Boston: Beacon Press under Gobin Stair 1962-1975

with refernce to / mit Bezug zu: Unitarian Universalist Association, "Warenform" (Joel Spring → Akkumulation ⇆ Reproduktion), "Adler oder Sonne?" (Eagle or Sun?), Berlin: Malik (Georg Lukács), Berlin: Philo (Max Weber), Wien: Saturn (Max Adler), New York: Alfred A. Knopf (Sigmund Freud, Viktor E. Frankl, James Baldwin), London / New York: Verso, Paris: Éditions de Minuit (Herbert Marcuse, Georg Lukács, Ernst Cassirer), Milano: Feltrinelli (Herbert Marcuse, Georg Lukács, Anna Freud), Torino: Einaudi (Herbert Marcuse, Georg Lukács, Max Weber, Ernst Cassirer), Buenos Aires: Sur (Herbert Marcuse, Jürgen Habermas), 重庆:重庆出版社 = Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House (Herbert Marcuse, Jürgen Habermas, Georg Lukács), Marburg (Hans Jonas, Herbert Marcuse), Hamburg: Spartakus GmbH (Georg Lukács), Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt ("Schwarz und Weiß oder Was es heißt, ein Amerikaner zu sein. 11 Essays" [Excerpts from James Baldwin: 'Notes of a Native Son', 1955], 1963; James Baldwin: "Gehe hin und verkünde es vom Berge" ['Go tell it from the Mountain', New York: Knopf 1953], übers. von Jürgen Manthey, 1966)

In English: Short Introduction | En français: Brčve introduction | Magyarul: rövid bevezető | På svenska: Kort introduktion | краткое введение | In italiano: Breve introduzione | En español: Breve introducción


Selection. Auswahl

Jump to year [Springe zum Jahr] 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974

Fig. "Marlborough Street, 1962", Peter H. Dreyer slide collection, Collection #9800.007, City of Boston Archives, Boston, under Creative Commons License CC BY 2.0 (modified).



"Sociometry. A journal of research in social psychology", 1937-1977.



James Baldwin: "Notes of a native son", 1955 (in 1963 follows the 8. ed.).



"Beacon texts in the judaic tradition", 1962-1963.

Edwin Ray Guthrie: "The psychology of human conflict. The clash of motives within the individual", 1962.

Merlin Ennis: "Umbundu. Folk tales from Angola", 1962.

Bertrand de Jouvenel: "On power. Its nature and the history of its growth", 1962.

Ernst Cassirer: "The philosophy of the enlightenment", 1962.

Northrop Frye: "Fearful symmetry. A study of William Blake", 1962.

Thomas Okuma: "Angola in ferment. The background and prospects of Angolan nationalism", 1962.

Hamilton A. R. Gibb: "Studies on the civilization of Islam", 1962.

"New voices of Hispanic America. An anthology", 1962.

R.C. Zaehner: "The comparison of religions", 1962

Owen Lattimore: "Inner Asian frontiers of China", 1962.

Raymond Aron: "Introduction to the philosophy of history. An essay on the limits of historical objectivity", 1962.

Richard Hofstadter: "Social Darwinism in American thought", 1962.

Nathan Söderblom: "The living God. Basal forms of personal religion", 1962.

Johan Huizinga: "Homo ludens. A study of the play-element in culture", 1962.



Heinrich Dumoulin: "A history of Zen Buddhism", transl. from the German by Paul Peachey, 1963.

Viktor E. Frankl: "Man's Search for meaning. An introduction to logotherapy", transl. by Ilse Lasch, pref. by Gordon W. Allport, 1963.

Anna Freud: "Psychoanalysis for teachers and parents. Introductory lectures", transl. by Barbara Low, 1963.

Georg Lukács: "The historical novel", transl. from the German by Hannah and Stanley Mitchell, pref. to the American ed. by Irving Howe, 1963.

Max Weber: "The Sociology of religion", transl. by Ephraim Fischoff, introd. by Talcott Parsons, 1963.

Kurt Goldstein: "The organism. A holistic approach to biology decrived from pathological data in man", 1963.

"The N[...] Protest", 1963.

Hans Jonas: "The gnostic religion. The message of the alien God and the beginnings of Christianity", 1963.



Guido De Ruggiero: "The history of European liberalism", 1964.

William H. Nelson: "The American Tory", 1964.

Wilbur Merrill Frohock: "The novel of violence in America", 1964.

Herbert Marcuse: "One-dimensional man. Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society", 1964.

Herbert Marcuse: "Reason and revolution. Hegel and the rise of social theory", with a new preface "A note on dialectic" by the author, 1964.

