the Force" by Jonathan Evans]


-23 BSW4

Former Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel becomes Jango Fett, a freelance bounty hunter;

Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, along with Wilhuff Tarkin (working for Palpatine) discuss corruption in the Senate;

Pod racing is banned on Malastare. Soon after interest fades on other planets including Tatooine; [Mentioned in "Obi-Wan Trilogy: Before the Rebellion" By Jonathan Evans]

Obi-Wan and Anakin return to investigate Novemia while a mysterious killer, Jango Fett, tracks them down. The would-be cloning facility is shut down for a second time. ["Bounty" by Jonathan Evans]


-22 BSW4

A mysterious bounty hunter attempts to assassinate Senator Padmé Nnaberrie forcing her to require Jedi protection. The Jjedi Council orders Anakin Skywalker to return her to Naboo but the Padawan gets a vision of his mother in danger and the two go to Tatooine where the young Jedi's mother is killed by Tusken Raiders. He brutaly massacres a family of Sandpeople, giving into his anger for the first time. Anakin discovers his love has been taken by troops working forCount Dooku, one of the Lost Twenty Jedi Masters and goes to rescue her. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi is attacked by Jango Fett on the planet Kamino where he is investigating the various attempts on Padmé's life.The bounty hunter's genes are being used to create clones - the first of which is his son Boba. Kenobi only manages to escape with his life while Fett returns to the planet Geonosis where the evil Count Dooku and Poggle the Llesser are producing a droid army for Darth Sidious. Mace Windu and his Jedi army are trapped by Dooku and are almost obliterated by hundreds of destroyer droids while Windu only just survives to kill Jango Fett with sheer anger.. Boba escapes the planet before Obi-Wan and Anakin meet up to battle Dooku. The Sith Lord taunts Anakin to give in to his hatred but the two Jedi are saved by Master Yoda who Force pushes Dooku, who is really Darth Tyrranus, away. Anakin returns to Naboo with the rescued Padmé where the two finally wed while on Coruscant Palpatine sends out his army of Clonetroopers, created to protect the Republic but are really being used for much more sinister purposes.

The Great Clone War begins;

["Star Wars Episode II" By George Lucas]

A group from the once powerful Mandalore army are hired secretly by Palpatine to take out important Republic bases including Naboo. During the attack on Naboo, Hela Zapalo, a Jedi Knight, is attacked by a Dark Jedi. She barely survives and is forced into the deepest caverns to avoid the carnarge. She finally escapes Naboo and informs the Jedi Council that the Sith are also involved in the attack on Naboo and not just the Mandalore as they once thought;

With the Mandalore no longer needed in his schemes, Palpatine/Sidious leaks their weaknesses into the databanks of the Republic Navy. With this secured they begin to wipe out the Mandalore using an army of Clonetroopers and Jedi;

Many Jedi die when clones attack a training facility on Joruna;


-21 BSW4

Obi-Wan is promoted to General of the Alderaanian army. With Anakin promoted to Jedi Knight he focuses his attention on fighting the Mandalore;

Mace Windu takes a legion of Jedi and clones into battle against a group of Destroyer Droids at the enemy cloning facility on Piteki IV but in what is later thought to have been a mistake the enemy know of the attack plan and kill all but Windu and three other Jedi including his apprentice Sel'ine Dr'alik; ["Saviour: The Way of the Force" by Jonathan Evans]

Over six thousand Jedi die by the end of the year in battles when they discover clones are not affected by the Force;

Amidala falls pregnant to Anakin but with the time he spends away from Alderaan she never gets a chance to tell him;

The Chadra-Fan Jedi Grinfrad leads a group of Jedi and Republic soldiers into battle against an army of Clones on Yelloa Seven. Many of the troops including Grinfrad's own brother are killed. Palaptine ensures that he is considered a traitor for letting his team die. Grinfrad refuses to fight in any more wars and moves to Tatooine; [Mentioned in "Obi-Wan Trilogy – The Dark Times" By Jonathan Evans]

Victory-class Star Destroyers are commissioned;

Hela Zapalo and several other Jedi are sent to explore the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. When they are attacked by a fleet commanded by Admiral Thrawn they realise it is a trap. Hela is the only one to survive. She goes into hiding after realising the plans of Palpatine;;


-20 BSW4

Obi-Wan is away helping Bail Organa during the Clone Wars. The final battle of the Clone Wars ensues as the Republic forces and Jedi rensack the last enemy cloning facility, reducing them to ashes with only a few survivors. Obi-Wan returns from a space battle to find that the Jedi Temple has been destroyed on Palaptine's orders as part of an anti-Jedi movement.

