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B’Elanna sighed as Heath said for the hundredth time that he wanted to go check on his brother. She glanced at him from reading a book and said, “No, you have been told by Mary to stay on that couch and eat soup. So that is what you’re going to do.”

“I’m not sick!”

“Perhaps you aren’t, but you still have to stay there.”

“What if he needs my help or is in danger? Huh?” Heath almost looked like he was going to act like a kid and stick his tongue out at her.

“If you are really that concerned.” B’Elanna said putting down her book, “I’ll go check on him for you.”

“Well, I guess that’d be okay.”

“Good! Now shut up and eat that soup so you can humor Mary!” The dark haired genius then stomped off to check on Heath’s brother. “What an idiot.” She mumbled as she arrived in the Bishen Realm. Heading in the correct direction she saw that it was just getting light out. “Huh. Bishen Realm’s time must be a couple hours behind us, interesting. I may have to research that some more when I have time. Now where could that Than guy be? Than!” She yelled hoping he would hear her and come to see what he wanted.

Than was aware of B’Elanna calling him, but he didn’t want to see her. “Than!” ‘ No, not going to talk to her, she was an imbecile just like Heath and that Mary and whatever Bishel dragon is living at that house.’ Than thought to himself. “THAN!” B’Elanna’s yells grew louder. “Ahhhhhhh!!!!” ‘That didn’t sound like my name.’ Than thought, ‘B’Elanna’s probably in trouble or something, perhaps I should play hero just this once and save her. Why me?’ Slowly Than got up from his place beneath the willow tree. Glancing around quickly Than saw many small creatures hanging around a part of the ground and looking downwards. Carefully he pushed through them to see a gigantic black hole in the ground.

“What happened?” He asked calmly.

*The bondmate of white Sofi has fallen into that black hole.* Said a creature named Nakuna.

“I’ll take that answer as B’Elanna fell in, I heard she was the one with Sofi.” Than said, “Well isn’t this great, now I have to go into a stupid black hole. I thought these things were only in space. Oh well.” After saying this Than dived head first into the dark hole.

“No!” Yelled Nakuna her ears flying around her frightened, “Once you go in there, you will never come back!” But Than hadn’t heard her words after she said never because the hole had closed in.

Than felt as if he was falling forever, his eyes pierced the darkness all around him, but more darkness followed. “Ow!” He yelled as he crashed onto a dusty ground. “B’Elanna?” He questioned silently.

“Never had I thought such a thing possible.” B’Elanna’s voice came from Than’s left side. “Hello Than, I was searching for you. I came to tell you that Heath is worried. Actually just to check and see if you were okay, though since I probably won’t be getting back to the mansion anytime soon Heath will, er, not be happy.”

“Great. Now where are the lights?” Than muttered.

“Can’t you see through darkness?”

“I tried when I was falling and couldn’t, perhaps now that I’m not falling it might work.” Than got up then concentrated to see what was around him and found that it looked very similar to a cave of sorts. He looked at B’Elanna then grabbed her wrist and yanked her to her feet. “Since you can’t see I suppose I must be the one to lead.”

“Just don’t be dragging me around without telling me a little about what you see.”

“It looks as though we are in a long winding cave.”

“Well that’s wonderful, is anybody else here?”

Than spotted a few skeletons but decided not to tell B’Elanna about those. Instead he said, “Negative.”

“Little Than has run away, won’t he come back?”

“Whose that?” B’Elanna said, “I thought you said that nobody else was here.”

Than growled he knew the voice well, “How could he be in the Bishen Realm?” Before Than had said the question though he had known the answer. Simple actually. It was the one and only Atoa that spoke now. To B’Elanna Than said, “There isn’t anybody here. You probably just imagined it.”

“I am Atoa girl. Than, Than, Than don’t lie to her. I am here. I am everywhere. I have been watching you in the Bishen Realm and I must say that your hopes a getting a dragon are amusing to me.” The voice seemed to be coming from all directions, “Do you really think they are going to let you have one?”

“Daku dada acku dada ah daku dada acku dada ah.” B’Elanna muttered beside Than who didn’t bother to ask what she was talking about. It was actually something Sofi had mumbled when she decided to watch a scary movie for the first time. Go figure that it would pop into B'Elanna's mind at a time like this.

“Why wouldn’t they let me have one?” Than demanded with his red eyes flashing.

“Because you are a pitiful human that shall now die. Besides I don’t think they want to give a dragon to a dead guy.”

“And who is going to kill me? You?” Suddenly lights flared on and Than blinked several times to get his vision focused with the new light. B’Elanna on the other hand grumbled as she put her hand up to her eyes.

“With some help, yes I am going to kill you.”

B’Elanna was still rubbing her eyes as Than grabbed her and pulled her along, “Hey!”

“Shut up or die.” Than said to her. B’Elanna didn’t say anymore, she thought it’d be best to trust Than for now. The supposed cave had silver walls shooting off in every direction, water dripped from the sides slowly.

