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Archived News


Two updates today! A new chapter of Shattered Mirrors and a Christmas fic called Circle of Wishes by Arayelle! Sorry I wasn't able to get these up earlier!

Happy New Year, everyone! :-)



Wow, it's almost Christmas, everyone! I hope that you all are enjoying the holidays!

Justin has sent in Chapter 5 of his original story Neo Tropolis Police Department. Thanks for sending that in, Justin!

And if there isn't another update before the 25th, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!



Arayelle has sent in Chapter 10 of Shattered Mirrors! Read and enjoy! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that everyone is staying safe and having a wonderful holiday season. :-)



Today, we have Chapter 9 of Arayelle's fic Shattered Mirrors. Enjoy yet another quality chapter of this epic story! :-)



Here it is! The entire fic of Twisted Threads by Melissa and Dustin!

Melissa and Dustin worked really hard on this fic so give them some feedback at the message board once you finish! ;-) Great story, you two!



Today's update: Raijin has sent in Chapter 1 of the fic From the Ashes.

Tomorrow I will be updating with Melissa and Dustin's new fic, Twisted Threads! :-)



I had quite a few things submitted over the past few days, so I'll probably be updating tomorrow and Tuesday as well. For today's update, enjoy reading Yuy Ren's Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 of Life Beyond Life.



Many thanks to Yuy Ren for sending in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of Life Beyond Life. Enjoy! :-)



Two new chapters today! :-)

CK has sent in Chapter 5 of The Truth.

Arayelle has sent int Chapter 8 of Shattered Mirrors.

That's all for now! Thanks, you two, for sending in your fics!



Hurricane Isabel blew through my area and knocked the power out for about 5 days. So that's why this update is a little late. :-)

Arayelle has sent in Chapter 7 of Shattered Mirrors. Enjoy!



We have two updates! Arayelle has sent in Chapter 6 of Shattered Mirrors. CK has sent in Chapter 4 of The Truth.

It's the two-year anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. Never forget...



I have the worst luck with keeping my message boards... Sigh... Anyway, for those of you who realized that it was down, it should be back up again. It's too bad that all those threads are gone forever. :-( That's all for today! Wish I had more to update!



One update today with a one-shot from CK. :-) You can read Love Won't Cry right here! Keep those fanfics coming, everyone! :-) Thanks, CK, for sending this fanfic in.

Have a great day!



Zero Tolerance is once again back up and running! And we have one update today! Arayelle has sent in Chapter 5 of Shattered Mirrors. Sorry, Arayelle, for not getting this up before I went AWOL. :-) Enjoy, everyone! :-)



One update today! Shinigami30 has sent in Part 1 of Final Gundam. Read and enjoy the only update for a while!

I will be leaving tomorrow for the East Coast to meet my husband's ship so I will be computer-less for a while. We currently have no permanent residence and as a result no place to set up a computer. Hopefully, I will be back online within a month or so! In the meantime, enjoy the summer! Now, I have to return to watching my brother play Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance! :-)


Hello, everyone! Not much of an update today. I fixed the links page up a bit. There were two links that weren't working, and now all links should open up in a new window, so that you don't have to keep hitting the BACK button to come back to ZT.

Also, I added my Trigun one-shot fic, Sing Me To Life to my Originals page (even though it really isn't an original... maybe I need to make a separate page for "Various Anime fanfiction." Or better yet.. turn ZT into an all-anime fanfiction archive... Yikes! That'd be quite a job.) Anyway, it really didn't turn out quite how I wanted it to, but I probably will write a follow-up later on.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!



Arayelle has sent in Chapter 4 of Shattered Mirrors. Enjoy yet another great read ^_^

Also, I'm thinking of writing a one-shot Trigun fanfic, so that may go up in the Originals section (since I don't know where else to put it) soon. ^_^ I think I have officially re-addicted myself to anime. lol



One update today and two small changes on two author's pages.

CK has sent in the third chapter of The Truth.

Also, I have taken down Justin's fic, Falling Stars, as well as my own fic, The Hit List. Neither of us is able or motivated to continue the stories. I'm so sorry to those of you who were anxiously awaiting the ending to The Hit List. I just had too many writer's blocks and in order to make the story work, I would have had to go back and completely rewrite the already-written chapters. I'll probably write a Heero/Arys one-shot fic once in a while but don't expect any more epic stories from Starling. :-( I'll leave the epic story-writing to the rest of you! ;-)

Enjoy CK's fic and have a great weekend, everyone!



Two updates today! :-)

There's Chapter 3 of Arayelle's fic, Shattered Mirrors. And Chapter 2 of CK's fic, The Truth.

Till next time...



Yes, I am still alive! :-) Sorry it's been so long since the last update.

Justin's sent in a new parody, Revoluationary Girl Utena: A Veil of Parody. Enjoy!



Wow, it's been a while since I've updated. Sorry about that. :-) I have lots of updates though.

Arayelle has sent in Chapter 2 of Shattered Mirrors. Even more twists! :-)

Yuy Ren has up a new fanart of Meela that is really well-done! I love adding new fanart :-)

And we have a new author! Welcome, CK to Zero Tolerance! You can read the first chapter of CK's fic, The Truth, here,!

Until the next update, folks, God bless!



Yup, another update! :-) Arayelle has sent in Chapter 1 of her fic, Shattered Mirrors. Lots of twists in this one!



Quite a few updates today. :-)

Stormwind has returned to the fanfic realm with Chapter 1 of his GW fic, The Red Tide.

Shinigami30 has sent in the prologue of the fic, Final Gundam.

And last but certainly not least, Yuy Ren comes in with the largest update :-) She has sent in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of her fic, Life Beyond Life.

Enjoy the new chapters and stories! :-)



No real updates today. I have added one new link to the links page that is not GW-related. Check out Deep Magic e-zine. I've been published in this e-zine, but don't go looking for my name, k? ^_~ lol

Hope you all are having a great weekend!



Justin has sent in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of his original fiction, Neo Tropolis Police Department. As Alice would say, "Curiouser and Curiouser..." :-) This is some good stuff!



Arayelle has sent in the prologue to her new fic, Shattered Mirrors. I think you all will enjoy it and be wanting to read more because I sure did! ;-)



I can hear you all now :-) Finally, Starling is updating! *loud cheers* I'm very sorry about the month of no updates. I didn't even realize it had been that long until I actually looked at the dates on this page!

