Yes, this is the fanfiction section. Everything here rules and is nominated for several* literary awards. Got a submission? Send it here


Can't You Take No For An Answer? by Crunchbucket
It's an Anti-Aeris fic. Better get used to them ,cos they're a trademark of mine.

Story One Of The Inappropriate Name Series .
Story Two Of The Inappropriate Name Series .
Story Three Of The Inappropriate Name Series .
Story Four Of The Inappropriate Name Series .
Story Five Of The Inappropriate Name Series by Crunchbucket
A wierd, crack aided series of fics. Just don't ask and you'll be fine.

The Best laid Plans Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Fourby Crunchbucket
Yes kids, it's another anti Aeris fic! But to be fair, ALL of the characters are portrayed as idiots, so Aeris isn't alone. *THIS IS MY BEST FIC* in my not so humble opinion. So PLEASE read it!

GET OUT!byMe, Crunchbucket
Squall's dorm is turned into a group therapy clinic. Trust me, it'll all make sense. That's a Crunchbucket guarantee! (not a real guarantee)

You got my vote...right? by Me, Crunchbucketand Chyah
A team up fic between a fellow Aeris hater from and the almighty moi! When Aeris runs for mayor of Midgar, AVALANCHE are...petrified. Will they stop her turning Midgar into Flowersville? Can Aeris really beat the stiff competition of Rufus Shinra and Stu Pididiot? Will Cloud ever stop eating crayons? Find out inside!

FFVII Art contest!byEmerald Embers
She wrote about a naked Vincent picture. Need I say more? Read.

Laguna's Birthday Party!byEmerald Embers
It's...Laguna's...birthday. Yeah. *Warning*-contains comedy yaoi. If you have a problem with that, please go here.

Hot Steamy Lovin'byEmerald Embers
Please don't make me give a summary. Please.

The Things You Do For Friends...byCarlie
Rufus and his YMCA members beg you to read.

What if...?byJoey
FF7, 8 and 9 crossover. Sponsored by JNK world!

F.O.O.S.bySeifer1080andOni Kamui
Cid, Barret, Vincent and Red become...cops? o_0

Time TravellersbyOni Kamui
Take a good long look at the title. Now what do you think it's about, huh?

Yuffie's High School Ordeal by Raven Chan
A funny story about Godo forcing Yuffie to go to school. *WARNING* lots of swearing. So go watch teletubbies or something.

The Really Long Night by Raven Chan
A typical night at Tifa's bar-now with 20% more swearing!

The No Name Fic by Raven Chan
More insanity, with the added bonus of the death of Rufus and Aeris!

Take that! by Raven Chan
No, it's not about the appalling early nineties boy "band", but about Yuffie and the Ku Klutz Klan.

Random Insanity By Cait Sith 777
o_0;;;;. That is all.

The Mini Fic
Part Two by Raven Chan
Once again...o_0;;;;

The FF8 song parody CD! By QuistisChick
A CD of FF8 parodies. You heard me. With bonus FF7 songs!

Final Fantasy F.R.I.E.N.D.S. By QuistisChick
F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is the SPAWN OF BEELZEBUB HIMSELF. But this is pretty damn funny.

Top ten things said by FF7 players before a game over By QuistisChick
Oh yes, I HAVE said a few of these. "What the hell is Aire Tam Storm? Oh. I appear to be dead."

Road Trip!
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 By QuistisChick
So what can possibly go wrong on an ordinary road trip? How about all the guys involved getting married off to insane rednecks and people getting handcuffed to their enemies? Ho yuss!

Part 2
Part 3 By QuistisChick
This is the SEVEN HO PIMP DADDY of all fics. Bow down to it.

Respect Your Elders By Red Bitchcakes-chan Misanthropia Digimon Emperess Chocobo
Unhinged insanity. Will Quistis and the card club ever defeat Ramuh, the new headmaster of Balamb garden? What will happen when Raijin takes his overdue copy of "Goodbye Pupurin" back to librarian Diablos? Does this make any sense whatsoever?

Answers-Perhaps, who knows, Cheesecake

Choicesby YumReno
Reno is forced to choose between the two women in his life...

The ultimate in FF yaoi By Turin Agarwaen Mormegil Umarth Turambar
Everyone gets laid. And um, killed.

Quistis has

The Comeback Kid or The Fairy Tale For Naughty Little Girls Who Want To Grow Up and Become Sorceresses and have Seifer as a knight. byEaglewing
I...think the title gives sufficient imformation.

Sink the PinkbyS~I~T~H~E
A touching tale of the demise of Aeris Gainsborough, dancing horses and a giant indestructible Magikarp. *Sniff...*

Aeris's DeathbyRinoa
Aeris dies. Hurrah.

Well, it's uh...very much a SelphieXSeifer. Yes.

Short enough for you to read yourself.

