A p r i l
04-27-00 mew!
04-26-00 flunky detritus
04-25-00 pastaphilia
04-24-00 super whatever
04-23-00 funny money
04-22-00 "sob"
04-18-00 marking the card
04-16-00 my fickle ways
04-15-00 crunch, and some colleague-bashing to boot
04-14-00 chocolate pudding, anyone?
04-12-00 hello puppies!
04-11-00 happy to see me? M a r c h
03-28-00 broke, but still not making friends
03-26-00 why aren't you caught up?
03-22-00 you take the good, you take the bad
03-21-00 it's too much
03-20-00 guest entry by Becky
03-18-00 I guess a spit bubble pretty much sums it up
03-16-00 those ingrates
03-14-00 I'm an idiot
03-12-00 Big Brother
03-10-00 "best" friends
03-09-00 you get what you pay for
03-07-00 couple a lame links and a brush-off
03-06-00 bitch, be cool
03-05-00 ...zzzzzzzz....
03-04-00 ...zzzz....
03-03-00 show and tell
03-01-00 keeping me sane
F e b r u a r y
02-29-00 The Wrath of Fleck
02-28-00 borrow a dog
02-27-00 Carnegie Hall
02-26-00 one saturday morning
02-23-00 good things come
02-22-00 advice for a military wife
02-21-00 ally sucks
02-20-00 focus
02-18-00 The Mutant Hair
02-15-00 digital heaven for the obsessive-compulsive soul
02-14-00 Betsy goes too far
02-13-00 52 wpm
02-12-00 death row
02-11-00 seeing a pattern
02-08-00 hardly working
02-07-00 turn the other chick
02-04-00 cold feet
02-03-00 the spellcheker
02-02-00 these boots were made for dog shit
J a n u a r y
01-30-00 yawn
01-29-00 shrinkage
01-28-00 this place is nuts
01-26-00 yummy
01-25-00 get your alpacas while they last
01-24-00 $13
01-23-00 thwa thwa thwa
01-21-00 enough is enough
01-20-00 cows, pigs and the moon?
01-19-00-b whoa....
01-19-00 teaching from the land of lame
01-18-00 pre-flu dread
01-17-00 I'm just getting old, is all
01-16-00 poopy-face
01-15-00 dumpster diving for dead dogs
01-14-00 meta
01-13-00 oh god, they're back
01-12-00 cattiness
01-11-00 ahhh!
01-10-00 your dog fucking stinks
01-08-00 rodentia
01-06-00 what a dumbass I was
01-05-00 good cat bad cat
01-04-00 disturbing the neighbors
01-03-00 it's a bloody euphonium
01-02-00 what did I resolve, again? and again?
01-01-00 A Very Robins Holiday
D e c e m b e r
12-31-99 the anti-retail idea
12-30-99 cat heaven and shopping
12-29-99 beer snobbery
12-28-99 miscellaneous future
12-26-99 where traditions begin
12-23-99 sniffle
12-22-99 maybe it's his food....
12-21-99 homespun
12-19-99 all of this in a Baptist church
12-18-99 gay guinea pigs and candle excess
12-15-99 another excuse
12-14-99 typical day off
12-13-99 chunks
12-12-99 creamy caramel filling
12-11-99 tubas really blow
12-10-99 "lessons"
12-09-99 gift exchange
12-07-99 shopping
12-05-99 nintendo weekend
12-04-99 didn't even get to see his ass
12-03-99 two baths each
12-02-99 take this coconut
12-01-99 teaching or being taught
N o v e m b e r
11-30-99 once and future jobs
11-29-99 e-mail "entry"
11-28-99 books, etc.
11-27-99 tuesday and taco
11-26-99 hey howdy hey
11-24-99 no turkey for me
11-23-99 brave kitten
11-22-99 chicken finger flashback
11-21-99 coffee, hey!
11-20-99 good things happen....
