Warp Spawn Games

More Games

More Stuff
  • Game Reviews & Essays
  • From the Peanut Gallery.
  • Comic Strips
  • Gallery by Jason Newell.
  • The Big Book of Games
  • Value Wargames Publishing.
  • Solo Games
  • and conversions.
  • Universal Game Systems
  • WarpQuest
  • Quest type games.
  • Warp Skirmish
  • Simple Board & Card war games.
  • Warp Empires
  • Large Scale Board & Card war games.
  • Warp Placement
  • Economic Population games
  • Warp Play
  • Roleplaying Concepts.
  • Pirate Games
  • Yo Ho Ho & a Bottle of Rum!
  • Games of the Sea
  • Mostly Naval Warfare.
  • Notes to my Sons
  • For to think...
  • Notes on Cancer & Diet
  • A primer for the afflicted.
  • Last Will & Testament Game
  • The last game you'll ever play.

    Chess Variants
  • Warp Chess
  • Cards create Chaos.
  • Ecros
  • Wide Open Spaces.
  • Nationalist Chess
  • Each Nation has one special rule.
  • Kings Gambit
  • A Game of Luck & Skill.
  • Elemental Chess
  • Earth, Air, Fire, & Water do battle.
  • Go Chess
  • Go style setup followed by chess play.
  • Reserve Chess
  • Deploy men from your reserve during play.
  • Sorcery Chess
  • 100+ spells; Move or cast a spell.
  • Battle Royale
  • Strategic & Tactical Boards; Variant chess pieces.
  • Gamma Chess
  • The goal is not to capture but to occupy opponents last rows.
  • Simulchess
  • Simultaneous moves, written orders.
  • Stakk Chess
  • Stack pawns to make more powerfull pieces.

    Backgammon Variants
  • General Backgammon
  • Napoleonic Theme.
  • Kings Men Backgammon
  • Knights & Archers.
  • Army Man Backgammon
  • Pull out the Plastic.
  • Arc Gammon
  • Circular board. Modifier die. Multiple Victory Conditions.
  • Slimed
  • Ghostbusters vs. Ghosts.
  • Wargammon
  • Backgammon variant using chessboard.
  • Space Blast
  • Uses cards and a Sci-Fi theme.
  • Sea Battles
  • WWII Theme. Counter set included!

    Classics Variants
  • Tic Tac Tics
  • Advanced Tic Tac Toe.
  • Calcala
  • Multiplayer Mancala on a 6x6 Board.
  • Dragon Checkers
  • Chinese Checkers variant with cards.

  • Famous Movie Quotes
  • For all the Film Buffs out there.
  • Librarium
  • Library not included.
  • Game of Lists
  • Name them all.
  • Time To Tell
  • Party Game of Historical Trivia.
  • Trivial University
  • Test those Brain Cells.

    Trick Taking Card Games
  • Dungeon Tricks
  • Dungeon Crawl Theme.

    Chinese Gin & Poker Variants
  • Pagodas
  • High Five.
  • Great Wall
  • Build The Great Wall of China.
  • Chinese Rummy
  • The Totality of Five.
  • War Jhong
  • Make Combos to score points.

    Gin & Poker Variants
  • Progression
  • Gin for Mathematicians.
  • Da Vinci Poker
  • Make the Mona Lisa Flush.
  • Pawn Poker
  • Collect cards with your pawn to make Poker Hands.
  • Spectrum
  • Kings Hand
  • Many combos. 13 Suites.
  • Spider-Man
  • Ante up Web Slingers.
  • Dragon Poker
  • Special Deck; Build fearsome Dragons to overcome your opponents.
  • Stellar Poker
  • Special Earth Sun Moon Solar System Deck.
  • Word Poker
  • Make words, score points.

    Stratego & Risk Variants
  • Euro Risk
  • Diceless Risk!!!
  • Stratego Shogun
  • Thats Daiyamo not Marshal.
  • Stratego WWII Naval
  • Battleships and Carriers. Card Set included!

