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All characters herein are of my creation unless specifically noted otherwise.
Use of these characters without my permission will get me really mad, so you better ask! *waves a fryin' pan at ya*;)
'Gargoyles' is the creation of Disney but we all love 'em so much we can't help writin'!
So fergive the borrowing of one of the best ideas in town and, as I say, "Read on, MacDuff!"

Last updated: 4-30-05

Some notes on my stories:

* they appear in chronological order, following the timeline of Jade Griffin's life and the events around her.

* Ratings are given for those that are PG and above. Everything else is G.

* When I refer to "The Lady" in my fanfics, I am talking about the Lady Epona, my own character whose name is based on the name given to an Anne McCaffrey character from her book ACORNA, and not the Lady of Shalott from chat.

* Most if not all of my garg and garg/griffin stories have actual dates at the head of the story, so's ya don't get time-lost:).

* For reference, I follow ideas similar to Theresa Sinclair's on garg mating/reproduction: that it is seasonal, once every 32 human yrs (18 garg) and the one egg is laid after 7 to 10 mo. hatching 10 yrs later.

* The Manhattan Clan (Goliath's) will never appear in my fics, and humans don't know gargs exist.

Gargoyles Fanfic:)

"Tails Pulled"- This is a bit in the past. A 2 pg.'er about White-beak and his two tails when he was a lil' garg kid. White-beak is one of Reneyl's rookery brothers.

"One"- The only story I plan ta write about what really happened to Jade Griffin's original clan. It doesn't give much detail but explains some things. This is a very short story but I probably have to give it a PG rating because of all the deaths. 1 pg.

"And Stone Will Fall.." part I- The story of Jade Griffin's origin, and also my first fanfic about her! Kinda long and the html is slowly being fixed to make it even shorter, but very good. Please read!

"Words"- Ah, another story around hatchling Jade Griffin, but with a new character that opens up a hundred more possibilities... A human:)

"Trust In And Out"- Sometimes a bit-part character that was never meant to be in more than one story becomes inspiration itself. This happened for me, and the character is Marilla Collins. Please read and enjoy this story about gargs and trust. This one might rank a PG but only for emotional themes. 22 pg's.

"'G's Autobiography in the style of Zitkala-Sa"- Okay. This one takes a little explanation. The first two words only tell half the tale. Yes, 'G's bio, but who is Zitkala-Sa? In my higher-up english course at college, she was a Dakota-Souix who was Americanized as a child. 'G comes from another dimension, true, but pretend that there was such a similar person as Zitkala-Sa in her dimension and wrote a similar work. 'G was taught a little about this person and instructed to write her own autobio in the style of this person. I actually turned this paper in for a grade in the english class, making me 'G, or is it the other way around... :) Read it! Like, 3 pages?

"Group 13"- This is a bit unique, as this story sums up Agent NN's hidden past. Heh. Dare ya to read it! Mild cursing. Including the prequel, it is 25 pg.'s long.

"And Stone Will Fall.." part 2- Ever wonder why Jade Griffin left the Canada Mountain clan, the clan that adopted her? And of how she acquired her child side? Ongoing and maybe a lil' long, but worth the read:).

"Jade Griffin And The Chocolate Factory"- a funny short story retelling an adventure of the chocolate 'goyle;) Ever wonder where Jade Griffin gets her never-ending supply of sweets? 1 1/2 pg.'s.

"Fireworks"- Combine fireworks, a curious gargoyle, her child side, and a human city and yer bound fer trouble! 6 pg.'s

"A Bushel Of Friends"- This little bit was my successful attempt to convert chatrooms to a fictional level so they would fit in w/ my small ring of stories. Hope ya like irony! Guest appearances include Hudson, Portiadove, Callabrantus, Keyser Soze, Odin, Demaka Draconas, Lady of Shalott, Shade, and other older clanners. About 6 pg.'s long.

"Food Reasons"- Some of 'G's first experiences in this dimension, and where her strong cravings of food first effected her. 3 pg's long.

