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The full collection of game logs.
Okay, they've been converted to .txt now, so blah!

Becca's Introduction Bee's Introduction Bob's Introduction
Claire's Introduction Pixie's Introduction Toe's Introduction
Game Session 1 The players meet Ryan and offered the job.
Game Session 1a Bob and Toe doing the same thing. ;)
Game Session 2 Finishing with Ryan and setting to leave the city.
Game Session 3 Left the palace and play with some Owlbears.
Game Session 4 Playing with a BIG Owlbear.
Game Session 5 The players face their first magical encounter, arriving in Kanth.
Game Session 6 The village of Kanth. The investigation begins.
Game Session 7 Further invesigation.
Game Session 8 Short log, Alex encounters a gnome in the woods near Kanth.
Game Session 9 The final day in Kanth, gallows down.
Game Session 10 Leaving Kanth on the road west.
Game Session 11 Heading inexorably west..... Random encounters mostly.