    Economic Games
  • Studio Comics
  • Build your Comic Book Empire.
  • Wealth Management
  • Get Rich Quick!
  • Oil and Gas
  • Petroleum Industry.
  • Benthos
  • Harness the Worlds Oceans for Profit.
  • World Powers
  • Invest on a Large Scale.
  • Takeover
  • Barbarians at the Gates.
  • Utopia
  • Your Island Paradise.
  • Tlatelolco
  • Aztec Market Place.
  • Caravan
  • Game of Arabian Middlemen.
  • Diamond Traders
  • Trade for the best possible stones.
  • Air Fare
  • Build your own Airline.
  • War Fair
  • 1980's Arms Dealers. Here's your chance to be a Death Merchant.
  • Durable Goods
  • Buy, produce, sell; Published in the Academic Gaming Review!

    Placement Games
  • City Services
  • Facilities and Utilities.
  • My City
  • Whose City?
  • Trist
  • Form Hex patterns on Triangle grid.
  • Mayan Metropolis
  • Palaces & Pyramids.
  • Miami Beach
  • Game of Hotel building.
  • Cross & Crown
  • Game of careful placement.
  • Fiefs
  • Place your pawns to control lands and accumulate gold.
  • Terratain
  • Place your structures to score the most points.

    Space Exploration and Colonization
  • Booster
  • Space Missions.
  • Solar Racers
  • Millebournes in Space.
  • Space Program
  • Develop the Solar System.
  • The Great Space Race
  • by Brian Peterson
  • Space Station Alpha
  • Help construct the ISS.
  • Planetismals
  • Space Base
  • Rival colonies compete for space & revenue.

    Abstract Strategy
  • Spawn
  • Shibumi Style Game.
  • Numeria
  • Compete for Mathematical Runs.
  • Numica
  • Strategy Game of Displacement.
  • Fortac
  • Use cards to make positional combos.
  • Motala Strom
  • 1-D Strategy by Marcus Salo.
  • Dodeca
  • Similiar to chess. Dice are used as pieces.
  • Linear Progression
  • Fill more of the board.
  • Rollerball
  • by Peter Cobcroft.

    Themed Abstracts
  • Rollerball
  • by Peter Cobcroft.
  • Bug Out
  • Get 3 in a row.
  • Tlachtli
  • Aztec Ball Court.
  • Lions & Gladiators
  • Board & Dice game.
  • Swords & Such
  • Blend of Chess & Backgammon.

    Travel Theme Games
  • Cruise Ship Quest
  • Start your own Cruise Line.
  • Around the World in 80 Days
  • God Speed Globe Trotters!
  • Grand Tour
  • Match vehicles with routes to visit the most cities.

  • Archeologists
  • Happy Hunting.
  • Wreckers
  • Sunken Treasure.

    Politics, News, & Law
  • Office Politics
  • ala Curufea.
  • Pedro for President Game
  • Napoleon Dynamite!
  • Newsprint
  • Get the Scoop.
  • Presidential Candidates
  • Create, Debate and Vote.
  • Presidential Race
  • Get the Vote Out.
  • Gerrymandering
  • Redraw the district lines to win the election; Published in the
  • Rules of Order
  • Parlimentary Procedure.
  • Soap Box
  • "If I was President I would..."