Mace Windu faces Palpatine in anger - feeling his friend has betrayed him. Windu battles Darth Tyrranus and the powerful Jedi Master easily kills the Sith but realises that he did it in anger. Palpatine tells him he can be powerful again if he embraces the Dark Side. Mace finally caves in, the deaths being too much for him and becomes Palpatine's servant;

Palpatine makes an official statement that his New Order is to take place. He instantly down sizes the Republic forces and replaces them with Stormtroopers amd reduces the power of the Senate. The Empire is born;

Palpatine sends Mace Windu to Aeten II knowing several Jedi will follow him on his 'mission'. There he kills them with ease. Obi-Wan and Anakin sense a disturbance in the Force and travel to the planet separatly. Obi-Wan fights Mace Windu and is nearly killed but Anakin comes in time and fights to save his friend but is still weak from the disease that ravaged the Jedi. Windu hacks off Anakin's hands as he dangles over the edge of a cliff and he seemingly falls into the molten pit. Taken unawares, Windu is also knocked down by Kenobi;

Kenobi returns to Alderaan to relate the bad news, taking Anakin's lightsaber with him. Amidala is distraught and in the height of emotion goes into labour prematurely. She gives birth to Luke and Leia. It is decided that Obi-Wan takes Luke to Tatooine while Amidala keeps Leia since together their powers are too strong. He arranges for Amidala to tell Leia to come to him for help if she is ever in trouble;

See Threepio has his memory erased to protect all he knows from the Empire. Artoo undergoes a partial mind-wipe but is encoded to remember Obi-Wan Kenobi when a certain chip is activated;

Mace Windu dons a metal suit and becomes Darth Vader while Anakin comes to on Aeten II realising he has no escape;

Yoda goes to Dagobah to hide from the Empire while the Jedi purge continues and Adi Gallia moves to Bespin with her padawan Evajo Siinit where she tries to remain inconspicious on Cloud City;

[Note – This is the point where things begin to change and the Republic Saga Universe develops. Although the events have been hinted to in Revenge of the Jedi (during Anakin’s speech to Leia and Mace Windu’s thoughts as he dies) they have not yet been written in detail]


-19 BSW4

Anakin escapes from Aeten II with the help of Boba Fett, still angered by the death of his father, who wants to take him to Palpatine for the bounty on him. Anakin defeats him and takes his armour. He saves Adi Gallia from a group of Dark Jedi on Bespin and offers her safety from the Empire. She, along with nineteen other Jedi agree to be frozen in carbonite. Plo Koon, another Jedi Council member gives up his place to Kas Grendor. Darth Vader's former apprentice, Sel'ine Dr'alik, wants to fight her former master but Adi Gallia convinces her to join them;

Jedi Master Yarled goes to Malastare to hide from the Jedi Purge. He finds a young Gran named Hallir Grassg who he trains to Jedi Knighthood;

Palpatine orders the development of an anti-Jedi virus to wipe out many of the remaining Jedi thus making the Purge much simpler. The disease spreads among the remaining Jedi which kills the midi-chlorians in their blood, rendering them blind to the Force. Some die during precise strikes against them while others kills themselves in despair. Before a cure can be found the disease seems to disappear leaving only a few hundred Jedi.