I have a few updates today. Good ones too! ;-)

Titan has sent in Chapter 3 of the fic, Beat of the Drum, Melody of the Flute. Yuy Ren has submitted an adorable pic of Satoru, Heero and Arys' son in my Circle of the Earth Arc. And last but definitely not least, we have a new author! Welcome Shinigami30 to Zero Tolerance! He makes his debut with a short story titled Appearing to Be Dead. It is based on the theory that the little girl Heero "killed" on that colony by accident is actually alive. Who could she be? Read to find out!

And we may have one or two more new authors soon! I'll keep you all updated! :-)

Have a great weekend!


P.S. To X_Caliber_01/whoever sent their fanfic Gundam Soldiers to me, can you send me a quick e-mail? I just need more info from you so that I can put your fic up. In the process of moving, I lost the e-mails you sent me. I have all the episodes, just need a description and an author name. Thanks!


I'm so sorry about the lack of updates, folks, but my life has been crazy ever since I got back from vacation. Number one: My husband got called back early so we didn't stay as long as we wanted. Number two: My husband deployed (which was a surprise, he wasn't supposed to go anywhere for that long until August and by then, he was supposed to be at another assignment) for 6 months less than a week after we got back from our vacation. Number three: I'm going to stay with my parents during his deployment and so have to move everything into storage by myself. Talk about stress! Anyway, I should be back online by the end of next week and will have internet access. I am bringing all my website files with me so I can update from there so this isn't going to be one of my "going to college and can't update" deals. :-) See you on the flip side and have a great day! ~Starling


I will be on hiatus beginning today. I'll still be able to visit the message board, but I won't be able to update the site :-( since all my files for the ZT are on my computer's hard drive. My hubby and I are taking a trip to CA for a few days. I should be back in business beginning of January. ;-) HAPPY NEW YEAR! And enjoy the holidays!




A short update today! Arayelle has sent in the final chapter of Survival of the Fittest. Prepare for the third installment of her great series!

And let's not forget what Christmas is all about!

Luke 2:11 - "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Luke 18:33 - "And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again."

John 14:2 - "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to a prepare a place for you."

Revelation 21:1 - "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea."

Revelation 21:4 - "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

Heaven is a beautiful place, and to think that Jesus left that place for us! God bless and Merry Christmas :-)


Two updates today!

First, we have Chapter 15 of Survival of the Fittest! Take a deep breath before you read this chapter! Because you'll be holding it in the whole way through... ;-)

I've finally finished my short Christmas fic, A Gundam Wing Christmas. It's only 3 chapters long and it might be a little boring for you action-lovers out there, but it gives a glimpse how the pilots might act under normal circumstances. A little bit of seriousness and a little bit of humor, I hope I was able to balance them out all right. Anyway, here's Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the new fics!

:-) ~Starling


Arayelle tricked me ;-) there are still a few more chapters of Survival of the Fittest left. So, she's sent in Chapter 14 and it's good! Enjoy! :-) And thanks Arayelle for not leaving us hanging! ;-)



Two updates today :-) Stormwind's sent in Chapter 2 of his GW fic, Heart of a Mercenary. And Titan has sent in Chapter 2 of her fic, Beat of the Drum and Melody of the Flute. Enjoy reading!


P.S. Don't forget Pearl Harbor...


Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I did :-) I made Thanksgiving dinner/lunch for my husband and then my aunt invited us over for dinner. We were both very, very full by the end of Thanksgiving Day!

And now down to business... :-)

We have a new author! Welcome Titan to Zero Tolerance! She is working on a fic titled Beat of the Drum and Melody of the Flute and you can read the prologue and Chapter 1. A description of the story is available here.

Arayelle has sent in the last chapter of her fic, Survival of the Fittest. Don't worry! She plans on writing a third fic. :-) Thanks, Arayelle, for a great second fic!

And Kaliska and her brother Sabin have sent in loads of fanart! Check out the sketches of Midii Une, Relena, Mariemeia Khushrenada, and an adorable Chibi Heero! Sabin did the sketch of Relena, while Kaliska did the three others. :-)

Thanks for visiting and thanks Titan, Arayelle, Kaliska, and Sabin for giving me something to update with! ;-)

Oh, and if anyone can come up with some splash page ideas, please let me know! I want to change it but have no clue what to! Leave ideas on the message board; I visit frequently! Thanks!

Stay dry!



Just wanted to pop in with a big "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" :-) Hope you all get to relax and eat lots of food and for the guys, watch lots of football. lol I had to say my two cents early since I'll be busy tomorrow making Thanksgiving dinner. :-)


Go here to read Justin's Neon Genesis Evangelion parody, The Child Named Zero. ;-) Prepare to laugh!


Arayelle is on a roll with Chapter 12 of Survival of the Fittest!

Hope you all are ready to eat turkey! :-)


I just realized this morning that the 10th chapter of The Hit List had a discrepancy in Brekken's point of view. I've revised the chapter so that it fits with previous chapters. Sorry about that! Here's the revised version.


Two updates today!

Justin's sent in the sixth chapter of his GW fic Falling Stars.

And I've completed Chapter 10 of The Hit List. Have fun reading!


Two new chapters today! :-)

Arayelle's given me Chapter 11 of Survival of the Fittest. Justin's sent in Chapter 2 of his original story, Neo Tropolis Police Department.

I'm also going out on a limb and putting up my original short story (based loosely on my fanfic, Infinity's End), The Imitation Game. Please, please, please, do not take!

In video game news, my husband and I are currently slaving through the Disney/SquareSoft hybrid, Kingdom Hearts. What a hard game! Then again, it's been a while since I've played the genre that Kingdom Hearts is so I'm still getting used to the 3-D environment. I consider the game nostalgic. I mean, what adult wouldn't enjoy visiting the world of Ariel, Jasmine, and Alice? :-)


I know it's been a while since my last update. But here's one that will hopefully make up for it :-)

Stormwind is beginning a new GW fanfic story called Heart of a Mercenary. The prologue and Chapter 1 are up for your reading enjoyment. :-)


Small update today! Yuy Ren sent in a fanart of Arys and Heero. Thanks for the submission, Yuy Ren! :-)

That's all for now.