    Sports Games
  • Dance School Competition
  • The show must go on!
  • Ski Race
  • Slalom anyone?
  • Making Plays
  • Football Simulation.
  • Dodge Ball
  • Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, & Dodge.
  • Ready Fence
  • En Garde!
  • Baseball Outs
  • Take me out to the Ballgame!
  • Javelin
  • Track & Field
  • Wildcat Soccer
  • Gooooooooooaaallllll!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kids Games
  • Three Little Pigs
  • Watch out for the Big Bad Wolf.
  • Peanuts Gag Grab
  • Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the whole Gang!
  • Cow Clicker The Card Game
  • Math version.
  • The Muppet Show
  • Kermit the Frog & Miss Piggy.
  • Santas Workshop
  • Santas Little Helpers.
  • Fish Food
  • Fish Eat Fish.
  • Young Wizards Duel
  • Math Skill Builder.
  • Alphabet Pirates
  • For Literate Pirates.
  • Scooby Doo Mystery Game
  • Zoinks!
  • United States
  • Vermont is next to what?
  • Play Sets
  • Arts & Crafts Idea.
  • Pizza Pie Maker
  • Fresh from the oven!
  • The Great Traveling Circus Game
  • Three Ring Fun!
  • Bees
  • Make the most honey.
  • Kid Stuff
  • Things to to with your Kids.
  • Water Gun Fight
  • Wet & Wild!

    Conspiracy Games
  • New World Order
  • Watch out for the Black Helicopters.

    Not So Kid Stuff
  • Glee Club Competition
  • Off Off Broadway.
  • Nose Goblins
  • Pick a Winner!
  • Cereal Wars
  • by Brian Peterson.
  • Laugh-A-Lympics
  • 45+ Hanna Barbara Cartoon Characters
  • Hong Kong Phooey
  • Number One Super Guy!
  • Play Ground Skirmish
  • Water Balloons & Tittie Twisters!
  • GearHead Skirmish
  • When Toys Attack.

    Push Your Luck Games
  • Mayan Gold
  • by Peter Cobcroft.
  • Box Cars
  • Dice Game with Train Theme.

    Festivals & Fairs
  • Carny
  • Work the Crowd at the County Fair.
  • Renaissance Fair
  • Don't miss the Live Chess Match!
  • Virtual Renaissance Festival
  • Welcome Medieval Friends

    Literary Themes
  • Death by Shakespeare
  • Don't get Stabbed!
  • Players and Playwrights
  • Tales of the Bard.

    Dangerous Activities
  • Firestorm
  • Forest Firefighting by Brian Peterson.
  • Guardian
  • Ocean Search & Rescue by Brian Peterson.
  • Adventure Club
  • Get your Kicks.

    Green Theme Games
  • Energy Future
  • Develop Alternate Energy Sources.
  • Green Cities
  • Make your Megalopolis eco-friendly!
  • Global Warming
  • Greenhouse Effect.

    Art & Architecture
  • Photo Icon Trivia
  • Matching Quiz.
  • Museum of Fine Arts
  • Acquire the most Important Collections.
  • Arcology
  • For Paolo Soleri Fans.

    The Sixties
  • Flower Power
  • The 60's Experience.
  • Yellow Submarine
  • All You Need is Love...

    Gourmet Gaming
  • Restauranteur
  • Build your Restaurant Empire.
  • Farmers
  • Raise Crops & Livestock.
  • American Game Hunter
  • What's for dinner?
  • The Diet Game
  • The last 10 pounds is the hardest.
  • Jaws
  • Man Eating Fun!
  • Pu Pu Platter
  • You'll want to play again in 30 minutes.

    Glass Bead Games
  • The Great Conversation Game
  • Great Ideas and Great Authors.
  • Spheres of Influence
  • Pente + Trivia + GBG.
  • Connexions

  • Adult Content Games
  • Virtuous Wives
  • by Jim Stults.
  • Dogma the Board Game
  • Jay & Silent Bob.
  • Desperate House Wives
  • Prime Time PMS.
  • Stickin it to the Man
  • Blacksploitation Action.
  • Pawnshop
  • It is what it is.
  • Gambler
  • You can't win if you don't play.
  • Interzone
  • Naked Lunch Fare.
  • Xploits
  • You asked for it.
  • Score
  • Days of Beer and Mailbox Baseball.
  • Jail Break
  • Running from the Law by Marcus Salo.