Obi-Wan manages to defeat a Dark Jedi on Tatooine but is told by his brother Owen to leave Luke alone;

["Obi-Wan Trilogy: The Last Adventure" By Jonathan Evans]

Darth Vader, under the order of Palpatine, kills many more Jedi including Taj Junak on Mrlsst;

Imperial Class Star Destroyers are commisioned;

Wookies are enslaved by the Empire;


-18 BSW4

Padme Skywalker dies on Alderaan, the death of her husband and loss of her son being too much for her. News reaches Palaptine of her death and, with the help of Vader, erases all mentions of her, her planet and the now extinct Naboo and Gungans from the face of the galaxy;

Vader, on a mission to Twi'Lek finds the parents of Sel'ine Dr'alik - his old student - and remembering how they betrayed her, kills them. At that point that last remnants of Mace Windu are killed;

The Rebellion against the Empire becomes a growing force as many former Imperial officers change sides and races oppressed by Palpatine play important parts;


-17 BSW4

Mara Jade is born to Jedi parents. On Palpatine's orders, Vader kills the parents and brings Mara back to Palaptine;

Anakin, now Boba Fett, begins to take the role of his predessor and starts taking out criminals to earn a living and gain trust in the Empire;


-16 BSW4

On a diplomatic ball on Coruscant, See Threepio, as part of the Alderaan entourage mistakes Darth Vader for a security droid. After being severaly reprimanded he spends the next year as a preschool teacher;

Obi-Wan, in Force-communication with Yoda, learns the ability to maintain his spirit when he becomes one with the Force at his death;


-15 BSW4

Darth Vader kills the Jedi Knight Aidan Bok on the space station Nespis VIII and destroys the library of Jedi lore Bok was protecting. During this time several more Jedi are killed;

Darth Vader begins to suspect the droids in the Organa household forcing Bail to sell See-Threepio and Artoo Detoo to some of his close friends;


-14 BSW4

Luke Skywalker unconsciously uses the Force for the first time, to find Aunt Beru's stitching mender - fixing screwdriver. Owen realises what has happened and shouts at him. The boy never understands why;


-13 BSW4

Palaptine turns Byss, once a planet where he ordered the creation of clones, into his own private resort;

Boba Fett begins working for Jabba the Hutt and gains the old slugs trust; [Note – Although in this case Anakin is Boba Fett the events leading to his working for Jabba remain (more-or-less) the same as the original Star Wars Universe]


-12 BSW4

A nineteen-year-old Lando Calrissian, already an expert Sabacc player, joins a Bothan smuggler on his starship the Millennium Falcon. His co-pilot dies after an injury sustained at a swoop race leaving the vessel to the young card player; ["Sabacc!" by Dave Maciver]

Han Solo, having worked his way out of being a slave meets 'Boba Fett' for the first time. The two instantly don't like each other;

The droids Artoo and See-Threepio are sold again. They make their way through several owners before finding their way back into the Alderaan royal family when Captain Antilles purchases them;


-11 BSW4

The Chiss, Thrawn becomes a trusted aide of Palpatine despite Vader's distrust of the alien. Thrawn is primed to become a powerful leader within the Empire;

Han Solo beats Dengar at swoop racing but leaves him needing surgery after an accident;


-10 BSW4

On Tatooine, Obi-Wan meets another renegade Jedi, Grinfrad. He tells Obi-Wan to go to Owen and help Luke. Grinfrad dies and becomes one with the Force; ["Obi-Wan Trilogy – The Dark Times" By Jonathan Evans]

Leia first uses the Force when she senses Imperial spies infiltrating the Organa home on Alderaan. The security forces deal with them however Leia does not realise what her abilities are.


-9 BSW4

Han Solo joins the Imperial Academy;

Yarled begins training a second apprentice after his first becomes a Jedi Knight;


-8 BSW4

Emperor Palpatine discovers a Holocron which tells him how to cheat death by transferring his consciousness into another body of his choice. He realises that at one time he will need it.

Yarled's first apprentice Hallir Grassg leaves Malastare to fight the Empire alone because he believes his teacher is a coward. He is killed within minutes of encountering Darth Vader;

While at the Imperial Academy, Han Solo manages to safely land a malfunctioning U-33 orbital loadlifter so well he earns the nickname "Slick" by his piloting instructor, Lieutenant Badure. ["The Essential Chronology" (Page 28)]


-7 BSW4

Ben Kenobi rescues a 14-year-old Luke and his friend Windy from a Krayt dragon on Tatooine. Instead of thanking his brother, Owen Lars shouts at Ben after the old Jedi hints at Luke receiving Jedi training. ["Obi-Wan Trilogy – Before the Rebellion" By Jonathan Evans]


-6 BSW4

Leia began to develop an interest in politics after going on several trips to exotic planets with her adopted father. It is around this time that she begins to feel there is something strange in her relationship with him;

