Beast Machines: Tankor
Ahh, simple joys. Walking into a toy store to see that they have one Mega Tankor
left (I thought I'd never see one again, at least, not in the store) and then to see that
it's priced at $5.00. Life is good.
Of course we all know Tankor from the first season of Beast Machines. He was Megatron's
general of the tank drones, but we later found out he was Rhinox. Plot twist! Anyway, this
would be the toy counterpart.
For starters Tankor only semi resembles his counterpart in the show. This is pretty much
always the case with the Beast Machine toys, and Tankor is no different. His colors in the
show were a bluish purple, but the toy is black and red. In tank mode it's a pretty good
resemblance in terms of shape, but robot mode is less bulky looking, though still quite
cool and otherwise pretty accurate. Except for his head. Looks nothing like Tankor. Nope,
not even close. Hasbro has got to stop letting the animators adapt. His turret head looks
more like Tankor's head in the show. Ah well.
Speaking of the gun turret, it showcases one of the coolest features of Tankor. His
'laser' eye. Flip open the back panel and light is let in and you can turn a little knob
which makes the 'eye' move. Quite cool looking. The knob also rotates the turret. The
same feature is given to his robot head, which is also pretty cool looking, though, as
I said, not show accurate at all.
Okay, but show inconsistencies aside, the toy is actually very nicely made. There's a good
amount of detail pretty much everywhere, and a lot of articulation in robot mode. Also he
has these cool little saw blades on his arms (and the front of the tank when transformed) that
rotate when you roll him along. Kinda like a heavy duty mulcher.
All in all, Tankor is pretty cool, but if you're looking for something show accurate, well,
you're probably better off with a tank drone or the *cough* McDonalds Tankor, but still,
grab this if you happen to see it I'd say.