Monster update today! I'm hoping I'll be able to remember everything that's been changed!

First off, Dustin's sent in the fifth chapter of his fic, The Forgotten! Space battles galore! :-)

Justin has submitted his first original, Neo Tropolis Police Department: Case Files. I don't have a description of it yet, but I should have one soon. It looks like it'll be a good story though! Take my word for it! ;-)

Rufas has submitted a prologue, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 of the fic, Resemblance of a Legend. The story's getting exciting in this one!

Stormwind has submitted Part 2 of his original story, The Newtype Factor: Alpha Centauri. He also submitted a revised version of Part 1 if you'd like to read that.

Hmm... If I forgot anyone's submissions, please e-mail me. I don't think I did, but my mind likes to play tricks on me sometimes. :-) Thanks for visiting, everyone!


Sorry about the lack of updates, folks! I was visiting my parents and my in-laws and didn't have much time to work on ZT. Arayelle did send in the tenth chapter of her fic, Survival of the Fittest, while I was gone, so here it is! :-) Thanks for visiting! ^_^


I finally found a new message board host. It doesn't look great right now, but I'll try to fix that. Anyway, here's the link: Zero Tolerance message board. Enjoy! It'll be fun to get back to posting! :-)


Yup, I have an update, believe it or not... And you all won't believe what's being updated! The Hit List! Somehow I found the motivation to write another chapter. It's short and I'm not quite sure about it, but I think I'm going to be writing another story after this one for sure... Anyway, here it is, Chapter 9 of The Hit List!

I'm currently hooked on two games... My current computer game is Arcanum. My current video game is Zone of the Enders. I believe that may be the inspiration I needed for writing The Hit List. In Zone of the Enders, you get to pilot your own mech... and get this, you start out on a colony that looks a lot like one you'd find in Gundam Wing! I have yet to try the demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 that's supposed to come with the game. I'm sure that will be fun too, though. :-)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

~a currently game-happy Starling


Boy, this was one messy update... It's the first time I've used Dreamweaver to edit pages (I usually just use scratch HTML coding) so it took me a little longer to make pages, etc. Anyway, here are the updates for today! :-)

1. I've added a new section - ORIGINALS. Zero Tolerance will begin hosting original stories. Originals are a bit more touchy than fanfics since originals are the complete and total creation of the author. If you are fearful of someone stealing your stories, please don't send it to me. I don't have any sort of security set up for that kind of thing. Our first original story is Stormwind's (yes, a new author! Everyone welcome him to the group! :-) The NewType Factor. This story incorporates quite a few elements from other anime as well as science fiction. Most of you may recognize those elements. ;-) If you are interested in sending me an original story, please e-mail me with the same things I require for fanfiction (Title, Author Name, Description) and remember no profanity, hentai, or other stuff like that.

2. I'm still looking for a message board. I thought I would be able to use, but it turns out that there's a fee for signing up with them. I'll keep looking. Also, I'm considering redoing the layout of Zero Tolerance using Dreamweaver. Don't expect any changes soon though. If I do decide to change the layout, I'll probably do everything offline and then upload the new one when I'm finished.

3. Now for our regular updates! We have another new author! Rufas has sent in a story focusing on the son of Arys and Heero Yuy, Nicolai. Read Resemblance of a Legend here! And Stormwind has sent in an addition to the Priceless Commercials in the Humor section!

Wow, big update today, isn't it? 0_o Hope you all enjoy!



Yeah, I know, "Starling, where are the fanfics?" To be honest, I don't know... *sheepish look* I'll be busy tomorrow, but I might *might* try to work on The Hit List on Saturday (yes, my poor neglected story that has been sitting around on the hard drive for weeks getting dusty).

There may be a new change coming to Zero Tolerance. Call it a trial run for something I want to base a new website on. :-)

Also, my car troubles are over, for now. The car runs great, and I think I've officially bonded with it. lol I just wish it liked me more than it likes my husband. *pouts*



Nothing really new today, but I have some info about Cartoon Network. Saturday night, Toonami ran for 2 hours from 11 PM to 2 AM. Here was the lineup: Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam 0083, Mobile Suit Gundam, and Outlaw Star. Quite a show, isn't it? I'm not sure if this is what they will be airing every Saturday night, but it sure would be cool if they were. I was able to the watch the 1st hour (Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho).

I've been having tons of car trouble lately. Aryn and I were IMing about it yesterday and she came up with the GW pilots' mechanic manual. It's short, sweet, and to the point. Thanks, Aryn, for a good laugh! :-)

The pilot's guide to mechanics:

  • Heero: blow it up
  • Duo: spend hours and lots of grease to fix it
  • Trowa: stare at it for hours
  • Quatre: hire someone to do it
  • Wufei: hit it
  • Zechs: get Noin to fix it

There you have it, folks! The GW pilot's guide to mechanics :-)

Hope you all have a great week!



It is hard to believe that it has already been one year since 9/11/01. A lot has happened in that one year. I will not be updating today, but if any of you are AOL members, you can go here to light a candle in memorial of September 11th. This will be a difficult day for all of us. America has returned to a semblance of normalcy, but we will never forget. Fly the flag proudly and may it forever wave! God bless America!



Well, looks like the message board has officially disappeared., the message board's host, was shut down because of finances and it doesn't look like it's coming back up any time soon. Sorry about that, folks! I'll work on finding another place soon!

In update news, we have a new humor/crossover fic from Justin! And you're right, Justin, it is one of the zaniest things you've ever written. :-) Read Yu Yu Hakusho & Gundam Wing: Home Depot Horrors! Ah, the joys of taking our favorite anime characters and forcing them to experience everyday life! ^_~

In other news, I'm currently hooked on Arcanum, a PC RPG. It's only my second RPG (my first was Grandia II on the Dreamcast) and quite possibly, my husband's first RPG. Ah, the joys of attempting to live another life! lol

Have a good weekend!



No updates today. Just some administration information. :-) The message board is down for some reason. I tried going to the website that hosts the message board but that's not working either. I may have to find another place for the message board. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of Yahoo, but I'm not sure if that would work out right because membership would not be limited to Zero Tolerance authors only. I'm sure there's a way to do that though.

