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Journal Entry:  November 13, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

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Aeros 2, YYZ 3

Overall Record:  4-3-1

Record With Beer:  4-2-1

Record Without Beer:  0-1-0

Record Without Habs Jerseys: 2-0-0

     We just can't beat the premier teams in the league yet.  0-2 against YYZ this year and 0-1-1 versus the Beavers.  A good effort, but the team couldn't generate enough offense and had a great deal of trouble with puck transition in their own zone.

     Speaking of transitions:  a couple of new developments to note.  1.  Chuck Alexis has returned from his wedding injury that has plagued him since....he got married, obviously.  Alexis should be a force once he gets his skating legs back and moves back to his given position, defense.  2.  Charlie Diamandis, with the help of Chuck Alexis' company minivan-carpool-machine, was spotted at the Halfway Cafe for post-game beverages.  In a related story, Rogie has taken up the post as resident pussy on the team, claiming that he has "a lot of driving ahead of him."  I'll leave that one alone for now.  I imagine that Local ByTel management would be pleased to know that their minivan can reach 110 mph and the extra twenty-five bucks they paid for the beverage holders was well-invested.

     It seems that J.J. was proud to announce that he ride his bike 2 miles a day.  Where does he go?  He says that he drives to the pizza parlor and always stops by Billy's house for a bit (hand-job).  It's good that J.J. is getting some exercise (gay sex) other than Monday night hockey.

     J.J. did get in another workout, joining the Wednesday night Red Wings team "on a very special" Tuesday night game.  He played left wing with myself and Rogie and immediately transformed the line into the "legion of gayness."  The LOG line combined for a total of 6 goals and 15 points in a drubbing of Precision Auto.  Charlie Diamandis declined to comment when questioned about the threat that J.J. may be moved up to his spot for the new look Aeros.

     Next weeks game against the Bulls should allow the Aeros to wear their own jerseys and help the team build more evidence to the case that the team is unstoppable when not wearing the Habs jerseys that have been cursed by the ghost of Rocket Richard.

     The GM has acknowledged the aforementioned curse and has been in negotiations with the Houston affiliates to obtain rights to Aeros White's.  These home jerseys will cost $45 a person, which is chump change considering what these pieces of fabric will do for everyone's respective sex-lives.

     Also, a little forewarning that there is a mandatory meeting at the Halfway Cafe at midnight on Wednesday night next week (November 22).  The night before Thanksgiving there is always a good time and The manager promised me that dollar drafts will be plentiful and Courtney can do all the anal beer chugs that he so desires.  Grimace should be supplying the anal, so Carrier might have a run for his money against Billy next week which should crown someone the coveted "King of Beers."