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Many of the messages I have received from the Lord contain wonderful words of guidance and direction for we, His people, followed up by confirmation from the words of Scripture. In reality He is giving us a blueprint for our lives according to His plan and purpose for us. May the messages following provide insight into His plan for you.

"I Will Make You Fishers of Men"

"My People Shall Speak Forth My Voice"


"The Day Of The Lord"

"Repent And Be Baptized"

"Yield Not To Temptation"

"Victory Over the Strongman"

"We are Called by Your Name"

"The Fervent Prayers of My People"

"Watch and Pray"

"I Will Always Have a Remnant"

"Be Strong in the Lord"

"Preach The Word"

"Be Holy For I Am Holy"

"Do Not Be Conformed To This World"

"Becoming Aware of My Presence"

"Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"

"I Will Cleanse You From All Unrighteousness"

"Exceedingly Great And Precious Promises"

"You Are Beset By The Fiery Darts Of The Wicked One"

"Do Not Fear"

"Be Strong, Do Not Fear"

"Repent Of All Sin"

"Suffering "

"Stand Fast"

"Beware Of False Teachers"

"Cast All Fear From You"

"The Deeper Things of Me"

"I Am Calling You To Fervent Prayer"

"You Will Do The Greater Works"

"Seek Godliness With Contentment"

"I Am Calling You My People"

"Abide In Me"

"Witness Of Me"

"Let There Be No Division In Your Midst"

"Study The Times And The Seasons"

"The Last Days Of Time"

"I Took Your Sins And Bore Your Sicknesses"

"Fear Not"

"I Am Pouring Out Of My Spirit"

"Rest In Hope"

"Lay Up Treasures In Heaven"

"Go Into All The World And Preach The Gospel"

"I Am Coming Soon"

"You Know Not The Hour Of My Coming"

"Reaching The Unreached"

"Spiritual Gifts"

"Marriage In Chaotic Times"

"I Am Calling Your Children"

"I Am Your Healer"

"It Shall Come To Pass"

"It's Christmas Time"

"A New Year Has Begun"

"I Am Coming Soon"

"I Have Redeemed You"

"Worries And Cares Of The World"

"Word Of The Lord"

"Faith Comes By Hearing"

"Go Where I Want You To Go"

"The Healing Hand Of God"

"The Time For Harvest is Now"

"You Are Precious To Me"

"I Hear The Cry Of Your Heart"

"Be Examples Of Holiness"

"Know and Understand My Word"

"Comfort Ye My People"

"I Have Given You An Example"

"Tell Them, My People"

"The Infilling Of The Holy Spirit"

"Come to Me with Contrite Hearts"

"Beware of False Prophets"

"Good Tidings Of Great Joy"

"New Beginnings"

More Will Be Posted as God Leads...

Email: Dorothea Montague

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So often when I have been in the midst of a trial the encouraging word of the Lord for "His people" would touch Me deeply and worries and cares would vanish. May you find that the following words of encouragement from Him would also banish your worries and cares.

"The Move of the Spirit"

"Lay Your Burdens At My Feet"

"Yield Not To Temptation"

"With God, All Things Are Possible"

"Hearken to the Voice of the Lord"

"Let the Little Children Come"

"The Word of God is Living and Powerful"

"I Have Given You Power"

"You Shall Do Great Things For Me"

"Dispense With All Fear"

"The Lord Speaks About Grace"

"Hope In Me"

"It Is Christmas Time"

"A New Year Has Been Born"

"You Are My Precious Children"


"Come Unto Me, My Children"

"You Shall Store Up Treasures In Heaven"

"A Closer Walk With Me"

"Casting Your Cares Upon Me"

"Love One Another"

"Heirs of God"

"I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You"

"The Glory of the Lord is Risen Upon You"

"Speak With My Words To Them"

"I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All Flesh"

"I Am Sending Forth My People"

"Faith As A Mustard Seed"


"Worries And Cares Of The World"

"Trials And Tribulations"

More Will Be Posted as God Leads...

Email: Dorothea Montague

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On occasion the Lord sees fit to speak a word of rebuke to His people but always it is done in His own loving way, not leaving hurt in our hearts but rather a new desire to walk in His ways. May this prove true for everyone who hears a word of rebuke.

"The Fervent Prayers of My People"

"Great and Precious Promises"

"Division In The Church"

"Return To Me"

"I Am Calling You To Prayer"

"Why Do You Not Understand My Speech"

"Come Unto Me All Ye That Labor And Are Heavy Laden"

"Ask And It Shall Be Given To You"

"Arise, Shine, For Your Light Has Come"

"Love One Another"

"I Seek Your Obedience"

"Confess Your Sins"

"Do Not Walk In Darkness"

More Will Be Posted as God Leads...

Email: Dorothea Montague

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One of the main themes of the messages the Lord has given me through the years since I first heard His voice has been warning for His people to prepare for a time of great tribulation. For many years I received rejection from anyone with whom I tried to share this message. Since I have begun to use this media as a channel for His messages to His people I have not had any rejection. I would welcome your response to these or any messages.

"For Nation Shall Rise Against Nation"


"I Am In Your Midst!"

"On the Brink of A New Year"

"Beware of False Prophets"

"Labor in the Harvest Fields"

"It is the Last Hour"

"Signs of the Times"


"I Am Calling You, My People"

"Listen, Listen, As I Speak"

"And It Shall Come To Pass"

"The Lord Speaks About Trust"

"Abounding In Hope"

"There Will Be Great Tribulation"

"Be Serious And Watchful"

"I Am Moving All Over The World"

"Fear Not For I Have Redeemed You"

"Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart"

"You Are Being Tossed To And Fro"

"Walk In Newness With Me"

"My Grace Is Sufficient"

"I Am Warning My People"

"Are You Ready For My Coming"

"Living In The Midst Of Troubled Times"

"Living In The Midst Of Troubled Times"

"Love of Possessions "

"Scoffers Will Come"

"I Am Sounding The Alarm"

"My Remnant People"

"Listen For My Guidance"

"There Will Be Great Tribulation"

"Be Strong In The Lord"

"It Is The Last Hour"

"There Is Power In My Word"

"Perilous Times Will Come"

"Spiritual Warfare"

"So Will The Coming Of The Son Of Man Be"

"Persecution And Tribulation"

"There Will Be Great Tribulation"

More Will Be Posted as God Leads...

Email: Dorothea Montague

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