In funnier news, I visited Selah over the weekend, and we went to an IHOP. Reminded us of my humor fic The Gundam Pilots Go to a Restaurant. I have to admit that it's one of the weirdest fics I've ever written. But it is hilarious to think of Trowa and Quatre trying to order the Rooty-Tooty Fresh n' Fruity. Which is what Selah and I ordered for memory's sake. :-)

Have a good Labor Day weekend!



The rest of Kilmeny's fic, Trust in Me, is up. Read Chapter 12 and the epilogue here!

I'm sorry I haven't been too talkative lately in my updates. ^_^ I know I usually am. I'm busy working on a small business website for someone at my old church as well as getting situated in a new writers group that I've joined. I hope you all have a great weekend! ^_^ Don't let the homework kill you! ^_~


Two updates today!

The next two chapters of Kilmeny's fic, Trust in Me, are up! Read Chapter 10 and Chapter 11!

Arayelle has sent in the ninth chapter of her fic Survival of the Fittest.

That's all for today! Hope everyone's ready for school to start! ^_^


Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 of Kilmeny's fic Trust in Me are up.

I added one new link to the links page. Visit Angel Wing's Gundam Wing Factory!

That's all for now! ^_^


Chapter 5, 6, and 7 are up of Kilmeny's fic, Trust in Me! Enjoy! ^_^


Unbelievable! Two updates in one week! ^_^

Arayelle has sent in the exciting 8th chapter of her fic Survival of the Fittest. Also, I've put up Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Kilmeny's romantic fic, Trust in Me.

The message board's been quiet lately. Is everyone getting ready for school to start again? ^_^


We have a new author! Everyone welcome Kilmeny to the group! Her story is called Trust in Me. So far I have the prologue, Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 up. Enjoy her story! ^_^


One new link today: Gundam Wing Gisaku, a new GW fanfiction archive that has the same standards as ZT. It's really small right now, but I'm sure it'll grow quickly. ^_^


I know, I know, you're all probably saying, "Starling, why aren't you updating? What's wrong with you?" The truth is that I have nothing to update with. I may try to work on The Hit List today, but that probably won't happen.

I do have some Toonami news though. For those of you who don't know, G Gundam is airing on Toonami at 5:00 PM every weekday. I watched yesterday's episode and was pretty impressed. The plot of the show is different from a lot of the others since the Gundams are mainly used in tournaments (think Street Fighter).

Maybe I'll try to come up with more links. At least, that would give me something to update with. ^_^

Till later...


Wow, has it really been that long since I've updated? I'm sorry, folks! I was pretty busy the past few weeks since my in-laws came to visit. My husband and I had a great time with them (and I really mean it! :-)

I do have a few updates today though!

First off, we have a new author! Her name's Christine and she has a fic up called Liz, Duo's Long Lost Sister. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are up!

Aryn surprised me with two updates. ^_^ The sixth and final chapter of In the Crosshairs and a short, sad fic about Quatre and Nari called All That You Leave Behind.

I also have two new polls up. The last two were getting boring, weren't they? ^_~ I know the choices for the new ones aren't too extensive (only 10 choices allowed by HTML gear).

If you sent me an update and I haven't put it up, please tell me! Sometimes, I get pretty scatterbrained and forget what's been sent to me.

Guess that's all for now! I'm going to try and update my online journal now (which has also been sadly neglected).


Melissa has a new e-mail address, so I've changed that on her fanfic page. Also, Justin has sent in a revision of Falling Stars Chapter 4 as well as Chapter 5. Really good stuff! ^_~

If any of you receive the Action Channel on Cox Cable, I just found out that every Friday night at midnight they will be airing assorted anime. This week's anime is 3 x 3 Eyes. I've heard of it but have never seen it. Just for your info! ^_^


Three cool updates today, everyone!

Arayelle has sent in Chapter 7 of Survival of the Fittest! It's a long one, so set some time aside. ^_^

Aryn has a cute snapshot called A Night with the Changs. The title kind of speaks for itself.

And amazingly enough, I was finally able to finish Chapter 8 of The Hit List. I think I'll be able to wrap up the story within the next two or three chapters.

And I've also updated my online journal if you're interested in reading! ^_^

Happy early 4th of July! Stay safe as you travel!


Because of Angelfire's restriction of all their sites to 20 MB, I will have to remove the image gallery. When I signed up on Angelfire, I had 50 MB to work with, but I guess they are unable to continue handing out that much space. Since the largest section of Zero Tolerance memory-wise is the Image gallery, it is the most logical section to remove. I may try to put it back up again later if I can compress the images more than they are already. I know that the image gallery is the reason many of you visit, but Zero Tolerance's focus has always been on fanfiction and that remains the most important part of this site. I'm very sorry, everyone!


Two new chapters in! Justin has Chapter 4 of Falling Stars and Yuy Ren has Chapter 2 of Life Beyond Life.

Still working on The Hit List... ^_^


Yup, two updates within a week! Unbelievable, isn't it? ^_^ Well, you all can thank Justin for this one. He is our sole update today with Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of Falling Stars. And they are excellent!

Oh, and if anyone's interested in reading, I updated my online journal, Vox Stellarum. I can't guarantee that you won't be traumatized for life. ^_^

I started working on chapter 8 of The Hit List. I may have it up tomorrow... Emphasis on "may"


Two first chapters of two new stories! Justin is writing a longfic called Falling Stars and the first chapter is excellent. Read it here!

Raijin has also begun a Gundam Wing parody based off of Star Wars called Colony Wars. The prologue is short, but it gives you a good taste of what's to come. ^_^

I also rotated the image files.

That's all for now! Have a great week!


I've added Justin to the authors list to the right. He has also submitted two new humor fics! Take a tour of the Peacemillion with Duo in A Day on Peacemillion. Or see how Treize handles his own radio talk show in The Treize Show.

Sorry, folks, no updates from Starling this time around. I've got a busy week ahead of me (yeah, I know, amazing, isn't it? :-) so I probably won't be able to crank out another chapter of The Hit List for about two weeks. My husband and I are trying to get our apartment looking more like a home than a bachelor pad ^_^ What does it look like right now? Well, um, *blush*, like a yard sale?

Be sure to read Justin's fics!


