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Birdbeak Dogfish
Deania calcea.
What To Look For:
A grey longnose dogfish with a long, low first dorsal fin
and no subcaudal keel. This shark lives on the sea bed on
the outer continental slopes at depths to 1500 m. It is
dark grey and has 2 dorsal fins, each with grooved
spines. The large eyes and small cutting teeth help it
to find and grip prey in deep water.
Up to 1.1 m. Females are slightly larger than males.
Scattered throughout tropical and temperate seas; most
abundant in the North-Eastern Atlantic. Apparently in
large schools.
Small pelagic bony fish including lanternfish, barracudina
and hatchetfish, also squid, octopus and shrimp.
Live-bearer, with 6-12 pups per litter.
Danger To Humans:
Not dangerous, but care should be taken when handling
owing to spines. Occasionally caught by hake trawlers.
Potentially valuable for its squalene-rich liver oil.
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