Dorothy Hillyers: "Digest of American history", [1964].

Joseph R. Washington: "Black Religion. The n[...] and christianity in the United States", 1964.

Fiedrich Meinecke: "The German Catastrophe. Reflections and recollections", transl. by Sidney B. Fay, with a new pref. by the translator, 1964.

Walter F. Otto: "The Homeric Gods. the spiritual significance of Greek religion", transl. by Moses Hadas, 1964.



Howard Zinn: "The new abolitionists", 1965.

John Franklin Jameson: "The American Revolution considered as a social movement", 1965.

"The Dynamics of Emanzipation. The jew in the modern age", ed. and intr. by Nahum N[orbert] Glatzer, [1965].

Raymond Firth: "We, the Tikopia. A sociological study of kinship in pri[...] Polynesia", 1965.

Mark Van Doren: "Liberal education", with a new preface by the author, 1965.

Gun Kessle: "Chinese journey", 1965.

Floyd Hiatt Ross: "Shinto. The way of Japan", 1965.



Roland H. Bainton: "Studies on the Reformation", 1966.

Alfred Rupert Hall: "The scientific revolution 1500-1800. The formation of the modern scientific attitude", 1966.

Herbert Butterfield: "Man on his past. The study of the history of historical scholarship", 1966.

Barrington Moore: "Social origins of dictatorship and democracy. Lord and peasant in the making of the modern world", 1966.

Leopold H. Haimson: "The Russian Marxists and the origins of bolshevism", 1966.

Walter Henry Uphoff: "Kohler on strike. 30 years of conflict", [1966].

Leo Lowenthal: "Literature and the image of man. Studies of the European drama and novel, 1600-1900", 1966.

Holmes Welch: "Taoism. the parting of the way", 1966.

Leslie A. Fiedler: "An end to innocence. Essays on culture and politics", 1966.

Lucien Lévy-Bruhl: "Primitive Mentality", 1966.

Hans Rosenberg: "Bureaucracy, aristocracy and autocracy. The Prussian Experience 1660-1815", 1966.

Lewis Samuel Feuer: "Spinoza and the rise of liberalism", 1966.

Lawrence Joseph Henderson: "The fitness of the environment. An inquiry into biological significance of the properties of matter", 1966.

Richard H. Tawney: "Land and labor in China", 1966.

Herbert Marcuse: "Eros and civilization. A philosophical inquiry into [Sigmund] Freud", 1966.



"The critical spirit. Essays in honor of Herbert Marcuse", ed. by Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Moore, with the assistance of Heinz Lubasz, Maurice R. Stein and E. V. Walter, 1967.

Stuart Hall: "The popular arts. A critical guide to the mass media", 1967.

"The Woman in America", ed. by Robert Jay Lifton, 1967.

Raymond Firth: "Elements of social organization. Josiah Mason lectures delivered at the University of Birmingham", 1967.

Clyde Kluckhohn: "Navaho witchcraft", 1967.

Edmund Carpenter: "Explorations in communication. An anthology", [1967].

Maurce Merleau-Ponty: "The Structure of Behavior", 1967.

"Utopias and utopian thought", ed. by Frank E. Manuel, 1967.

"The new student left. An anthology", ed. by Mitchell Cohen, 2. ed., 1967.

"Cooperation and competition among prim[...] peoples", ed. by Margaret Mead, 3. ed., 1967.

Fred Gladstone Bratton: "Maimonides. Medieval modernist", [1967].



Herbert Marcuse: "Negations. Essays in critical theory", transl. from the German by Jeremy J. Shapiro, 1968.

Erwin Iserloh: "The Theses were not posted. Luther between reform and reformation", transl. from the 2. ed. by Jared Wicks, introd. by Martin E. Marty, 1968.

"World Religions and world peace. The International Interreligious Symposium on Peace", introduction by Dana McLane Greeley, ed. by Homer A. Jack, 1968.

Theodor H. Gaster: "The oldest stories in the world. Originally translated and retold, with comments", 1968.

"The concise encyclopaedia of living faiths", ed. by Robert Charles Zaehner, contributors Arthur L. Basham a.o., 1968.

Oscar Handlin: "The American people in the twentieth century", 1968.

Oliver W. Larkin: "Daumier. Man of his time", 1968.

James Weinstein: "The corporate ideal in the liberal state 1900-1918", 1968.

"Religion in America", ed. by William G. McLoughlin, 1968.

"The religious situation 1968", edited by Donald R. Cutler, 1968.

Howard Zinn: "Vietnam. The logic of withdrawal", 1968.

