15 Card Highlander Rules Standard Magic: the Gathering rules apply with the following changes:
Construction Each
deck must contain exactly 15 cards. Sideboard You are allowed a 3-card sideboard. Banned
& Restricted List When playing this variant it is usually
decided what type you will be playing. So if playing Type 1, Type 1.5,
Type 2, or Extended 15 Card Highlander then, follow that format’s
Banned and Restricted List. Mulligan Rules Standard
“Paris” Mulligan is used for this variant. Before
each game begins, a player may, for any reason, reshuffle and redraw his
hand, drawing one less card. This may be repeated as often as the player
wishes, until he has no cards left in his hand. After the participant, who
plays first, mulligans as often as he likes, the decision of whether to
mulligan passes to the other player. Once a player passes the opportunity
to mulligan, that player may not change his mind. History This variant comes from Scrye Magazine. It was created by Stuart Cresswell. Deck Examples