It's here! Chapter 7 of The Hit List! I don't think it's that great of a chapter, but it does a lot of setting up for me. Anyway, hope you like it, Honor! ^_~

Two updates today! I'm also currently working on my fic The Hit List and have the first two pages done. I should pop in later with that update.

Justin has sent in his humor fic Dumb-Dumb Wing. The G-boyz go see a psychiatrist. How will this visit turn out? ^_^

And Arayelle has sent in Chapter 7 of her fic Survival of the Fittest. All I can say is, what a ride! Enjoy!


Sorry, folks, that it took me so long to get back to the site. My husband and I went up to the mountains for a few days this week and we just got back yesterday. Needless to say, there aren't many ways to get on the internet in the mountains. ^_^

To make up for my long absence, there's a pretty good update today. We have two new authors, Yuy Ren and The Lunagirl. Welcome to the ranks! Yuy Ren has turned in the prologue and 1st chapter of her story, Life Beyond Life. And The Lunagirl has begun her story, A New Eternity. We also have a new humor file called Gundam Wing: Golf Club by Justin Swartz. Justin, if you read this and would like your own author page, I would be glad to make you one for the fanfiction section ^_^

Also, Yuy Ren has submitted an adorable fanart of Hana Ling, Mei Chang's daughter in Aryn's stories.


I am currently not at home and won't be until May 11th. I'm visiting my family and of course, I'm pretty busy, and don't have much time to spend online. I will be taking home a few things though that I might be able to post on the site. (I also need to backup my site's files on floppies so that I can transfer them to my computer at home, and it would be easier if the site remained static until I get that done.) In the meantime, keep on posting to the message board and voting at the polls! ^_^


Not much of an update today, but at least, it's something...

Rotated the image files.

Added three new links to the Links page: Tales from the Meiji Era (a Rurouni Kenshin fanfiction archive), silent soldier (a Heero Yuy shrine), and Rinkworks (a site chock-full of interesting non-anime-related stuff). Try the Dialectizer at Rinkworks on Zero Tolerance! It's hilarious!

I also cleaned up the Pilot Bios section. The HTML was still using the old background and bios banner, so I changed that. One day, I'll get around to making those pages look a little nicer.

I also put up two new polls. Hopefully, they work...

That's it for now! ^_^


We have an excellent fanart of Triniti drawn by Yuy R! Thanks for sending it in, Yuy R!


One new fanfic! Melissa has sent in a short story called A Day in the Life of a Gundam Pilot. For some reason, the 6th chapter of The Lone Warrior wasn't up, so that has been added in as well. Read it here!



For some reason, I managed to crank out another chapter of The Hit List. Read it here. Don't know where it's going? LOL Quite frankly, neither do I!

Wow, has it really been that long since I've updated? I'm sorry, folks. I'll try to do better. But we do have a huge update today! ^_^

I rotated the image files again, a little late, but they're there.

Two new fanfic chapters! Arayelle continues her awesome story Survival of the Fittest with chapter 5! And Kaliska has sent in the 1st chapter of her story The Sweeper's Girl! Read and enjoy! You won't be disappointed!

Added two new links to the links page and rearranged the links a bit. They're in the miscellaneous section.

And don't forget about the message board! ^_^


Today, I rotated the image files. So now the second page of the Group pictures, the second page of the Heero pictures, etc. is up instead of the first.


We have a new fanfic! *big grin* Selah has sent in a well-written one shot called Silent Voices that focuses on Colonel Une.

Do you have friends who are just as crazy about GW as you are? Do you find yourself bored at times with nothing to do? Then, get together and play Whose Line is it Anyway? GW-style! This is only an experimental section. It may end up sitting in the humor section, who knows? Anyway, I have up 2 quotesets (quote set 1 and 2) and one set of scenarios.

Here's how to play:

1) Print out either Quote Set 1 or 2 and cut the quotes out so that there is one quote on each strip of paper. Hand them out (without looking at them!) to each person as you would dealing a deck of cards.
2) Pick a scenario from the scenario set (or make up your own) and act out the scene with each one of you playing the part of a GW character and responding to the situation as they would respond.
3) Now, here's what makes this game fun. Randomly pull out a quote from your pocket during the scene and read it out loud. You'll be surprised at how well (or how not well) it fits in! Do this until everyone runs out of quotes to say.

And for those of you who think this is crazy, write a fanfic with the G-boys playing this game. I'm sure they'd appreciate it. *evil grin* Send it to me and I'll post it in the humor section!

Believe it or not, three of my friends and I played this game and had a great time! Yeah, I guess we're pretty crazy... ^_^

If you have any suggestions for quotes, please e-mail me!

Added a new link, Twisted Mirrors, to the links page!



All right, Zero Tolerance keeps going down due to excessive bandwidth usage. I think this may have to do with the image gallery, so I'm going to keep up only one page of each current image section at a time. In other words, only one page of Heero pics, Duo pics, etc. will be available at any one time. I will rotate through the pages though, probably every week. Sound good to everyone? I don't know if this will help, but I don't want Zero Tolerance to be down when everyone's visiting! That's not fair to any of you! So we'll try this out and see what happens...

*blushes* I've been neglecting Zero Tolerance, haven't I? I'm really sorry, everyone :-( Unfortunately, I don't have much in the way of updates today though I do have some miscellaneous info to post.

I put in a random quote generator on this page. If you have a favorite quote from GW fandom or the series, e-mail me and I will put it in the generator. Quotes (as long they are clean) unrelated to GW are welcome as well.

I've also signed up for an online journal called Vox Stellarum. It looks awful right now, but I'm hoping to be able to spiff it up later. Get your own journal at! ^_^

I may pop in later with other miscellaneous stuff. We'll see...


I finally worked on The Hit List. And Chapter 5 is now available for your reading. It's a little short, but I'm just trying to get back into the swing of writing. I had forgotten how hard it is to write Heero and Wufei! ^_^ Enjoy!


No updates today, but I do have a quick announcement. Zero Tolerance reached the 10,000 hit count a few days ago! I wish I could have done something special for it, but I couldn't think of one thing! I know, most of you probably don't care about the hit count and just want to see something new. Am I right? ^_^ Well, maybe I'll do some writing today, but I can't promise anything...

It's also the 6-month anniversary of September 11th. I've said it before and I'll say it again. God bless America...


