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Journal Entry:  November 27, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

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Aeros 6, Wolfpack 6

Overall Record:  4-4-2

Record With Beer:  4-3-2

Record Without Beer:  0-1-0

Record Without Habs Jerseys: 2-1-0

     If there was anything indicative of how we were going to play at the start of the game, I would have to say it was the vomit strewn out across the bench in the first period.  The maintenance staff did a half-assed job at cleaning up the mess and so did the "Canadiens", coming back from a 5-1 deficit to earn a point in a 6-6 tie with the bottom-dwelling Wolfpack.  A late goal by Jamie tied it at 6 with 1:30 remaining, and apparently Jamie also like puppies.  Maybe the blown chunks in the sin bin helped the Canadiens commit only one penalty the entire game (which actually wasn't a penalty).  That's going to do it on the vomit front.  My coffee is starting to taste weird.

     I think we should ban the wearing of tank-tops in the locker room this season.  Carrier's 1957 collection is not a big hit and not a very lucky charm either.  On an unrelated note, he did bring the beer, so he had that going for him, which was nice.

     J.J. was once again, missing in action with "kidney problems."  There have been rumors floating around at the rink that the Billy's ex-girlfriend/scorekeeper abducted him and apparently couldn't hold off until McDonald's and ate 60% of one of his kidneys.  Could someone look into this?  The defense is undermanned and Chuck has shown that he isn't quite old faithful when it comes to activities not including the wife.  Maybe he can get one of those baby-backpacks and strap her on during shifts.  Just a thought.

     It seems that Rogie went outside during the storm last week and developed a case of the sniffles before he got inside, which severely affected his play.  In sympathy, the team awarded him the iron-man award after the game for playing with a cold.  Old-time hockey, Eddie Shore!

     In the numbers: The Aeros record broken down into months is as follows:

     September: 0-2-0

     October: 4-0-0

     November: 0-2-2

     Hopefully this trend continues, at least for the month of December.  With games against the Beavers, Blues, and Hansons respectively, an undefeated December is within our grasp (and so are the Christmas festivities).

     Collectively early exits after the game from Rogie, Charlie, and Postizzi put some truth to the ménage a trois rumors that have been spreading (and the consequential gonorrhea and syphilis) the past few months.

     Maybe next week we can go ahead and not let the other team score 4 goals in the first ten minutes of the game.  If anyone noticed, this has happened in the last two games.

     I'll be sure and keep everyone posted about the Wednesday night league and our results.  We are currently running a seven game winning streak and hope to keep our winning ways tonight against the Flyers.  We also must be blessed because the game starts at the early time of 10:30 this evening.  Interesting tidbit about the question of Rogie's loyalties.  He brings his girlfriend to the Red Wings games, but not to the Aeros games.

     Could we turn the goddammed season around, PLEASE!?!?  No need to panic, but I hate writing these negative journals, it's not good for my aura.