Charles Eric Lincoln: "The black Muslims in America", 1968.

Truman Nelson: "The torture of mothers", 1968.

Gordon W. Allport: "Personality and social encounter. Selected essays", 1968.

"William Styron's Nat Turner. Ten black writers respond", ed. by John Henrik Clarke, 1968.

"American women. The changing image", ed. by Beverly Benner Cassara, contributors Ethel J. Alpenfels and others, 1968.

Philip Elliot Slater: "The glory of Hera. Greek mythology and the Greek family", 1968.

Martin Luther King: "Where do we go from here. Chaos of community", 1968.

André Gorz: "Strategy for labor. A radical proposal, 1968.



Herbert Marcuse: "An Essay on liberation", 1969.

Che / Marylebone Orchestra: "Easy rider. Ballad of easy rider (Roger McGuinn)", 1969.

Konrad Heiden: "Hitler's rise to power", transl. by Ralph Manheim, 1969.

Gordon W. Alllport: "The person in psychology. Selected essays ", 1969.

"The quiet battle. Writings on the theory and practice of non-violent resistance", ed. with introd. and afterword by Mulford Q. Sibley, 1969.

Claude Lévi-Strauss: "The elementary structures of kinship", 1969.

Joseph R. Washington: "The politics of God", 1969.

Elizabeth D. Whitney: "The lonely sickness", 1969.

"Sight, sound, and society. Motion pictures and television in America", ed. by David Manning White, 1969.

Ralph E. Shikes: "The indignant eye. The artist as social critic in prints and drawings from the fifteenth century to [Pablo] Picasso", 1969.

"Rock and Roll will stand", ed. by Greil Marcus, 1969.

"Explaining divorce to children", ed. by Earl A. Grollman, 1969.



Herbert Marcuse: "Five Lectures. Psychoanalysis, politics, and utopia", transl. by Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shierry M. Weber, 1970.

"Fourty Poems touching on recent American history", ed. by Robert Bly, 1970.

Hanna Deinhard: "Meaning and expression. Toward a sociology of art", 1970.

"Group psychotherapy and psychodrama", ed. by the organ of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 1970.

"Abortion in America. Medical, psychiatric, legal, anthropological, and religious considerations", ed. by Harold Rosen, 1970.

Martin Robison Delany: "Blake or the huts of America. A novel", 1970.

Howard Zinn: "The politics of history", 1970.

Edward Franklin Frazier: "Race and culture contacts in the modern world", 1970.

Raymond Mungo: "Famous long ago. My life and hard times with Liberation News Service", 1970.

Philip Slater: "The pursuit of loneliness. American culture at the breaking point", 1970.

Robert N. Bellah: "Tokugawa religion. The values of pre-industrial Japan", 1970.

"Black Titan, W. E. B. Du Bois. An anthology by the editors of Freedomways", ed. by John Henrik Clarke, 1970.

Conrad Wright: "The liberal Christians. Essays on American Unitarian history", 1970.



"The Pentagon Papers. The Defense Department history of United States decisionmaking on Vietnam. Senator Gravel edition", 1971.

"Voices of the new feminism", ed. by Mary Lou Thompson, 2. ed., 1971.

"C. Wright Mills and the power elite", 1971.

William L. Rivers: "The adversaries. Politics and the press", 1971.

Herbert I. Schiller: "Mass communications and American empire", 1971.

"Sanctions for evil. Sources of social destructiveness", ed. by Nevitt Sanford, Craig Comstock & ass., [1971].

Barry Weisberg: "Beyond Repair. The ecology of capitalism", [1971].

Ivar E. Berg: "Education and jobs. The great training robbery", 1971.

"Culture for the millions? Mass media in modern society", 1971.

Daniel Berrigan: "The geography of faith. Conversations between Daniel Berrigan, when underground, and Robert Coles", 1971.

Sam Cornish: "Generations. Poems", 1971.

Jürgen Habermas: "Knowledge and human interests", the appendix was first publ. in Merkur in 1965, transl. by Jeremy J. Shapiro, 1971.

Jürgen Habermas: "Toward a rational society. Student protest, science, and politics", transl. by Jeremy J. Shapiro, 1971.

Len Decaux: "Labor radical. From the Wobblies to CIO. A personal history", 1971.

"China and ourselves. Explorations and revisions by a new generation", ed. by Bruce Douglass, 1971.

"Early N[...] writing 1760-1837", 1971.

Sanford N. Katz: "When parents fail. The law's response to family breakdown", 1971.

Karl Polanyi: "Pri[...], archaic and modern economies. Essays of Karl Polanyi", 1971.

