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Seal Shark
Dalatias licha.
What To Look For:
This dark, blunt-nosed shark is a versatile predator
with large, jagged, triangular teeth in powerful jaws.
It is usually found singly over the sea floor, at
depths of between 50 and 1800 m. It is also called the
Kitefin Shark or Darkie Charlie.
Up to 1.8 m. Females are slightly larger than males.
Most common in the North-Eastern Atlantic and
Mediterranean, but also found in other parts of tropical
and temperate seas.
Bony fish, sharks, squid, octopus and shellfish when
abundant. Some fast fish have been recorded, suggesting
it scavenges or can ambush prey.
Live-bearer, with litters of 10-16 pups.
Danger To Humans:
Not known to be dangerous. Occasionally hooked by shore
anglers. May be used in traditional medicine.
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