Come read with me...



Stand Alone


A Safe Haven            (A/C)  

Baby-Sitter             (S) 

Big Bad's Witch      (SW)

Happy 300th Angel       (WS  & A/orig character)  

Let Me        (A/C)            

Love Me .... Love my Demon       (A/C)

My Sire by Spike           (S/A)

Not Like Me            (A/C)

Stop Laughing at Me    (W/S/A/C)

The Sire Becomes the Childe        (A/C)

The Turning        (S/A)

The Wish                   (W/S)

Three Mates       (WSA)

Timeline to Family          (A)

To Make a Childe    (AC)       

Wild Abandon            (A, S, and 2 orig characters)




Series Fics....


Coming Home Again Series

Spike/Angel and 2 original characters


The Offering

The Seclusion                                                                               

The Branding

Family Time



                                                                                        New Beginnings

                                                                                                        Angel/Cordy and Spike + some Buffy

                                                                                            New Beginnings Series Intro

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 1

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 2

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 3

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 4

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 5

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 6

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 7

                                         New Beginnings ~ CH 8

                                         New Beginning Series ~ Conclusion



Any Questions or FEEDBACK please feel free to email me....