Victor Ullman: "Martin R. Delany. The beginnings of black nationalism", 1971.



Joel Spring: "Education and the Rise of the Corporate State", 1972.

John David Henry Widdess: "The Richmond, Whitworth and Hardwicke Hospitals. St. Laurence's Dublin 1772-1972", 1972.

Wnydham Mortimer: "Organize! My life as a union man", [1972].

Charles A. Stevenson: "The End of nowhere. American policy toward Laos since 1954", [1972].

Jeffrey Schrank: "Teaching human beings. 101 subversive activities for the classroom", 1972.

"Toward the year two thousand. Work in progress", ed. by Daniel Bell, 3. ed., 1972.

Edgar M. Bottome: "The balance of terror. A guide to the arms race", 1972.

"Explaining death to children", ed. by Earl A. Grollman, 1972.

Edmund Ronald Leach: "Political systems of highland Burma. A study of Kachin social structure", 1972.

Ely Chinoy: "Automobile workers and the American dream", 1972.

Davind Manning White: "The celluloid weapon. Social comment in the American film", 1972.

Philip M. Helfaer: "The Psychology of religious doubt", 1972.

Sterling Stuckey: "The ideological origins of black nationalism", 1972.

Herbert Marcuse: "Counterrevolution and revolt", 1972.

Vietnam veterans against the war: "The winter soldier Investigation. An inquiry into American war crimes", 1972.



Joan Hoff Wilson: "American Business & foreign policy 1920-1933", [1973].

Bert Kruger Smith: "Aging in America", [1973].

Barrington Moore: "Reflections on the causes of human misery and upon certain proposals to eliminate them", 1973.

Jacob Levy Moreno: "The theatre of spontaneity", 1973.

"Rank and file. Personal histories by working class organizers", ed. by Alice and Slaughton Lynd, 1973.

Roger E. Meyer: "Guide to drug rehabilitation. A public health approach", 1973.

David F. Gomez: "Somos Chicanos. Strangers in our own land", 1973.

Victor W. Sidel: "Serve the People. Observations on Medicine in the People's Republic of China", 1973.

Marcus G. Raskin: "Being and doing", 1973.

Miguel Léon Portilla: "Time and reality in the thought of the Maya", 1973.

Charles Chatfield: "For Peace and Justice. Pacifism in Ameirca 1914-1941", 1973.

Richard Bock: "Got me on the run. A study of runaways", 1973.

Mary Daly: "Beyond God the Father. Toward a philosophy of women's liberation", 1973.



William Leiss: "The domination of nature", 1974.

Michael Wheeler: "No-fault divorce", 1974.

"Le phare. Journal for the Study of French language", 1974-1994.

Roland Hebert Bainton: "Women of the Reformation in Germany and Italy", 1974.

Hilda Scott: "Does socialism liberate women? Experiences from Eastern Europe", 1974.

Brenda Maddox: "Beyond Babel. New directions in communications", 1974.

Herta Loeser: "Women, Work, and Volunteering", 1974.

Marie Buckley: "Breaking into prison. A citizen guide to volunteer action", 1974.

Herbert I. Schiller: "The mind managers", [around 1974].

Joyce Kolko: "America and the crisis of world capitalism", 1974.

George E. Berkley: "The democratic policeman", 1974.



Jürgen Habermas: "Legitimation crisis", translated by Thomas McCarthy, 1975.

Ronald B. Taylor: "Chavez and the farm workers", 1975.

James Ridgeway: "New Energy. Understanding the crisis and a guide to an alternative energy system", [1975].

John Dewey: "Reconstruction in philosophy", enlarged ed., with a new introd. by the author, [ca. 1975].

Arthur Macy Cox: "The Myths of National Security. The Peril of Secret Government", 1975.

Jacob Levy Moreno: "Psychodrama", 1975.

David J. Morris: "Neighborhood power", 1975.

Trent Schroyer: "The Critique of Domination. The Origins and Development of a Critical Theory", 1975.

Russell Jacoby: "Social amnesia. A critique of conformist psychology from [Max] Adler to Laing", 1975.

"For [Pablo] Neruda, for Chile. An international anthology", ed. by Walter Lowenfels, 1975.

David Bakan: "Sigmund Freud and the Jewish mystical tradition", 1975.

Melville J. Herskovits: "The Myth of the N[...] Past", 1975.

James J. Matles: "Them and us. Struggles of a rank-and-file union", 1975.

Armando Uribe: "The black book of American intervention in Chile", 1975.

"Compulsory education and the Amish. The right not te be modern", ed. by Albert N. Keim, 1975


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