Han Solo graduates from the Imperial Academy and joins the Imperial Navy;


-5 BSW4

Han Solo refuses to destroy a starship full of Wookies who have been captured by Trandoshan slavers. He later rebels against his commanding officer and frees Chewbacca from slavery. He is discharged from the Imperial Navy and becomes a pirate and smuggler;


-3 BSW4

Leia becomes the youngest senator in the Imperial Senate as well as a secret sympathiser of the Rebellion;

Han Solo and Lando Calrissian meet for the first time in a Sabacc tournament on Bespin. Han beats Lando to win the Millennium Falcon;

Mon Mothma’s links to the Rebellion are discovered and the Empire brands her a traitor;

Artoo Detoo and See-Threepio are sold to Captain Antilles;


-2 BSW4

The announcement "Declaration of Rebellion" means the Rebel Alliance is a real force within the galaxy and is no longer considered as a petty threat to the Empire;

The Incom T-65 X-wing fighter is introduced to the Rebel Alliance;

Boba Fett’ meets Darth Vader and is hired by him for a mission. The two battle but Anakin realises that the disease he contracted years previously have weakened his Force powers. He manages to escape death and vows that things will change;

[These events are based on "Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire", however knowing that in this universe Fett is Anakin Skywalker, I counted this as being a Republic Saga story]


-1 BSW4

Ackbar defects to the Rebel Alliance and reveals the early information regarding the Death Star;

Boba Fett’ works for various Hutt clans to deal with their enemies;



Mara Jade becomes the Emperor’s Hand after passing several tests;

Mara Jade discovers the location of the Dark Woman – one of the last Jedi in existence. Darth Vader promptly murders her;

[Although I count this is Star Wars universe time it is important to note that Vader is Mace Windu and so the Dark Woman’s speech to him on her death would be different]

Leia and Bail Organa become directly involved in the Rebellion;

The Empire for receiving stolen transmissions of the Death Star battle station catches the Correllian Corvette, Tantive IV. It is destroyed and Leia is abducted and questioned. Artoo Detoo and See Threepio escape to Tatooine where they find themselves in the hands of Luke Skywalker. Artoo’s programming comes into practice and tries to find Obi-Wan. Luke and Threepio find Ben and Luke discovers more about his Jedi heritage. Owen and Beru Lars are murdered by the Empire forcing Luke to follow Obi-Wan on a mission to Alderaan. They find Han Solo and Chewbacca but get there too late – the Empire has destroyed Alderaan with the Death Star. They manage to rescue Leia from the battle station but Obi-Wan is killed when he fights Darth Vader for the first time since Aeten II. Although he is distraught Luke destroys the Death Star using the Force and following Obi-Wan’s advice. Vader, although unable to pilot a TIE fighter due to his lack of skill, manages to escape before the explosion, after being sent a telepathic warning from the Emperor. The Rebellion celebrates its first major victory;

Many Imperials defect to the Rebellion;

The Towani family crash land on Endor but fall prey to a tribe of Duloks in the night. Their bodies are found by a group of Ewoks foraging for food;

The Rebels discover Hoth after the Empire launch an attack on the base at Yavin IV. Work begins to construct a base while the Alliance moves from planet to planet in the meantime;


+1 ASW4

Lando Calrissian defeats a group of pirates near the planet Tanaab and becomes a minor celebrity for what he did;

Lando wins Cloud City on Bespin from Baron Raynor;

The Empire leaves its base on Tatooine, deciding it is not worth the effort to fight off the Rebels and natives there;

Anakin, as Boba Fett, has several run-ins with other bounty hunters proving to them he really is as good in real-life as he is in all of the cantina stories;


+2 ASW4

The Super Star Destroyer Executor is launched;

Boba Fett’ has yet another run-in with Han Solo while the ex-smuggler is trying to find an old friend who wants to join the Rebels. The two come close to killing each other but Anakin holds back and lets Han go;


+3 ASW4

The Rebels move the fleet to the newly completed base on Hoth;

Vader orders the launching of probe droids to find the Rebel’s base;

