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X-Files (not mine... wish they were)
This is where I like to showcase X-Files stories from other writers. Some of 'em make me laugh, some of 'em make me cry, some of 'em even make me touch myself inappropriately (always a good thing)!

A Picture Worth by Mik-Hindsight is 20/20. Especially with photographs.

Just for you, Mick!! by Amazon X-For an amazing man on his birthday (M/Sk, RPF)

Goodbye by Longdog-This is a slasher's "missing scene" for This Is Not Happening

Return by Longdog-This is pretty much a fill-in and set up for the next part. A Slasher's "missing scene" for DEADALIVE.

Home For The Holidays by Anonymous Bosch- just a drabble, Byers POV...

Gefangener by CindyET-M/Sc, believe it or not. A disturbing look at what could have gone wrong in Unruhe.

Man of My Dreams by Lyrical Soul- M/Sk, a sort of prequel to the Bet, which you can find at the Slashing Mulder site, and a story that renewed my faith in new beginnings. Thanks, LS, for being there all along!

Shamrock's Folly by J.D.Rush-a new birthday story by the reigning queen of the crossovers, IMO. This one's brilliant, and not just cos of the cocktails and tucks, either. Way to go, J.D.!

Third Wheels by J.D.Rush-a birthday gift from a good friend, and a perfect blending of a most unlikely pairing!
Note, this is the second part of a three part story. You can find part one and three at her and Kylara's site, so go here first, if you want, although this story does just fine on it's own!

In The Wee Small Hours by J.D.Rush-technically Lone Gunmen, but it's all part of the X-Universe. Langly/0, and did I mention Langly cries in this one? Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Darkness Falls by J.D. Rush-she did it to me again! M/Fr (don't laugh, it works!) and you have to love those movie titles!

Michele's Birthday Story by Jess, Logan and Bertie-three good friends found this story for me in a hotel room in Atlanta, honouring me more than they know! Thanks, guys!

The Seven Year Itch by Rose Campion-A beautiful look at the future for M/Sk, with just a hint of QAF, from a writer not known for her fanfic. It's brilliant, and I'm sorry it took so long to post! enjoy!!
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

Swimming With the Shark by David S.-In theory, a Lone Gunmen story, but based on an XF episode, so here it is--did I mention Dave is really really funny?

Fox At Fifteenby Eggplant-WARNING!!!! SEX WITH A MINOR!!! (AND RATHER COERCIVE SEX AT THAT)  DO NOT READ THIS IF SUCH THINGS OFFEND YOU OR IF YOU ARE UNDER 18!!!!!That's her warning, now here's my rec--it's a well written story, with a happy ending. 

Me Two by Mick-M/Sk, a brilliant look at men in love, in response to the GodDESS saying "hey, I heard this song..."

Scully's Valentine by Western Rose-Oh, my God it's a hetfic! Hey, there's gotta be a first time for everything, and I can't imagine a better one than this (Sk/Sc)

X-Chained Melody by Ed Delicious-M/Sk-can be summed up in one question:"Walter. have you ever seen the movie 'Ghost'?"

Dinky Dau-A character sketch of Walter Skinner by CindyET that left me breathless!

The Story of My Life-My dear friend Chad has embarked on an M/K ABBA songfic series that is as sweet as he is! 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7

Buddy by Skinner Box- A new look at two old friends...with ice cream...Mulder's POV

For Once by Junior- M/Sk-a shmoopy snippet from another crying Fox fan.

Return of the Attack of the Slash Fan Fiction In Joke by Scribe-this story has everything-humour, angst and my favorite drink! M/O

Seduction in Peach by Jen-M/Sc, but DEFINITELY no-romo!Sick and twisted in that really good way!

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night by Josan-M/Sk/K, Sub/Dom relationship. Not always what I'm looking for myself, but wow this is so hot!
Just A Kiss by Meridian-M/Sk-a post-Triangle piece that warns us where a kiss can lead.

Gehenna by Barb-M/K-this is a poetic and haunting look at our favorite double crosser, and the price of love.

After The Shooting by Bertie-Sk/M, a dark look at Walter's thoughts from the season finale. Yum.

Who's in the Middle? by Bertie-M/Sk/K, a tension relieving threesome...

Rico Interlude by Bertie-K/O-a vignette from her Possibilities series, an original character contemplates Alex

Coming Home by Bertie-M/Sk (also M/O and K/O, but not here) Another sweet vignette from Bertie's amazing Possibilities series-her own take on SR819

Mulder's Birthday by Bertie-M/Sk/K a kitchen fic in honour of the Fox's annual aging ceremony

Pain in My Heart by Lyrical Soul-M/Sk; super angsty post-Requiem piece

Speed Trap by Lyrical Soul-M/Sk; super funny and sexy PWP

Jocks and Geeks Pt. 1 
Jocks and Geeks Pt. 2
Jocks and Geeks Pt. 3 by Wulfster-Lone Gunmen, Jimmy/Byers. These are my favorite stories by the Wulfster, and I think he captured this couple perfectly!

Fugue of the Dying
Requiem Again
Third Movement by Wulfster-Three dark, odd pieces that are M/Sk, and almost poetic in their angst.

The Agent
Make Mine A Mulder
A Mulder Moment by Fred Kish-M/O; These three PWPs put Mulder in Fred's Allan Universe, and he seems to like it there.

 Copyright 2000-11 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.