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Journal Entry:  October 30, 2000

Game Log:  Summer 2000 Recaps and random thoughts

Bob 2K's Weekly Journal Entries for the Fall 2000 Season

Coutney Carrier's Weekly Rants for the Fall 2000 Season

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NESHL Standings


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Aeros 7, Blues 3

Overall Record:  4-2-0

Record With Beer:  4-1-0

Record Without Beer:  0-1-0

Record Without Habs Jerseys: 2-0-0

    If you're scoring at home, the Aeros went undefeated in the month of October (4-0).  The victory against the Blues puts the Aeros atop the NESHL Standings (not including late games Monday).  The winner of Monday's (11-6-00) game against the Beavers will settle the heated debate around the water coolers of who's the hottest team in the NESHL.  There is a catch of course.  We have an extra game on every other team in the standings.

     A solid effort all-around for the team, who have taken the term "two-way" from their personal lives and applied it to the hockey games (and in the locker room).  The off-season moves by GM Postizzi are really paying dividends.  The two most controversial moves, and consequently most successful, have been the acquisition of the pride of Medford, Jamie, and the funding/supporting of the sex change for Chuck Alexis which was a win-win situation for both sides.

     Post game player pictures were taken in the locker room and they look fabulous.  Those pictures should be up shortly, as I'm sure you're all eagerly anticipating them.  These can be viewed in the Picture Archive section of this site.

     Rogie, once again, was snake-bitten, extending his scoreless streak to 4 weeks.  What are the odds that Charlie will put one home before Rogie does?  I know you like wielding around the 7-foot phallic symbol around the ice, but maybe it's time to get a new hockey stick.

     Back from suspension, Billy O'Connor has decided to focus on disciplined hockey and dump The Round Mound Of Rebound in the process.  Apparently, Billy couldn't financially support someone who thinks the 20-Piece at KFC is a great appetizer.  Get in my Belly!  Maybe he'll get back together with her after finishing payments on the truck that he drove into the river.  Mental Note:  Don't drive my car into a large body of water, it's not good for my car.

     Going back to the aforementioned pictures for a moment,  what the hell was J.J. holding up?  To refresh your memory, after you all fill out the Player Bio Form and after you submit it, you can find out for yourselves.  Clearly one of the yuckiest pairs of underwear ever!  Strong effort J.J.  Strong effort.

     I think Courtney's rants are getting downright scary.  Why exactly was he drinking at 8:30 in the morning with the cast of the Love Boat?  And why wasn't I invited?  Kudos to Carrier though, for increased traffic on the site.

     I don't know where Carrier is getting this information on the Jessica Simpson front, but it's poppycock.  If you want proof that she's seeking me out click on the image below and see for yourself:

     And while you're there, you might as well sign the guestbook and post your thoughts about the website, life in general, or anything else that comes to mind (Robots).

     Where is my TiVo?  

     Has anyone else noticed that since Charlie's sister disappeared we haven't lost a game and J.J. seems especially giddy in the locker room...hmmmm.

     I ate WAY to much Peanut Butter this evening.  Maybe I'll write a bit more later...I'm back and know I drank too much coffee.  Nobody cares.

     Some testicle-face man just told me that there is no ice today when I attempted to walk in to the rink.  You gotta love Natick!

     How pathetic am I when I will inevitably have to tell my boss that I need to cut back on my hours because  I need more time to maintain my NESHL web page?