“How are we supposed to get out of here?”

“Shut up! I’m working on it.”

Atoa’s voice once filled B’Elanna and Than’s ears, “You can’t escape this time Than my boy.”

“I am not your boy.”

Warriors with masked faces came towards Than but he zipped by them just barely. After what seemed like hours of running Atoa yet again spoke, “You have two choices Than, one is stop all of this and come back. Two is I’ll let you leave.”

B’Elanna blinked, “He can’t be serious.”

“I am serious.”

B’Elanna growled, “Something is not right about that. I got the impression he wanted you back.” She said to Than.

“So did I.”

“He has a plan.” B’Elanna said and Than nodded.

“Yes he does. I can’t fight with you here. Perhaps we should leave and whenever he starts his plan I’ll be ready and you’ll be safe.”

“You do know that I can hear you guys.” Atoa said.

“We choose to leave.” Than said. Surprisingly a door opened just behind them and led out right back to the Bishen Realm’s entrance with the willow tree standing tall off to one side. Cautiously Than stepped out with B’Elanna and the door closed. “Well now I know to expect something from him in the future.”

“What does he want with you?” B’Elanna questioned and scratched her head.

“My guess is that he wants me to create more of me. That might not be all though, I’m not sure.” Than said, “You go back to your home, I’m staying here. As for Heath, tell him I’m fine and not to worry. Besides worrying is yet another waste of time.” B’Elanna nodded not understanding everything happening but then left, Than went back to sit under the willow tree.


“Doesn’t anybody leave me alone?”

*Excuse me, but I shall not tolerate such disrespect from you.*

“Shut up.”

*I said I wouldn’t tolerate that and the disrespect you give to the Kailan is unforgivable.*

“What are you going to do?”

*Prevent you from getting a Hirgyae egg.*

“You can’t do that. Who are you anyway? Why won’t you let me see you?”

Whoever it was that was out there gasped slightly as Than leaned over and almost crumpled some flowers, *Please do be careful of the flowers, Jarod would not be happy if you laid on some. As for who I am, I am Athena.* Slowly Athena slithered under the willow tree. She was a beautiful blue Marine Bishen. *Jarod likes gardening and I’m afraid you are closely laying on some beautiful flowers. Though he’d be able to help them if you do lay on them he doesn’t have much time for such things these days. So busy he is at the Bishen Realm.* Athena watched as Than glanced at the flowers, for a second she thought we was going to get up and stomp on them but he didn’t.

“Jarod’s your mate isn’t he?”

Athena smiled, *Yes he is. You’ve read the records?*


*You have a good head on yours shoulders, if only you had respect and didn’t want to mutilate every thing that you came in contact with.*

Than smirked, “Well respect is only for those who deserve it. As for mutilating every thing I come in contact with? Well, call it instinct.”

*You are an odd thinker and the Kailan does deserve respect, though there might actually be a fragment logic in what you speak.*

“Why are you talking to me?”

*Because for once my work at the Bishen Realm has allowed me time to do so and I felt like it.*

“Huh. So what do they say about me?”

*It would be better if I knew who they were.*

“The Kailan and anybody else, your mate. What do you think about me?”

*I cannot say for the Kailan or from anybody else nor Jarod, he is much to busy. As for myself. I believe I have already told you what I think.*

“Yeah. I guess so.”

*What troubles you? You are young and should not be having troubles.*

“Even the young have troubles. Yet mine I cannot say. For even I do not know exactly what they may be.”

Athena nodded, *If you do not wish to explain any further I understand.*

“You know what. So far you are the only creature, human or not, that I’ve been able to have an almost pleasant conversation with.”

Athena smiled, *Perhaps I just have a special touch. I wish you luck Than, luck with what you are up against and luck with your dream coming true.*

“If my dream comes true I shall need more than luck.”

*I shall leave you now, I must go back to work. It was pleasant being able to talk with you.* Athena nodded at him then slithered away gracefully. A little ways away the Kailan flew near Jarod who waited for Athena.

Back at the mansion B’Elanna sat next to Heath who was pelting questions left and right at her. She was close to shouting at him to shut up knowing Sofi would be using her magical object and wouldn’t hear her. “Heath. I’ve told you every single detail that had happened. Than is fine and is staying in the Bishen Realm. Even if I had insisted he didn’t stay he would. Devoted he is to staying there until the announcement is made on who gets the eggs.”

“Okay B’Elanna, okay. Speaking of okay are you okay?”

“For the millionth time, yes I’m fine. Now I believe I’m going to speak with Sofi, she can always cheer me up. I hope she’s not in the middle of a good book.”

Gazing up at the sky Than thought about many things, but mostly about whether or not a dragon will be beside him. Right now that was what he had to focus one, other things would come soon enough. Probably to soon if he had anything to say about it. ‘I wish I had never dreamed such things in my mind. I wish that Kazni would not have started my dreaming. I’m sure she did, blast her.’

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