Wow, it's almost March! Hard to believe...

Arayelle Lynn has sent in the 4th chapter of her fic Survival of the Fittest. And she has also a site called Tales of the Universe up so go visit! ^_^

This updating on Wednesday seems to work. Think I'll keep my weekly updating happening on Wednesdays. So till next Wednesday! Have a great weekend!


Sorry, guys, a little late updating! There isn't much new though. :-(

Blackharted Angel has sent in the 3rd chapter of Epyon: Dragonfire.

I also fixed one link on the links page. I know a lot of them aren't working at the moment. I'm hoping most of the sites are still up.

Still working on getting to my fics. I haven't been in the mood for writing lately... I finished typing up an original short story I've been working on but that's it.

Next update: Possibly Wednesday. It might be better for me to update during the week instead of the weekend.

Bye for now! ^_^


Starling is back from her long hiatus. I'm sure you all are just jumping for joy, ne? ^_~ Anywayz, send in those fanfics as soon as you can!

We do have two new updates today. Arayelle has sent in the 3rd chapter of her story Survival of the Fittest. And it's a cliffhanger of an ending! Kaliska has sent in the prologue to her story The Sweeper's Girl. Welcome, Kaliska, to Zero Tolerance! (But you've been around long enough that I don't think of you as a new author :-)

Also, I have to thank Honor Harrington publicly for her organization of a wedding gift. ^_^ Click on the image below to take a look:

I guess that's all for now! I will be updating only once a week from now on, so I should be back around sometime next weekend.


Being as today is the deadline, we have a pretty extensive update. This will be the last update for the next month. :-(

Arayelle has sent in the 2nd chapter of her story Survival of the Fittest. Dustin and Melissa have sent in a special Christmas fic called Chords. Melissa has sent in the final chapter of The Lone Warrior. Blackharted Angel has sent in the 2nd chapter of Epyon: Dragonfire. And last but definitely not least, Destiny has sent in an untitled snapshot about Triniti and Trowa. Whew! Thanks to those of you who turned in your fics! For those of you who may have missed the deadline and can't wait until January 24th to get your fics posted ^_^, here's a list of other sites that would probably take them:

Various and sundry site news:
I've taken down the old message board. The authors only and polls sections will remain closed until I can get back to updating the site. Keep posting to the new message board! Don't be surprised if you see me pop in once in a while when I have some free time! ^_^

Well, that's all for now and for a very long time! Merry Christmas, remember to keep the Christ in Christmas, have a Happy New Year, and thanks for the encouragement about my upcoming wedding! I love you guys! (Oops, sorry, got a litte mushy there :-) Hopefully, I will "see" you all in one month.


4 days till the deadline, folks!

A few small updates today. I changed the splash page image (and personally, I think it still looks awful, but oh well... *shrugs*). Suiki's sent in 3 great sketches of original characters: Meela, Raye, and Taryn. And if any of you want to link me on your website, I have a better banner now. It isn't fancy, but it has all the info. See it here. Guess that's all for now!


I've added a new message board. The old one was falling apart (not because of posts, just because your idiot webmaster deleted an e-mail telling her how to maintain the board :-), so this new one has no background at all, just colored tables. So, to avoid those migraines from seeing visions of Angelfire dancing in your head, use the new message board for posting now. Those of you who have posted to the old one may want to repost important info such as website URLs and other updates. I will probably be ditching the old message board soon and possibly moving the new one to the authors only section.

Suiki's sent me three pieces of fanart that I still have to put up. Those are slated for tomorrow's update. My main priority today was getting the message board running again, even if it is a new one. ^_^


Wow, it's been almost a week since I've updated! Sorry 'bout that, folks! I just got really busy this weekend.

We have a new author joining Zero Tolerance! Blackharted Angel has sent in the first chapter of Epyon: Dragonfire.

The submission deadline of December 24th is still in effect. And for those of you visiting, the deadline is because of my upcoming wedding on January 5th. Planning a wedding is a lot of work! ^_^ And those two weeks before the wedding will be very hectic. Thanks for understanding!


Yup, I'm updating and also I'm updating with the 4th chapter of The Hit List! Enjoy! ^_^

~12/11/01 America Remembers...

It's hard to believe that it's been 3 months since the tragedy at the World Trade Center. But true to form, America has bounced back, continuing with life, but still remembering those who died that day and mourning for them. God bless America...

How do you all like the new layout? There are still a few bugs wandering around so if you run into one, let me know and I'll try to squish it for you. ^_^

Two updates today! Dustin has sent in a new story called The Future. You can read it here. And Hitori's finished the 4th chapter of her story The True Enemy.


Hi, folks! I managed to get into Angelfire tonight so I'm going to go ahead an upload the main page and the splash page. The rest of the main pages should come soon after. So, I'll be back! ^_^

Okay, pretty much everything's uploaded. The site doesn't look much different except for the sidebar and the banners. Oh, and don't click on the two new menu options - Polls and Authors Only. They don't work yet ^_^ I had a new splash image but it looked horrid on the browser so I'm going to make a new one and see how that works... I think the resolution of image was too low when I saved it... (thinking out loud :-)

I should have two new stories up tomorrow (none of mine, sorry :-)! Be looking for them!


It's almost December! Hard to believe...

I have one small update for right now. I may have more later if I feel inclined to log into Angelfire again. Call me lazy... ^_^

Changed a link on the links page. Suiki Bara, one of our new authors, is building a GW fanart archive called Winged Soldiers. It's currently under major construction, but it looks like it will turn out to be an excellent site! Good job, Suiki! ^_^


Hitori's sent in the third chapter of The True Enemy.

If you are an author at GW: Alternate Universe, try out the message board! ^_^ If you're not an author here, you'll still be welcome!


After about ten tries, I've finally gotten into Angelfire to update the site. ^_^

We've got quite an update today! Suiki Bara joins the authors of Gundam Wing: Alternate Universe with her story, Time's Fault. Does it have original characters in it? Of course! ^_^

Melissa has turned in the fifth chapter of The Lone Warrior. Read it, now! ^_^

And last but not least, Suiki has also drawn a cool banner featuring Arys Walker and her two original characters, Taryn and Cassie. Take a look!

That's all for now!