Pupu's SagabyJeremy Chapter
Wow. That's all I can say. A MASSIVE novel set in the FF8 universe that combines EVERYTHING-humor, romance, action, sci-fi, drama, mystery and comedy-into one engrossing fic. Excellent reading, and well worth setting some time aside for. Enjoy!

The StraybyJeremy Chapter
Jer Chapter's latest masterpeice...

Devil In Her Own RightbyCarlie
Rinoa displays a darker side...I helped out with this one ^_~

One Last Moment by Raven Chan
Avalanche find themselves on the brink of oblivion...

DemonsbyEmerald Embers
A short poem about Vincent and the demons inside him.

A morbid Yuffie fic. I'd prefer it if it was about Aeris,, but it ain't. Oh well, can't have everything.

Slave of the MindbySeifer1080
Yes, another twisted fic, where Sephiroth gains control of Cloud's mind.

One Last PrayerbyOni Kamuiand Raven Chan
It's about Aeris, but I still like it.

Tears Of The Lifestream-Part one. by Raven Chan
Aeris awakes one day in a world very different than the one she remembers.

Hunter-Part One
part two
part three
part four
byRaven Chan
Very twisted, but amazing. You HAVE to read it.

Misery by Raven Chan
A short piece about Vincent. Suicide, angst, depression, oh my.

If Only He Were Real... by Raven-Chan
Anything I could say would give away the plot.

Impressive InstantbyEmerald Embers
Well written. Good plot. Good characterization. But major yaoi warning ^^;;;;

What it feels like for a girlbyEmerald Embers
Awww, a sweet Cloud/Tifa fic at the Gold Saucer (but not the regular blow by blow account of the date.)

Dark Waters by Lavantis
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
W00, d00d! The largest fic on this site ('cept for FinalFantasyFic, of course.)

The Forgotten Oneby Kal
The true hero of AVALANCHE's presence is erased from his team mate's memories...

The Last Tearby Kal
A poignant peice from Vincent's point of view at Aeris's death.

Resilient Mako-Part Oneby Acid
Mysterious events at the Shinra ball. Used to contain a Yuffie/Cid romance, but the author removed it ^_^

Contemplationsby Acid
Short. Depressing. Excellent. Read.

Dream Of Lifeby Christopher Pike
Okay, so it's pro Aeris, but it's also amazingly well written, deep, and unmissable, even if you, like me, would like to execute Aeris with a rusty harpoon.

The Last Goodbyeby YumReno
A fantastic Reno fic. Damn, is there no end to this guy's talents?

All she wanted to do was get out of the house... By YumReno
After the turks, Reno learns of his heritage...

Silence By YumReno
Reno alone with his thoughts. Beautiful, unscrutable, and with an atmosphere all of it's own. I can't praise it any more than that.

Queen's Consul
Queen's Consul part two
Queen's Consul part three
Queen's Consul part four
Queen's Consul part five
Queen's Consul part six
Queen's Consul part seven
Queen's Consul part eight
Queen's Consul part nine
Queen's Consul part ten
Queen's Consul part eleven
Queen's Consul part twelve
Queen's Consul part thirteen by Lady Eclectic
Chapters 9-13 finally up! W00t!

White Feathers By Carmilla
Squall and Rinoa are getting on great! But something feels wrong..............

The Prisoner
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four By Kal
An awesome pre-game story about Vincent and the Turks.

Vincent By QuistisChick
A short poem about Vinnie.

Leaving By QuistisChick
Tifa has her doubts and decides to leave the team...

Reflections By QuistisChick
Where Aeris went before she died...

Wonderwall By QuistisChick
Tifa/Cloud songfic *sniff...*

Everything You Want By QuistisChick
A study of the Vertical Horizon song and it's connection with FF7. Interesting...

Sick Sad World By Turin Agarwaen Mormegil Umarth Turambar
An absolutely GROSS everybody dies death fic. An absolutely obscene amount of violence, so if you're the kind of person who is offended easily and will write to congress about "this sick internet filth," then fuck off. Excellent, in an "eewwwww" kind of way.

Loveya By Eaglewing
Zell needs advice from Irvine. Poor, desperate Zell.

Rain falling softly on my window By Eaglewing
Laguna breaks some news to Squall.

Squall and Rinoa in Love By FF8MasterSteven


MST-Cat fight by Crunchbucket
An MST of a particularly pointless fic about *SHOCK!* Tifa and Aeris fighting over Cloud! Bet you didn't see that one coming.

MST-Leon's Extremilly bad day!!! (Yes, spelled like that.) by QuistisChick
An absolutely crap little Resident Evil fic is torn apart by Quisty. Leon bashing ahoy!

MST-Killing Aeris by Kal
Yes, it's about Aeris's death! Rapture. MSTed by Kal, Mini-Vince and Mini-Cid.

*Several meaning none. Of course.


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