Gambling Magic Rules Each player is given fifty
poker chips. These are used for ante and "side bets" as the
tournament progresses. You are eliminated when you have no chips left,
the winner of the tournament is the player who has all of the chips. You
will also need some six sided dice. At the beginning of each game, instead of using cards for ante, you ante five chips from your stash. The winner of each game takes all the chips in the pot. Three times per game, any player may put a chip into the ante to roll a six-sided die during their turn. If you roll a:
"Side bets" are won when specific conditions in a game are met. You can make up some of your own, but here are a few:
Construction Use
standard deck construction rules for this variant. Sideboard You
can have a 15-card sideboard in Constructed and in Limited the cards you
don’t use are your sideboard. Banned
& Restricted List When playing this variant it is usually
decided what type you will be playing. So if playing Type 1, Type 1.5,
Type 2, or Extended Gambling Magic then, follow that format’s Banned
and Restricted List. Mulligan Rules In order to take a
Standard “Paris” Mulligan in this variant you must ante 1 chip for
each time you Mulligan. You may also take
a Gambling Mulligan. To take a Gambling Mulligan you must ante 5 chips but
you will get to draw the same amount of cards you had before you took the
Mulligan. You may only use this Mulligan once per game. A Standard “Paris” Mulligan is defined as:
Before each game begins, a player may, for any reason, reshuffle and redraw
his hand, drawing one less card. This may be repeated as often as the player
wishes, until he has no cards left in his hand. After the participant, who
plays first, mulligans as often as he likes, the decision of whether to
mulligan passes to the other player. Once a player passes the opportunity to
mulligan, that player may not change his mind. History This variant was created by Eric Huynh.