Index Thingie!
A groovy tale of love, balls, and breasts...
An outa sight story of love and allergies...
A wonderful story of spider mites and Brussels sprouts...
A rather amusing tale of leprechauns and the Kanooter Dance...
A somewhat pornographic tale of an unfortunate spider-monkey...
A short, relatively speaking, story of the internet's greatest asset...
Loosely based upon a true story and the truth is what ye shall find...
Alien Monster baby? ALIEN MONSTER BABY!?!?!? RUN AWAY!!!
What is a one-legged lemon to do??
How about befriending a ghost??
What if an individual with something not quite right with one's brain functions went on vacation??
The story is scary beyond words!
Better than Spiderman and the PowerPuff Girls rolled into one!
That is what I ask for of this life...
One cup more...
Where is thy pot o' gold? At Six Flags of Ohio!
What if everyone ran away to join the circus? I don't know...
Yes, this story actually happened...
Yes, this too is a true story...
Yes, this too is a true story...
Believe it, bay-bee...
Yes, this too is a true story...
The truth is stranger than fiction...
Yes, this three is a true story...
Yep, it really diddly-do happen
though some of the facts have been changed to make the story interesting...
Nothing is as heart-warming as a good Christmas story
um, well, this is a Christmas story...
There are times when the way I see the world is amazing
This happened, bay-bee...
Written sometime ago in a land so very far away...
And it like most is based upon a true story...
Inspired by a true story...
Though the events have been changed to make the story more interesting...
A far out tale of... well... uuummmmm... I ain't tellin'...
Now you can submit your own work to the Fairy Tales of the Damned! Just fill out the paper work and you can see yer name up in lights!