

Sweetwater Station
Fan Fiction Index
Alphabetical by Story Name

Last Updated: February 21, 2003
This site now contains 
101 Completed Stories and 5 Works-in-Progress

indicates a Winning Entry in the 2001 Fanfic Awards 
indicates a Songfic -- a story inspired by music

An Accidental Bride  by Raven Along the Bloodred Trail  by Red-Eye
Acts of a Mothers Love  by Kim R. Annie  by Kimberly Wright
All I Ever Wanted by Vicki  Incomplete

Back Together Again  by Debra Bold Savage  by Vicki
Baptism by Fire  by Raye Bounty for a Bounty Hunter  by Red-Eye
Birthright  by Jill Breath of Heaven  by Raye 
Bleak Midwinter  by Raye  A Bride for Buck  by Raven 
Born to the Stage  by Lori & Raye Bush Rangers  by Red-Eye

Can't Be Really Gone  by Lori  Cross Over  by Sharon Rovansek
Cemetery Ridge  by Raye Cupid Strikes Again  by Kim Wright

Damaged  by Raven Delicious to the Core  by Lori Olsen
Danger on the Overland Trail  by Red-Eye Demons  by Kim Roberts 
A Dark Soul Set Free  by Raye Dreams Really Do Come True  by Wild Wind
Deadly Secrets  by Raye

Echoes of the Soul  by Kim Wright Even God Must Get the Blues  by Raye
Empty Chairs at the Table  by Raye Express Bakery  by Nell 
Entreat Me Not  by Lori Olsen Express Mail  by Vicki

First, Last and Always  by Vicki From the Past, A New Beginning  by Cheyenne
Foolish Pride  by Lori Olsen

Ghosts from the Past  by Debra The Great Underwear Salesman Murder Mystery  by Red-Eye 
A Grand Faire  by Lori Olsen Growing Up  by Nell

Haunted  by Vicki  Hey Mister  by Raye 
Helplessly, Hopelessly by Lori  Hidden Heart  by Tara  *In Progress*
He Told a Good Story  by Lori 

If You Give Cody a Cookie  by Nell It's All A Stage  by Raye 
If You Tell Ike a Secret  by Nell Jake Colter, Esq.  by Raye
Iron Outlaw  by Red Eye Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend  by Vicki 
Iron Trail  by Cindy

Kindred Spirits  by Vicki  Kiss of Death  by Raye
Kiss Me Deadly  by Vicki

Lemony Snicket  by Sameena Life's Lessons  by Raven 
Letters  by Nell  *In Progress* A Love Foretold  by Kim Wright  
Lifeline  by Vicki  A Love Without End   by Lori 

A Matter of Guilt  by Raven A Night in Hays City  by Red-Eye
The Moment  by Raye A Night on Spirit Mountain  by Paige
A Moment of Happiness  by Ursula Renee No More I'm Sorry's  by Lori Olsen
My Precious One  by Raye  No Place Like Home  by Nell
Mystery Stew Dreams  by Raven One More Day  by Raye 
Never Judge the Book By Its Cover  by Raven

Painless  by Lori Olsen Promises  by Karen
Parting Gifts  by Vicki Promises of Silver  by Vicki
Past Mistakes  by Lori Olsen The Pugilist  by Red-Eye
Peril at Laramie  by Red-Eye Red Bear & Running Buck by Sharon R.
A Place in the Sun  by Vicki

Saves The Day  by Raye Spirit of an Eagle  by Kimberly Wright
Something Wicked  by Raven Standing Between Love & Betrayal  by Debra
Sorrows' Children  by Kim R.  Star Crossed  by Kim Roberts
Soul Dance  by Vicki Stealing Hearts  by Raven
Spike the Magic Dragon  by Vicki Sweet Samaritan  by Raven

This House  by Raven Trickster  by Raye
A Time To Heal  by Vicki  Trouble  by Paige
To Belong  by Vicki Two Halves to Make a Whole  by Jessica  *In Progress*
Train Bandits  by Red-Eye

Valentine's Day 1876  by Raye  The Voice  by Karen

Wayward Woman   by Raye When I Lay Me Down  by Lisa R.
The Way I Am When I'm With You  by Raye When You Were Mine  by Lori     *In progress*
What I Really Meant to Say  by Raye  Zardoc and the Evil from the Eighth Dimension   by Vicki
What the Heart Knows by Kim Wright

Standard Disclaimer:
Recognizable characters in these stories are the property of the copyright holders of "The Young Riders".  No infringement of copyright by any rights-holder to The Young Riders is intended or implied.  The Fan Fiction authors receive no monetary benefit from the electronic distribution of their work.  However, the original characters created by each author and the ideas expressed within each story are the copyright of the respective author.  Please do not further distribute these works without permission from the author. 

Interested in submitting a story?
Just get in touch!  All genres and ratings levels from G to PG-13  are accepted.  Please include a brief synopsis with your submission.  Documents must be sent as MS-Word files, as rich text files,  or in  the body of an email.  Thanks!