    Deduction Games
  • Amulets
  • By Jörg Hansen
  • Chess Challenge

  • Physical Sciences
  • Cosmosis
  • Astro-Physics
  • Quarks
  • High Energy Physics

  • Archean Empires
  • Viroids vs Protazoans.
  • Archaic Animalia
  • Colonize the Land.
  • Swarm
  • Which swarm will dominate?
  • Evolved
  • Board Game: Be fruitfull and multiply.

  • Garden Grow
  • I wish it was this easy.
  • Ant Hill
  • Lead your colony to domination of the backyard.
  • Turtle Run
  • Baby Sea Turtles Hatching.
  • Zoo
  • Whose Zoo's the best Zoo?
  • Cellular
  • Card Game: Make combos of biological concepts.

    Higher Education
  • Trove
  • bt Peter Cobcroft.
  • University
  • U of You.
  • Clinical Studies
  • Publish or Perish.

  • Immortality
  • Live Forever.
  • Medicine Show
  • Snake Oil & Sagwa.
  • Sleep
  • Get a good nights rest.
  • Heart Patient
  • Card Game: Survive the longest.

    New Age & Psychology
  • Chakras
  • Find Enlightenment.
  • Psychobabble
  • Whats your Neurosis?
  • Psych Ward
  • Game of Psychopharmacology.
  • Meditation Cards
  • Solo Activity.
  • Universal Hero
  • Ala Joseph Campbell.
  • Freudian Slip
  • Relax. Tell me about your mother.

  • Stock Car Racing Action.
  • Truckin
  • 1970's Action.
  • Car Chase
  • Burn Rubber.
  • Hot Rods
  • Custom Car Creation
  • GeneRally
  • by Marcelo Paschoalin.

    Modern Mayhem
  • Prepper
  • It's the End of the World!!!
  • Motorcade
  • Deliver the Package.
  • Biker Brawl
  • Hell on Wheels.
  • Raging Gun Battle
  • Guns!!!!!!!

  • Holmes
  • The Game is Afoot!
  • Heist
  • Ala Oceans Eleven.
  • Prohibition
  • Speakeasies & Rum Runners.
  • Dick Tracy Files
  • Get Tough on Crime.
  • Sin City
  • Ala Frank Miller.
  • Noir
  • Crime in the Big City.
  • Mobopoly
  • Organized Crime.
  • Mobsters
  • Build up your criminal organization.
  • Moskito Coast
  • Drug Trafficking.
  • Lupin
  • Everybodies Favorite Master Thief.

    Spy Stuff
  • The Danger Zone
  • Archer gets the Warpspawn Treatment.
  • KND Missions
  • Kids Next Door.
  • Austin Powers
  • The International Man of Mystery.
  • 007
  • Bond... James Bond.
  • Mission Improbable
  • Don't let your agents get captured.

    Martial Arts
  • Kung Fusion
  • Martial Arts... HiiiiiYaaaahhhhh!!! Card Set Included!
  • Bujutso
  • Japanese Martial Arts.

    Pulp Fiction
  • Adventurers
  • 1930-1940's Pulp Cliff Hangers.
  • Noir
  • Tell your own stories of crime in the Big City.

    CCG Alternate Rules
  • Illuminati: New World Order CCG
  • Rules for Solitaire play.
  • Dune: Eye of the Storm CCG
  • Rules for Common Deck play.
  • Dune CCG Variant Solo Rules
  • by C Gerard Luft.
  • Mythos: The Cthulhu CCG
  • Rules for Solo play.
  • SpellFire CCG
  • Rules for Common Deck play.
  • BloodWars CCG
  • Rules for Common Deck play.
  • Xia Lin War
  • Rules for War Variant.
  • Harry Potter CCG
  • Rules for Common Deck play.

  • PBEM
  • Play by e-mail rules and conversions.

  • Test
  • test
  • Code
  • Code