11-19-99 Journal of a Sucker
11-18-99 working
11-17-99 Read-A-Thon
11-16-99 sleeping cats are sacred
11-15-99 Please don't be a Daisy
11-14-99 scrabble tutorial
11-13-99 Career Chek
11-11-99 spay spay spay
11-10-99 wind and song
11-09-99 I'm getting naked in this entry
11-08-99 poopy famous people
11-07-99 must-see, my ass
11-06-99 trumpet hell
11-04-99 the confession
11-03-99 more whining from the land of unemployment
11-01-99 disrespecting Uncle Jack
O c t o b e r
10-31-99 going out drinking
10-30-99 my 1989
10-29-99 pumpkin guts
10-28-99 blah
10-27-99 Dear Santa
10-26-99 cat detail
10-25-99 a butt peach is born
10-24-99 when did I get so old?
10-22-99 lost in the translation
10-21-99 bye bye blue bird
10-20-99 evil snack food
10-19-99 ow
10-17-99 it's nice to be kneaded
10-16-99 perfect saturday
10-15-99 Fleck the Cat
10-14-99 when I'm stressed:
10-13-99 control freak angst
10-12-99 hello, kitty
10-11-99 someone drop a chalupa in here?
10-08-99 slowly going crazy!
10-07-99 optimism, part 2
10-06-99 calling in "sick"
10-05-99 had I written an entry
10-03-99 carpal tunnel day
10-02-99 catsitting
S e p t e m b e r
A u g u s t
J u l y
07-01-99 a room of one's own
07-03-99 my weird family
07-05-99 the gods of inconvenience
07-07-99 I suck at tennis
07-08-99 playing grown-up
07-10-99 it happens every year
07-12-99 moving day
07-14-99 the trip from hell
07-19-99 WaffelHausen Everywhere
07-20-99 military wife
07-21-99 Georgia is so goddamn friendly
07-22-99 what's the temp in south dakota?
07-23-99 the heat is getting to me
07-24-99 artiste
07-25-99 warner robins, everybody's favorite place
07-26-99 poof!
07-27-99 big dumb unemployed dork
07-28-99 somebody offer me a job already
07-29-99 morons, every one of us
07-30-99 The Beacon of Truth
07-31-99 I'll never hike again
J u n e
M a y
05-01-99 death of a journal
05-02-99 system error:
05-03-99 Heck on Earth (guest entry by Dan)
05-04-99 and a magical day it was....
05-05-99 magical hangover
05-06-99 transitions
05-09-99 ambition
05-10-99 asshole kid
05-11-99 chick shit
05-12-99 lawn mowers? haircuts?
05-13-99 home
05-17-99 cranky!
05-18-99 loss of innocence
05-19-99 giving up
05-20-99 Bastille Day
05-21-99 entry by candelight
05-22-99 meltdown
05-23-99 comfort
05-24-99 myself the music teacher
05-25-99 "anyone? anyone?"
05-27-99 the fledgling
05-28-99 the one-legged neon lady
05-29-99 totally freaking weird
05-31-99 better things to do
A p r i l
04-05-99 oops
04-06-99 shot the shit
04-07-99 asshole trumpet players
04-08-99 quilting
04-09-99 serendipity
04-13-99 senioritis
04-14-99 a typical euph sectional
04-15-99 wedding wind-up
04-16-99 wedding HALT
04-17-99 cheap beer for the soul
04-18-99 final concert
04-19-99 what? study?
04-20-99 cramming
04-21-99 pensive
04-22-99 that thing I do
04-23-99 the sucky friend
04-24-99 doh
04-25-99 chicks and tubas
04-26-99 they never liked me that much, anyway
04-27-99 sound investments
04-28-99 rites of pre-temps
04-29-99 eric speaks
04-30-99 details
M a r c h
03-07-99 the last bottle
03-08-99 sick but funny
03-09-99 snow day
03-12-99 Julia the Huntress
03-13-99 the fucking nerve
03-17-99 aftermath
03-18-99 no more groceries
03-19-99 BMT flashbacks
03-22-99 the big news
03-24-99 To-Do list
03-25-99 the REALLY big news
03-26-99 set theorizing
03-28-99 spring fever
03-30-99 teaching and whining
03-31-99 inside cat