

~J A N U A R Y~


New Year's Contemplations - 12/31/99 B.C.-- Arrogant Bastard? & Her Magic - 01/11/00

Girls Can Make You So Fucking Angry - 01/20/00

Welcome to My Nightmare - 01/03/00 Arcadia and Quayle - 01/12/00 Planet Waves - 01/21/00
Just in Case You Were Wondering... - 01/04/00 Bitching and Griping - 01/13/00 Her Magic Part II & The Nature of Shit - 01/24/00
Our First Complaint & Mr. Quayle Brightens Our Day - 01/05/00 Robert Goes Zen and Horoscopes - 01/14/00 More Encouraging Politics - 01/25/00
Making You Feel Good About Our Government - 01/06/00 Latin, Headaches, and Dumb Forwards - 01/17/00 Evaluate Your Diety! - 01/26/00
Bawdy Limericks and Horoscopes - 01/07/00 God, Goddess and Country - 01/18/00 Reason and Passion, Planet Waves - 01/28/00
Girl Troubles - 01/10/00 The First Snow, Fnord?
- 01/19/00
The Difference Between Nude & Nude, & Things - 01/31/00


~F E B R U A R Y ~


Let Me Turn You On,
- 02/01/00
Compersion Part 2 - 02/10/00

Rock the Vote - 02/22/00

Devil Desire, Jazzed - 02/02/00 Compersion Part 3, Valentine's Brezsney - 02/11/00 I Am a Verb - 02/23/00
Desire for Desire's Sake - 02/03/00 Candy Hearts, Big Bubba's Valentine - 02/14/00 The New Story of Chaos - 02/24/00
Mulling It Over & Planet Waves - 02/04/00 Rupert Everett, Thoughts, Teacher's Salary - 02/15/00 Last Planet Waves - 02/25/00
Elections & Classic Quayle - 02/07/00 Aliens - 02/16/00 Hail Eris - 02/28/00
Observations of Love &
- 02/08/00
The Mini-Gospel of Mystic
Paul Freck
- 02/17/00
To Be or Not to Be - 02/29/00
Compersion Part 1, Penile Studies - 02/09/00 4th Festival, Planet Waves - 02/18/00


~M A R C H~


A Prayer for You - 03/01/00 A Tooth For a Tooth - 03/13/00

Error Message Haiku - 03/23/00

Aw, Shut Up and Smile - 03/03/00 A Red Tint and Soft Focus - 03/14/00 World's Smallest Political Quiz - 03/24/00
Pornography is Good for You - 03/06/00 - 03/15/00 What We Know About Eris - 03/27/00
March Monthly Horoscope & More Rambling - 03/07/00 Clean Your Garage - 03/17/00 April Planet Waves - 03/28/00
The Book of Creation - 03/08/00 Spanked Without Pants - 03/20/00 Doesn't Hurt to Know - 03/29/00
It Is Good to Be Free - 03/09/00 No Time But the Present - 03/21/00 IMF Protests - 03/30/00
Day Seven, Future Unwritten - 03/10/00 The Same Deep Water as You - 03/22/00 Press Release!! - 03/31/00


~A P R I L~


Wee the People - 04/03/00 Men Shouldn't Be Ordained - 04/11/00

Sweet Jesus! - 04/20/00

Radical Honesty - 04/04/00 Smooching - 04/12/00 We Succumb to the Elian Craze - 04/24/00
Roman Erotica Revealed - 04/05/00 Bright Red Screams - 04/13/00 Taurus Thunder - 04/25/00
SecretPenisPalace - 04/06/00 Buy Our Copyright - 04/14/00 Taurus Thunder Deux - 04/26/00
Microsoft vs. GM - 04/07/00 Protesting Capitalism - 04/18/00 Get Curious - 04/28/00


~M A Y~


Dance Around the Maypole! - 05/01/00 The Rainforest Site - 05/11/00 NPT, Solo cont'd - 05/22/00
May Planet Waves - 05/02/00 Damned Thing - 05/12/00 Cyberspace's Architectural Constitution - 05/25/00
Revolution Does Not = Hair Dye - 05/03/00 Virgin Suicides Review, Open Debates - 05/16/00 AOL is Judas! - 05/26/00
Breathe - 05/04/00 The Law of Fives - 05/17/00 News Issue - 05/29/00
A View Inside A16 - 05/09/00 An Interview with Mal-2 - 05/18/00 Good-Bye - 05/30/00
Kissing Hank's Ass - 05/10/00 Solo Sex - 05/18/00 Howl - 05/31/00

~J U N E~

June Planet Waves - 06/01/00 Friends? - 06/13/00 Gun Debate, cont'd - 06/23/00
PolySciFi-451 - 06/05/00 Democracy Now? - 06/14/00 Blah Blah Blah - 06/26/00
Synthetic Meat - 06/06/00 (I You Them Void) - 06/15/00 Hello From Ft. Jackson - 06/28/00
Light "Barrier" Broken - 06/07/00 Pop Quiz for Million Moms - 06/20/00 Seeing Colors - 06/28/00
Lost Cities Discovered - 06/08/00 Fight Club - 06/21/00 Work or Play? - 06/30/00
Breaking the Barrier: Thoughts - 06/12/00 Crossbows Are Deadly Weapons - 06/22/00


~J U L Y~

July Planet Waves - 07/05/00 Big Mistake - 07/13/00
The Mystery of Touch - 07/06/00 Mankind 3.1 - 07/14/00
The Latest - 07/07/00
Bush-Gore Inc. - 07/10/00
Real and Not-Real - 07/11/00

Suspension Message July 25, 2000

The Master Email: B.C.