The Empire discovers the location of the Rebels and sends a squadron of AT-ATs to defeat them. Although not strong in the Force and still weak from a run-in with a Wampa ice creature, Luke manages to lead Rogue Squadron to victory. Han, Leia, Chewbacca and Threepio escape on the Millennium Falcon and after avoiding the Empire arrive at Bespin after two months and at the end of their resources where they meet Lando. Luke, meanwhile travels to Dagobah where Jedi Master Yoda trains him. He gets a vision of his friends in danger and leaves before he is ready. Han, Leia et al are captured by Vader who arrived at Cloud City before them. Han is frozen in carbonite and taken away by ‘Boba Fett’ for the bounty Jabba the Hutt is offering, not realising the effect it has on his own family. Luke arrives and Anakin realises that he is his son but is unable to help him as he goes to face Vader. The Sith Lord beats Luke easily and tells him his side of the events on Aeten II in which he ‘killed’ Anakin. Luke is distraught and is easily killed by Vader. Leia feels a sudden emptiness at the moment of his death while Yoda and Ben Kenobi realise there is no hope for the galaxy; ["Revenge of the Jedi – Epilogue" by Jonathan Evans]

Anakin realises how important Han is but cannot find a trace of Leia and so decides to continue taking the Rebel hero to Jabba knowing it will bring the princess, his daughter, to him;


+4 ASW4

Leia and co. begin the attempts to rescue Han alone after the Rebel Alliance think he is dead. With the help of Han’s old friend Dash Rendar they defeat the Falleen Prince Xizor but are too late to stop ‘Boba Fett’ delivering Han to Jabba. The Rebels discover, through Bothan spies, the location of the second Death Star;

A Rebel operative infiltrates the Executor and not only escapes with his life (just barely) but also an Imperial shuttle that he delivers to the fleet;

Lando arrives at Tatooine and takes the identity Tamtel Skreej to infiltrate Jabba’s Palace;

The Rebels begin to plan their assault on the Death Star;

Palpatine sends Mara Jade to Svivren to assassinate an alien planning to restart the Black Sun organisation. [With the death of Luke at the end of ‘Empire’, Mara wasn’t sent to Tatooine to kill him]

Vader arrives at Endor to prepare the way for the Emperor’s inspection of the Death Star. Artoo and Threepio are sent with a message from Leia and are given to Jabba as a gesture of good faith. Threepio acts as Jabba’s translator while Artoo is mind-wiped to be used as a security droid. Leia arrives disguised as a bounty hunter and rescues Han but is caught and forced to be the Hutt’s personal slave. ‘Boba Fett’ rescues them all but not until the two droids are lost in the process. They are sent with a group of commandos to Endor to take out the shield generator in preparation for the attack but are unable to get passed the security measures. Han and Chewie try a suicide run to get there but it results in the death of the Wookie and many of the troops. Han wakes up to find that the shuttle is up a tree and all of the survivors have left. He is captured by Ewoks and is only saved when ‘Fett’ tells the Ewoks that he would not make much of a meal. Angered at the Wookie scalps ‘Fett’ keeps as trophies he runs off into the forest to take out the generator alone. ‘Fett’ reveals to Leia that he is her father and explains everything. She goes with him to the Death Star when Darth Vader catches them. Han is joined by the rest of the troops and begin their own attack on the shield generator. Han is forced to blow it up from the inside. Lando and Admiral Ackbar find twenty Jedi who had been frozen in carbonite by Anakin many years earlier and they infiltrate the Death Star as the space battle begins. Leia and Anakin, along with former Jedi Council member Adi Gallia, defeat Palpatine but he sends his essence into Vader for one last attempt but Gallia finally kills her former friend. The Millennium Falcon is destroyed when the Death Star explodes but the crew manages to escape;

Adi Gallia informs Lando that he is a clone;

Leia is comforted by the spirit of her dead brother Luke who tells her he will be with her always just as Ben was for him;

Mara Jade, given her last order from Palpatine, realises she must kill Leia; ["Revenge of the Jedi" by Jonathan Evans]

The Galactic Republic is reformed;

The Republic moves its base of operation to a planet that is christened New Naboo;

The Jedi Council is set up on New Naboo with Adi Gallia in charge and two other Jedi who are promoted to Masters who survived the freezing process one of whom wasKas Grendor;

