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Star Trek: Enterprise

19th March!
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When Star Trek: Voyager finished its seven year run in 2001 it looked as though that was the end for Star Trek on television. But in the following Autumn (in the northern hemisphere, that is), a new Trek series premiered on UPN.

Captain Jonathan ArcherEnterprise was unique for a Trek series for a number of reasons. Its theme was a vocal song, rather than an instrumental piece; it did not call itself a Star Trek show even though that's what it was. But unlike the other Trek spin-offs, Enterprise was a prequel to the original series; and fans were worried that it would rewrite Trek history.

Trip and T'Pol in 'Harbinger'.
But during its run, Enterprise gained quite a fan base... despite the occassional continuity gaffs occuring.

In fact, when the show was canceled after four years there was an uproar and a protest similiar to that when the original series was canceled (though not with the same outcome).


If anyone has any fan fiction they wish to submit, please feel free to email me at
Meanwhile, pull up a Bat'leth and read what's below:


Bookcover for the fic 'The Truth Will Out'.
Tucker accidentally outs himself and Reed... and almost dies in the process.

The Truth Will Out

WARNING this story contains slash and adult themes. Not to be read by someone under 18


Bookcover for the fic 'The Power of Persuasion'.
Archer contemplates Phlox's suggestion that there was sexual tension between him and Subcommander T'Pol

The Power of Persuasion

Inspired by the episode "A Night in Sickbay" (2.5)


Bookcover for the fic 'First Kiss'.
A response to a Valentine's Day challenge on a the EntSTslash mailing list... the story about a favourite pairing's first kiss.

First Kiss

WARNING this story contains slash and adult themes. Not to be read by someone under 18

Bookcover for the fic 'The Bitterest of Regrets'.
Malcolm Reed is filled with regrets. But why?

The Bitterest of Regrets

WARNING this story contains slash and adult themes. Not to be read by someone under 18

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Star Trek
Star Trek: TNG
Star Trek: DS9
Star Trek: VOY

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The Young Riders
Press Gang
Babylon 5
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seaquest DSV
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Battlestar Galactica
Trixie Belden
Moulin Rouge
Dark Angel
Harry Potter
The Professionals
Starsky and Hutch
The Sentinel
The A-Team
Pirates of the Caribbean
Earth 2
A Country Practice
The West Wing
Crossing Jordan
The Man from U.N.C.L.E
The X-Files
The Dark Crystal
Original/Crossover Works

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All STAR TREK related stuff (ie. characters and so forth) belong to Paramount. No infringement is intended.