Just wanted to pop in to say Happy Thanksgiving to those Americans who are actually able to surf the Web today :-) To those of you who reside outside America, thank you for visiting! ^_^ After all, it is the day to be thankful, though we're supposed to be thankful every day of the year. Anyway, today I am making Thanksgiving dinner so I will be unable to update. I do have some new stuff to put up though, so come back during the weekend to see if I've updated. Do visit the message board and post your thoughts. It's the button right below the main menu to the left.

I may only change the color and banner for this site. The layout might be too much for me to attempt right now. Once I get everything together though, rest assured, it will go up. It just might take a little while...

Chapter 4 of The Hit List exists in outline form. I just have to write all the meat in... Sheesh, you'd think I've got turkey on the brain. ^_^ I'll try to work on that this weekend and early next week.


I've somehow vaulted the writer's block I had with The Hit List. At least, until chapter 5... ^_^ Anyway, here's Chapter 3. Thanks to Dustin for giving me the nudge I needed to continue the story! ^_^ Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it soon. Oh, and just a miscellaneous fact, I got the idea for The Hit List from a JAG episode. LOL


No new updates today... But I do have a piece of news.

Gundam Wing: Alternate Universe is almost to the 5,000 hit mark, and I am thinking of changing the layout and the colors in honor of such a historic occasion. ^_^ This may not happen depending on whether or not I can actually come up with a better layout and whether or not I'll have the time. My wedding is less than two months away and that takes up a LOT of my time. What color am I thinking of? Oh, well, I think the purple I'm using is just a little too... well, purple. I'm thinking blue and gray. Feedback would be appreciated!

Happy Friday!


Pretty extensive update today!

The 4th chapter of The Lone Warrior is in. Also, Chapter 5 of In the Crosshairs has come in. And I've finally written a pretty long one-shot called To See Beyond Light.

In anime news, Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket ended last night. And such a sad ending! I hope the next Gundam series aired has a happier ending. Then again, I wish they would just put Gundam Wing back on the air. ^_^


Chapter 4 of The Forgotten is in!


Melissa has sent me the third chapter of The Lone Warrior. So go take a look! ^_^

That's all for now! Enjoy what's left of the weekend!

~11/08/01 (sort of)

A new snapshot done by moi. ^_^ I had this sudden urge to write a battle scene and this is all I could come up with. I'm badly out of practice *makes a face*

If anything else comes in today, I'll change this update section.


Hitori comes through with Chapter 2 of The True Enemy!

And I'm going to try and get that third poll up today. What would you all think of a polls page? If I did a polls page, I could keep up all the polls indefinitely.

I've also moved my guestbook link from the bottom of the page to the menu section on the left so that you all can see it better. ^_^


Dustin has sent in the 3rd chapter of The Forgotten. Enjoy! ^_^


Not really an update... After all, it is the beginning of the week ^_^

I just revised the submission rules page. Turned out that I didn't have enough info on there for fanfic authors. Please remember to read these rules before submitting a fanfic. It'll make life easier for me as well as easier for you!

And I was going to put up a new poll, but for some reason, the "Save" button wasn't working. Angelfire just changed the layout of their website so I'm guessing there are still a few bugs waiting to be squished. ^_^


A quick morning update... I plan on updating later tonight too. Dustin's sent in the second chapter of The Forgotten so go read! ^_^

I'll be back in about 11 hours! lol

Yup, it's more than 11 hours later, I know. ^_^ I do have a small update though. We've got the second chapter of Melissa's fic The Lone Warrior in! Enjoy!


Everyone welcome Hitori to Gundam Wing: Alternate Universe! Like all authors who reside here, Hitori has her own page.

Wow! This site is really growing! And for those of you who may be a tad bit curious, this site's counter is now over the 4,000 mark. Anyone have ideas for what I can do when we hit the 5,000 mark? ^_^

I'm going to put up a 3rd poll right now, so go check that out when you have some free time. And do sign the guestbook! Thanks!


Hello, fellow GW fans! *rubs hands together gleefully* Huge update today!

Okay, where to start...

Well, first off, welcome Melissa and Dustin to the ranks of Gundam Wing: Alternate Universe's authors! I am very glad to have you both join us!

You can find Melissa's page here and Dustin's page here. There are also bios up of their original characters.

Arayelle Lynn has sent in the third and final chapter of Treize's Revenge.

Erin has sent in a great fanart of a chibi-Duo from the Episode Zero manga.

And last but not least, a new link has been added to the links page to a Gundam Wing RPG site.

^_^ I love making big updates. Enjoy!


A short snapshot is the small update for today. Heero and Arys deal with a computer problem in Hardware Wars. A silly reflection of what I experience everyday. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who does!


A new fanfic! And it's a good one too! Liz has written an excellent introspective fic about Dorothy called Wait for Me.

Will there be any more new fanfics this week? That is for this little archive's authors to decide!

In current news, the anthrax scare continues in the United States. And our military continues to fight in Afghanistan.


I actually have something new! Well, no, it's not a new fanfic...

Trowa's image gallery is up! I forgot to put the navigation bar at the bottom though so you're going to have to hit back on the browser to navigate through the rest of the site. I'll fix that later.

I've been getting a lot of visitors lately! Where are you all coming from? ^_^

I do have a link to my guestbook way down at the bottom of this page, so please sign it when you get a chance. Thanks!


Okay, I'm taking down polls number three and four. In poll number three, Heero and Arys squeak by Wufei and Mei for favorite alternate universe couple by 2 votes. Hopefully, they'll all still be friends. ^_^

And poll number four was a big help to me as a webmaster. Thank you to all those who participated.

So, we've got two new polls up for now. I'm not sure when I'll have anything new to post. I've been kind of busy lately.

Until next time, folks! Have a great weekend! ^_^

A very tiny update today. So tiny you probably won't even be able to see it. ^_^

I'm slowly getting back into writing GW stories and have broken my long hiatus by writing a short snapshot about Arys and Mei. Do they have a huge fight over who's the best original character? ^_^ No. It's called Departure and you can read it right here. It's nothing spectacular, just a short discussion.

And in the polls... Wufei/Mei and Heero/Arys are tied! I think. I have to go check again to see if one of them is winning now. I'm going to leave up the polls until Friday and put up two new ones then. What will they be? Well, one will be "Which original enemy character do you love to hate?" So be thinking about it!