The Jedi begin searching for other Force adepts and survivors of the purge and training begins;

Leia realises she cannot spend the rest of her life mourning the death of Han and decides it is time she began her Jedi training under her father;


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Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives back at Coruscant after his mission in the Unknown Regions and is elected Emperor by the Ruling Council. Palpatine’s essence, which survived Vader’s death begins to infiltrate Thrawn’s body but due to his inability to use the Force it takes a long time for it to be fully integrated;

Lando begins to fall into a depression thinking that his life has been a complete lie;

Three other Jedi, including Hela Zapalo and Yarled, are promoted to Master’s and join the High Council on New Naboo;

Admiral Ackbar and Chancellor Mothma start working with other Republic military personnel to arrange an attack on Coruscant;

The Republic and Empire come head-to-head on the planet Iridon. The Republic wins but suffers from severe losses;

Leia changes her second name to Skywalker in memory of her brother;

Adi Gallia requests that Anakin join the Jedi Council. He declines saying the time is not right until Leia is a fully trained Jedi Knight;

Leia is consulted about the attack on Coruscant. She feels it isn’t time yet because the Republic isn’t strong enough;

During a mission to Tatooine, on the request of Luke’s spirit, Leia not only constructs her own lightsaber but also encounters Keylar, a Mandalore ambassador. Together they decide the Republic and Mandalore could join forces to defeat the Empire;

Leia consults Mon Mothma and the Jedi Council about her plans and it is decided that she and Anakin go to the moon, Chakran to meet ambassador Keylar again. They pass through an Imperial blockade and get separated as Anakin tries to draw the fire away from Leia. He crash lands on the moon where he fights Mara Jade. He lets her live when she tells him she is really after Leia and he will not be able to stop her. Leia, after coming to an agreement with the ambassador, returns to her room where she is attacked by bounty hunters. Under the guise of Boba Fett Anakin manages to scare them off. The three travel to Yarori to meet the Mandalore Council but are turned down. Leia fights Mara for the first time and they come to a stalemate. Anakin and Leia leave but encounter an Imperial fleet ordered to attack by Thrawn who is beginning to develop Force powers from Palpatine. Mara pretends to kill Leia in front of Thrawn to get away from his influence then escapes, warning Leia she will be back to kill her in her own time. The Empire attacks Yarori but the Mandalore fleet change their minds and join the war. Leia and Mara ponder separately what has happened between them while Thrawn talks with Darth Maul, a supposedly deceased Sith about their next move; ["Republic Saga: Vengeance" By Jonathan Evans]

Lando, with the help of Adi Gallia finds the other surviving clone of his type on Nar Shadaa. The man is a slave to Rellij the Hutt and is forced to win his master credits in Sabacc games. Lando beats his own brother in order to free him. They return to the Republic to plan their future. The clone is named Narril after Lando’s adopted father;

["Republic Saga: Vengeance" By Jonathan Evans]

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Leia, Anakin, Keylar are sent along with Lando and Narril to Coruscant to prepare for the upcoming Republic attack. The Jedi and Keylar are to assassinate Emperor Thrawn while the Calrissians are to meet with a group of rebels to destroy the generator to the planet's deflector system. Mara Jade, meanwhile is captured by Darth Maul at the home of an ancient Jade, Zsan Treil and brought before the emperor who gives her the task of destroying Anakin. During an encounter she is unable to, stating that she would rather wait until she could get to her original target - Leia! Anakin's group climb from the bottom of the Imperial Temple where they deal with battle droids that haven't been activated for decades and finally get to the throneroom where they are forced to let Thrawn get away. Lando, meanwhile, escape their original target generator when they are ambushed but finally take down one on the other side of the planet. The Republic attacks but a new shield is put up. With use of the Force, Anakin pushes several attacking TIE fighters into another generator. Mara tries to escape Thrawn who has now revealed himself to be Palpatine but is captured by Maul and taken away on his private shuttle. Leia stops Anakin from firing on her and soon the old Jedi questions his daughter's feelings for her would-be killer. On New Naboo, the Jedi Council, including Adi Gallia and Kas Grendor, worry about the galaxy wide statement that Mon Mothma has made.

["Republic Saga: Alliances" By Jonathan Evans]