"The Child Side"- Jade Griffin's child side suddenly becomes aware of the fact that it...they... she...whatever;P -- is a foundling and it ain't too happy! A good read for those who want a better understanding of JG's child side. About 2 pg.'s long. The origin of Jade Griffin's child side can be read in AND STONE WILL FALL.. PART 2. I should be finished with it soon!:)

"Enter Malcom"- Ah, finally! I cleaned up this introductory fic of Malcom to be presentable:) Maybe a little long but good. And, no, not quite finished yet. Am gonna take a little time to revise this one, but if curious, here are the first nine pages! Enjoy:)

"Weathers"- The newest of the stories of Malcom and Jade Griffin I've been meaning to do:) Sorry it took so long. Malcom asked JG's help on an FBI recon mission. 5 pg's.

"Jade Griffin and Malcom Clip"- A short of Malcom and Jade Griffin, and a lot of food:) This one is around 4 pg's.

"Meetin' Fey"- 'G encounters Comp at Jade Griffin's house one evening. 2.5 pg's.

"A Little Revelation For 'G"- Not quite finished, but is an interesting 4 pages about 'G and a gift from Comp of her own 'child side'. *grins*. Coolness...

"Waitin' 'G"- my first fanfic w/ 'G, Jade Griffin's alternate reality double. Short but cool! The GIB and the MIB are not my creations but 'G is part of the GIB. 2 pg.'s or so.

"The Ki-lin"- A prelude to THE LADY EPONA, this is the introductory story for already said character:)

Home Away- Ithyaka goes home with Jade Griffin. Cameo appearances of Malcom and the child side, too;) About 6 pg.'s I think?

"The Journey Ends"- Not quite finished yet but it's now updated! Tho it's the 1st story I've written/am writing that details the journeys abroad of Jade Griffin and Ithyaka, it is the second journey of theirs ta find Ithyaka's home, or any other Imperial Griffins. From India to Sri-Lanka to the 'cyberverse' to China and back! Whew! 'Bout 1/3 of it is here, 11 pg.'s, 'cause I'm having trouble uploading. I'll solve it eventually!

"The Lady Epona"- Malcom and the Lady meet:). Cameo's of Xander Opal, Gedoena, Malibu, Oracle, and goofy 'cyberverse' action. Heh. This fic also has the child side. 15 pgs.

"The Lady Epona, part II"- Ah, the long-awaited story. Malcom has something important to tell his Lady. I'm not much for romance. This is about as close as I'm willing to get:) Spaceghost and Pogo cameo in this fic; even old 'chatrooms' like the Pond! Boy, talk about reminiscing! Still typing it up but it is good!

"The Oscar And The Grammy"- Funny story that has its base in chat, again:) A shorty at 5 pg.'s long.

"Separation, Combination: The Wedding"- This is the start of the Malcom and Lady Epona stories. Any labelled as 'Separation, Combination' are in that serial. So, here we go! On with a nice lil' wedding:)

"Separation, Combination: The Husband And Wife Life"- Directly after the wedding night and on their honeymoon, Malcom and the Lady Epona are experiencing the after-effects of their decisions, and preparing for a brand new life. I'd say PG 13 on this one for content.

"Separation, Combination: The Doctor"- Malcom and the Lady are expecting their first child. Fearing complications, they seek someone who can help them. Sorta let them know the baby is doing fine. However, nothing like that exists in ki-lin society. What are they to do?! ;) Sorry but no baby in this one. That's in JADE GRIFFIN'S PAIN (Soon to come!). 5pgs.

"Jade Griffin's Pain"- written in first person. It is emotion-based and deals with Jade Griffin going back to see her adopted clan, whom she left ten years earlier, and of a mate, whom she is without. Ongoing but I hadda put it up:):) Kyshandra and Gedoena (from chat) are involved, and so is the Lady Epona. I'd advise reading A BUSHEL OF FRIENDS, THE CHILD SIDE, and most especially AND STONE WILL FALL.. PART 2, which gives the whole insider on why Jade Griffin left the Canada Mountain clan in the first place. PG for now.

"Separation, Combination: The Visit"- This takes place during the middle of JADE GRIFFIN'S PAIN and deals with Malcom and the Lady confronting his parents with the truth of his wife. How will they take the fact that she isn't human and carrying their son's child? Read and find out. 4 pg.'s. The second half of this tale is picked up in S,C: LEFT-OVERS.

"Guests" part I- Jade Griffin receives some very unexpected but very welcome guests:). 5 pg's.

"Guests", part II- This takes place right after "Guests" part I, hence the part II :). Anyway, ya learn a little more about the Chocolate Man in this 2 pg'er. Is a bit of a prelude to WHAT DO YOU DO FOR HALLOWEEN? Heh.

"Death Of The 'Cyberverse'"/"The Day The 'Cyberverse' Died"- So... The end of the 1000th year, huh? I contemplated what might happen to the 'cyberverse' and, well, came up with a story getting a lil' in-depth on Malcom, Jade Griffin, and even 'G and Comp. A 9-pager that starts at exactly Dec. 31, 1999, on the hour of 23:56:58 .. >;)

"The Baby, The Chocolate Man, And Edward"- Sorry. Not gonna reveal much about THIS one! :) Funny yet intriguing and entertaining story about, oh, a bunch of my characters. Was originally 2 story ideas I combined into one. 16 pg.'s.

"What DO You Do On Halloween?"- Not a Halloween fic. The Chocolate Man loses something quite dear and historically important to him. Aided by Jade Griffin, he attempts to retrieve it and keep his many secrets hidden. Hm.. Quite a boring description for a great 8 pg. fic. Please read and let me know whatcha think!

"Avis Mills, Freak"- My entry for the Gathering 2002 writing contest under the category of a coming-of-age story where a person finds themselves transformed. Based off Abram's Norwegian Formula idea but the characters in the fic are mine. I won 1st place!

"Last Demona On Earth"- Again, a submission to the Gathering 2002's writing contest and again winning 1st place is this fic about ... Well, the title says it all! The category was pretty much the same as the title, if I recall. Enjoy!

"Gargoyle Of The Ring"- Also in the G'02 writing contest under the category of gargifying a movie comes this hilarious and short parody. Won 1st place also!

"Separation, Combination: Beial"- The story of Malcom and the Lady's second child, and also the start of their third:)

"Separation, Combination: The Grandfather"- I consider this a great small fic. This fic was submitted to the Online Gathering under the Future Story category.

GIB fics

Note: Agents used in GIB fics that are NOT my characters were consulted for approval. If for some reason I forgot or you forgot, please inform me. If you don't wish to be in a fic, please let me know. I ALWAYS try to ask, unless I can't find that person..

"Agent 'G"- 'G gets her wish and discovers just what it's like to be in that secret organization known as the GIB! Very funny story! About 5 pg.'s

"Rise And Fall"- This is the 1st story of the new GIB, after the llama hordes amassed on the secret organization. I hope ta make this fic bit into a round robin where ppl can add to the story. So, read on and witness the start of something big ;). Currently 2 pg.'s.

"A Question Of Identity"- 'G has a question for K. Nuthin' too grand. This is for those of you who have also wondered about the Chocolate Man. 1 pg.

"PHI And IOTA- an odd couple fer the GIB... sorta. This is just a lil' teaser. I believe it be 2pg.'s.

"K's Bad Day" - Another GIB short about tha boss, K. :) Gives a little more insight into what bein' the boss of a huge secret organization is like, and also the types of little things that go on in the GIB. And what happens when K don't get her coffee! About 3 pg.'s. Maybe PG...

"IOTA Slip" - A very very short, almost preview of what the gargyole who is Agent 'G has hidden beneath her top mental layer. She's a mysterious one...

"NN, RN"- Agent NN is pretty much a blank wall of a gargoyle. Her partner, RN, is determined to change that. But that's only the beginning to what will be an unravelling of NN's dark past, and possibly her sanity. Has death mentioned. 15 pgs.

"'G: Reflections"- A very short short, again, about a 'recent' event in the GIB's history, and 'G's thoughts on the matter.

"The 'G' In Rampage"- Uh.. Not gonna say much except there are a LOT of Agents in this one:) And 'G goes insane;)

Mystery Gargoyle Theater 3000

MGT3K website- This page is hilarious and contains my mgt'ed scripts. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, there are two links (one for Mystery Science Theater 3000 and one for gargs) to get an understanding. Basically, I wrote scripts in the format of MST3K on episodes of Gargoyles that I thought deserved a little heckling:) Enjoy!

Griffin Stories

The Strange One- A short 1st chapter to another Griffinstory. Read on!:) 1 1/2 pg.'s.

Always more to come!

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