I got to watch the next DVD of Rurouni Kenshin (which I have been writing most of my fanfiction lately about *sheepish grin*). Excellent as always, although I wish there had been more swordfights. I can't resist a good swordfight. ^_^

I told you it was a tiny update! Enjoy anyway!

~10/11/01 - America Remembers...

No updates today, but I just thought I should say something today. It's been exactly one month since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and today, America remembers the loss of so many of its people. I watched the Pentagon Memorial service this morning and it was very moving when they scrolled down the screen the names of all those who died.

I must echo Presiden Bush's words in his speech at the service. "May God bless you all. May God bless America."


Not really any big updates today. I did find two revised chapters of Flash Point that I never posted. Chapters 9 and 10 have been reposted. And yes, the last scene in chapter 12 is shamelessly stolen from the Matrix. ^_^

In current news, the U.S. continues the airstrikes in Afghanistan...


Here it is! Duo's image gallery! If there are any problems, please e-mail me!

Enjoy! ^_^


Hello all! I must apologize beforehand. *shows empty hands* I have nothing to update with!

I do have Duo's image gallery all set to upload, but my laptop's floppy drive is acting up and I don't have any more time today to mess with it. I will try and get the Duo pics up tomorrow.

In the meantime, for those of you who are a tad curious as to this site's visitor count, the number is well over 3,000. *bows, smiling* Thank you so much for visiting!

If you're looking for any good anime to watch since GW's been taken off the air, here's a short list I recommend: ^_^

1) Rurouni Kenshin
2) Vision of Escaflowne (mecha)
3) Robotech/Macross (mecha)
4) Outlaw Star
5) 08th MS Team (mecha)
6) Pokemon.... uh, wait a sec... how'd that get in there? ^_^

Do any of you have a cool idea for a new poll? If you do, e-mail me and I will consider it.

God bless America! ^_^


Wow, it's almost October! And fall's already here!

Why haven't I been updating? Umm... *guilty look* I've kind of run out of stories to update with. But today I do have the fourth chapter of In The Crosshairs for all of you. Read it here.

Here are a few various and sundry pieces of info:

I got to try miso soup and soba noodles the other day. Now, to some of you, that's an everyday deal, but not for me. ^_^ I love Oriental food.

I also got to watch the next volume of Rurouni Kenshin. 3 swordfights on one DVD is quite a treat!

And lastly, it's been more than two weeks since the collapse of the World Trade Center, and the United States has truly changed...

~9/22/01 - America on Alert

Hello, all! Sorry that I've been slacking off my usual every-two-days-updating routine. I'll try to get back on it. ^_^

Okay, where to start?

Well, first off, I am taking down the first two polls and putting two new ones up. Duo wins out in the favorite gundam pilot category! He's followed by Heero in second (unbelievable :-) and Quatre in third. *shakes finger at viewers* I know that some of you voted more than once... ^_~ And in the second poll, you all want more pictures! I don't know yet if I'll be able to follow up on that, but I will try. I might have to try a rotation of image pages so that I don't overload my assigned space.

I've also put up the rest of Ironblood. Chapters 7,8, and the epilogue are now up. Many thanks to Liz for a great story!

I've also added an archived news link at the bottom of this column. I update so often I'm sure that you all probably miss some good stories that you don't even know exist. ^_^

On a more serious note, America is on alert, and so am I. My fiance is in the military, and we have no clue what's going to happen. I'm hoping he doesn't get sent anywhere but if he does, I will take pride in what he is doing - protecting our country. God bless...

~9/17/01 - Wall Street Opens

I'm sorry I wasn't able to update this weekend. I was extremely busy. To make up for it, I have a huge update today!

We've added a new author to the ranks! Welcome, Selah! ^_~ Check out her short fic Heart of a Wanderer, which focuses on Sylvia Noventa, and her latest fic Breach of Protocol, which introduces a new character.

And Liz has submitted a load of new short fics. Here they are: Black and White, Aftermath, and This Flower. She has also submitted a new humor file called The Convention. And to top it off, two new chapters of Ironblood. Read Chapters 5 and 6 here!

On a more serious note, with the U.S. stock market reopening today, let's hope that it doesn't crash, and that somehow our economy rises above the turmoil that has struck our country.

~9/14/01 - Day 4 - National Day of Prayer and Remembrance

I am proud of our country. Yes, there have been the isolated incidents that have shown that there are Americans who have no compassion, but the valiant efforts of the rescue workers at the remains of the World Trade Center have shown the resilience and courage of the American people.

I will continue updating the site, but my updates will contain references to the aftermath of the tragedy that has struck our country. Today's update is the addition of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of Ironblood.

In the wake of the World Trade Center attack, some of you may be wondering if you will be going to heaven when you die. Here's how you can know. This attack has struck home, and it has made me realize that life is short, fleeting, and that it can be ended at any time. Yes, I am a Christian, and Tuesday's tragic events have both shaken and strengthened my faith. I wonder along with the rest of the world why this has happened, but I know that God is in control and that He loves this country as much as He does the other countries of this world He created. I pray that those of you who are not Christians may become Christians; it is the most important decision of your life. I became a Christian at the age of 9 and I do not regret my decision.

Take care and God bless you all...

~9/11/01 - 7:33 AM PT

I am currently watching a newscast that I still can't believe... The twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City have both collapsed after two airliners, both apparently hijacked by terrorists, crashed into them at shortly before and after 9:00 am ET this morning. The loss of life is horrific. This is something America has never seen. The scene is unbelievable... surreal... The familiar cityscape of lower Manhattan with the World Trade Center rising above the other buildings is drastically changed, forever. The United States will never be the same after today. The hearts of the people of the United States are broken...

America has been attacked. Because of this, I will not be updating today. This terrorist act is a declaration of war on the United States of America. We will find who has orchestrated this and we will retaliate. God help us through this national tragedy and God help those who are behind this attack, because they cannot escape unscathed from this act of war against our nation.

All I can tell those of you who live in the U.S. is PRAY. Pray, pray, pray for our country... God is more powerful than any force on this Earth. This is not an act of God; this is an act of man, an act of man against man... This is reality.

"As long as man exists, there will always be war..."

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