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Journal Entry:  November 20, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

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Aeros 2, Bulls 5

Overall Record:  4-4-1

Record With Beer:  4-3-1

Record Without Beer:  0-1-0

Record Without Habs Jerseys: 2-1-0

     No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.    No wins in three weeks makes Bob2K's journal entries a dull read.

       We basically got our asses kicked for most of this game.  The Bulls came out and scored 4 goals in the first ten minutes of the first period.  The Aeros crashed and burned, going 0-2-1 in their last three games.  This probably means that we are about three games out of first place, not good Danny.  To quote Rick Pitino: "It stinks."

     To make matters worse, it seems that Rogie is questioning his loyalties to the team.  Our Wednesday night team has now won 7 games in a row, including a 7-4 win against the Black Hawks, the team that we are playing next week.  The game should be a good benchmark as to where the Aeros stand against the Wednesday night competition.  After playing with the rejuvenated Red Wings, I too must admit that the recent desire on the Aeros team is questionable.

     Hopefully, the long weekend will give the players some time to reflect on what has happened in the last few games and give everyone some rest so that they can kick it up a notch next week.

     With the return of O'Connor from a five-game suspension, came the addition of a new scorekeeper, one that I sincerely hope that he won't go after again.  Next week should be interesting considering the Black Hawks are the team that Billy victimized with his stick.

     It appears that C turns into a complete sieve when he plays back-to-back games.  In the first period, Carrier did his best Denny Lemieux imitation, flopping around the goal crease and getting a nice sun burn on the back of his neck.  However, on the same note, with the lack of help he got in front of the net he must have been thinking to himself: "Trade me right fucking now!"  Sometimes we have to make sacrifices, witness my sudden retirement from the Acton Indoor Sports Dek hockey league.  However, Courtney if you have extra ice time with the Lava Storm league, sign me up!

     I'd also like to address the fact that Carrier has been extremely tardy on his weekly rants.  I think we would all appreciate it if you got them in sooner, especially when we are wishing that the next rant will be your suicide letter.  That nasty remark reminds me of a senior quote of one of the scum-bags from my high school: "I hope the next time that I see any of you is at your funeral."  Definitely makes The Classic Senior Quote Century top ten.

     Also, the defense was a little bit short this week, with J.J. missing in action.  Turns out that his kidney is only working at 60% capacity.  Apparently his brain is working at negative 60% capacity, I guess Mr. Tartaglia forgot that he has another kidney.  Maybe J.J. should stop using Dr. Nick Riveria as his physician.

     Just to let everyone know, Chuck couldn't make the game Monday because he had a romantic dinner planned.  I don't even have a joke here.

     I went to my schedule page and it says that we play the Wolfpack next week.  Is there some new schedule that I don't know about?  Are we playing the Black Hawks?  Ahhhh, fuck it.

     Hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving!