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Lucy/Carter Fanfiction: J-R

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Author: Jen

Title: Anna

Summary: This idea came to me when I was listening to Michael W. Smith's song "Anna". I thought it would be cute to have Cater and Lucy married. They have a three year-old daughter named Anna.


Author: Jill

Title: How the Carter's Stole Christmas

Summary: It's Christmas time, the time of year when everone is filled with good spirits and good cheer.....except Carter and Lucy who have to have Christmas dinner wtih a family of grinches. Will they make it there in time for the feast? or will their sour moos and mishaps take them on a different path.


Title: Good Knight

Summary: Lucy has a chilling nightmare that may fortell the future.


Title: Mark Greene Phone Home

Summary: And ER/X-Files crossover filled with aliens, Friskies, Carter and Lucy, McDonalds, and a whole lot of other things that don't make a lick of sense.


Title: Kicking Carter

Summary: See what happens when Lucy has the day off and nothing to do.


Title: Sure

Summary: Follows Kicking Carter. See Carter's response to Lucy's unexpected phone call.


(Series Finished)

Author: Lisa

Title: One Summer Night

Summary: Lucy has a new apartment and is on summer break. What surprises will be in store?


Title: Days Like This

Summary: Starts off as a bad day of work for both Carter and Lucy.


Title: Right Match

Summary: Carter and Lucy go from 'just friends' to somewhat more with some bumps in the road along the way.


Title: Until Forever

Summary: When Lucy's mom passes away, Carter is there to lend a shoulder to cry on.


Title: A Rude Awakening

Summary: What if he really wasn't a Carter?


Title: Caught In the Act

Summary: Carter and Lucy are caught in a very compromising position.


Title: Together Once Again

Summary: Carter goes to a party and sees and old love. What will happen?


Title: Hand of Fate Part 1, Hand of Fate Part 2, Luck of the Draw

Summary: These stories are three short stories. One way the Carter/ Lucy Valentine's Day fiasco could have ended. Serious season 6 spoilers. (These are three seperate stories.)


Author: Lizzyknight

Title: A Time for Redirection Part 1

Summary: If Lucy hadn't died on Valentine's Day, what kind of life would she have lead? Would she hve gotten together with Carter?


Title: A Time for Redirection Part 2

Summary: Now that Lucy recovres from the attack and becomes close with Carter, she starts to think, is there something more for them? Follows A Time for Redirection Part 1.


Title A Time for Redirection Part 3

Summary: Lucy goes out to dinner with Carter..... I don't want to say much. Follow A Time for Redirection Part 2.


Title: A Few Steps Forward Part 1

Summary: Lucy and Carter are now going out and have a few little surprises. Follows A Time for Redirection Part 3.


Title: A Few Steps Forward Part 2

Summary: Lucy's mother comes to Chicago to spend some time with her eldest daughter when Lucy calls her up and says she has something important to tell her.


Title: A Few Steps Forward Part 3

Summary: Running into the first major diffuculty of their relationship, Lucy and Carter spend some time apart.


Title: A Few Steps Forward Part 4

Summary: Lucy and Johns secret get told to their families.


Title: A Few Steps Forward Part 5

Summary: Lucy is pregnant, Carter and Lucy are now engaged and moving in together.


Title: A Few Steps Forward Part 6

Summary: Just read the previous sotries.


(Sereies In Progress)

Author: Louise

Title: Studying the Heart

Summary: Carter and Lucy realize they have feelings for each other.


Title: Listening to the Heart

Summary: Follows Studying the Heart.


Title: Hearts Desire

Summary: Follows Listening To the Heart


Title: Night of My Life

Summary: Follows Hearts Desire


Title: Trials of Life

Summary: Follows Night of My Life

(In Progress)

(Series In Progress)

Title: Behind Closed Doors

Summary: This takes place during the summer of 1999 when Lucy is not officially a med student because she is on her summer vacation.

(In Progress)

Author: Lucy

Stories originally posted at

Title: Any Day Now

Summary: Lucy, who is married to Carter and expecting very soon, is in the parking lot with Carter and feels a "familiar" pain in her lower back.


Title: Unexpected Events

Summary: Follows Any Day Now.


Title: Bringing Out the Women In Me Again

Summary: Follows Unexpected Events


Title: A Morning of Hell

Summary: Follows Bringing Out the Women In Me Again


Title: A Knight of Scares

Summary: Follows A Morning of Hell


Title: A Happily Ever After Ending

Summary: Follows A Knight of Scares


(Series Finished)

Title: The Story of Our life

Summary:Lucy and Carter experience the obstacle of life during their romance.


Title: Fixing Mistakes

Summary: Lucy and Carter are both see different people. Lucy sees Dave (Only one availible) and Carter will see a lot of women as we know, all blonds.


Title: Pain Is a Warning That Something's Wrong

Summary: Follows Fixing Mistakes


Title: The Vacation Starts Now

Summary: Follows Pain Is a Warning That Something's Wrong


Title: Serious R&R In Florida

Summary: Follows The Vacation Starts Now


Title: A Decision Hinted

Summary: Follows Serious R&R In Florida


Title: Heaven and Hell on Earth

Summary: Follows A Decision Hinted


Title: A Vacation to Remember and Then Some

Summary: Follows Heaven and Hell on Earth


Title: A Test of Faith

Summary: Follows A Vacation to Remember and Then Some


Title: The Answer

Summary: Follows A Test of Faith


Title: Death Before Life Has Begun

Summary: Follows The Answer


Title: Finally It's Over

Summary: Follows Death Before Life Has Begun


Title: What Do I Do Now?

Summary: Follows Finally It's Over


Title: Quite a Scare

Summary: Follows What Do I Do Now?


(Series Finished)

Title: Moving On Yet Holding Back

Summary: What could have happened after Lucy died?


Title: No Limits

Summary: Starts off with Lucy's hectic first day as a doctor. And of course it includes Carter.


Title: Breaking Barriers

Summary: Follows No Limits.


Title: Breaking Barriers Part 2

Summary: Follows Breaking Barriers.

Saved as: breaking2


(Series Finished)

Title: 2 Different People

Summary: We're going to say that regardless that Lucy lives (In my own little world hehe) Carter still has drug problems as we will blame them on other sources than death. Be prepared also for a major CHARMED theme to find its way into here. I know I'm used to writing realistic fics but this just stuck out so enjoy.


Title: Revelations of True Feelings

Summary: Follows 2 Different People


(Series In Progress)

Author: Rocker

Title: Hello Father

Summary: Lucy meets her father after starting a relationship with Carter.


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