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Jackie Donehoo

  1. John McCain s next President
  2. John is no longer working at United Bank
  3. Lions win SuperBowl and everything in Detroit burns down except Tiger Stadium
  4. Jill becomes homeless before June
  5. House of Rezen sells by May
  6. Jill and Marty live in Holland
  7. Jeff has girlfriend
  8. Jon has girlfriend
  9. Hudsonville girls team wins Regionals again
  10. Jeff named Coach of the Year

Jeff Donehoo

  1. Y2K bug causes no problems, but West Michigan is damaged just as bad by a hurricane like snow storm. Everyone is prepared for Y2K and no one has any problems.
  2. With the effrorts of Juan Gonzalez, the Tigers finish in last place. Phil Garner fired as manager. Wayne Fontes hired (Scott Mitchell new pitching coach) Gonzalez goes free agent.
  3. Ringo Starr or Semisonic to play a conert on June 24th, 2000 (what sister's wedding?)
  4. George W. Bush elected President with John Engler as Vice-president.
  5. Hudsonville Girl's Water Polo goes 0-season. Fires, audits and horse whips new coach.
  6. Randy Smith given wedgie at Spring Training
  7. John Mabry gets first home run in Comerica Park history on April 11th, 2000. Ball is caught by one Jeff Donehoo.
  8. Fidel Castro Croaks...Communist Cuba overthrown and United States seizes control of Cuba.
  9. GVSU Water polo plays its first full season. Lakers shock the world by beating Notre Dame. Put on the cover of Sports Illustrated, which gives them the curse of the SI cover.
  10. On June 24th, 2000, the Tiger's new pitcher Danny Patterson throws a perfect game in Cleveland's Jacob's field. All 4.8 million guests at Jill's wedding miss this historic event. Jill calls Major League Baseball office the next day to complain that there was a game scheduled on her wedding day.

Jill Donehoo

  1. Jill and Marty have a beautiful wedding as planned
  2. Both boys will have girlfriends
  3. Mom and Dad will be in a new house
  4. GM & GP will not go to California due to Y2K problems
  5. Lions will win SuperBowl 2000
  6. Jill will find a teaching job she enjoys
  7. Beth will make it back safely from the Philippines
  8. Jill and Marty will be at Hope College
  9. Girls will spend Christmas 2000 in Michigan
  10. Jeff will still have a 3.0
  11. Marty will upgrade employment

Jon Donehoo

  1. Y2k the fear "bug" will cause a hug scare. not much will happen. some power outage and minor things like this. the worst thing that will happen is playsite will go down and uncle bill, and dad will have to find different ways to play cards.
  2. The nerd heard (you know who you are if you in it jeff, dave, marty, and dinty) will all talk big about their future loves and some may even date but they will not find the loves of their lives because no women in their right mind will ever date them again after they see what goes on at the nerd heard meetings! sorry guys! you know I love you!
  3. Matt Zainea will totally trash his good friend tiny in any matter he can. Z I am still in your kitchen I have you on tape!!!
  4. Andy aka superhero aka Mr. S Muffin aka STUD! will get find a plane that martin q coaker cannot think of in the airplane game!
  5. My silly sister Jill's wedding will be a riot and fun had by all. The best thing will be everyone being able to mock jill! then my drunk brother (he turns 21 then) will get the mic and say to Alcohol the cause of and solution to all of lives problems.
  6. Martin Welo Coaker gets rubbed out by Mr. Joe Noto. The police and jury rule a not guilty for Noto because it was said to be a two bullet shot to the head suicide.
  7. Mom and Dad finally move after they get lou borsma to sell our house in the spand of 38 hours of being on the market! Then lou tells finds a house for Dad in the same time and the move happens before anyone knows what is going on! lou can make my dad move fast!
  8. Jeff and Jon are in big trouble for the party they give Marty Landes. Jill almost calls off the wedding because we are stuck up in canada fishing and make it back one night before rehearsal dinner. We eat fish for the rehearsal dinner.
  9. Tiny searches for love for love but he like the nerd heard falls short but he is content with this.
  10. and the last one is sad to say but yes doug dick clark dies this year 30 years after he was suppose to!





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