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Goldie's Study: The Fanfic Room

Coming Soon

PRE-E-E-E-SENTING... SailorN1 in her fanfic writing debut -- "Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet - Episode 1-7" is up!!! Finally. Aside from that, she just finished the Lighthouse staff's first appearence in "Tea Time.""Rocket Princess I and II" by Chibi Team Rocket are up! "Rocket Princess II" has just been completed!!! Yay!!! We now also have "Team Rocket: Blasting Off to America" parts 1-8, as well as his latest fic, Sailor Meowth, and we'd like to thank WANNADIE3 for those! And now, we also have the two sequals to "Tea Time" (one by WANNADIE3 and one by SailorN1). Now, we even have the prologe and first six chapters to "Jasmine", by AurynTR! We even have some of the popular fics by Frogwoman - "Planes of Existance" and the "Alternate Dimensions" series! There's even "Secrets, Lies, and Adventure," "Twisted Evil," and "Secon Chances," by Charmander_gurl! And much, MUCH more! Big, BIG thanks to CTR, Jaimeelee, AurynTR, Frogwoman, Charmander_gurl, WANNNADIE3, and all the rest and their gracious selves!!! And if anyone else wants to send anything, E-mail it to the address below. We'll take anything!

Hugs, kisses, and claws: Kika.

Rocket Princess by Chibi Team Rocket
If you love Sailor Moon, and if you love Team Rocket (and I know you do!), you will love this! Illustration also by CTR!
Rocket Princess II by Chibi Team Rocket
Sequal to the much beloved classic, Rocket Princess, and just as great as the first! Illustrations once again by CTR! But...Meowth's already taken? *sniff* *sniff*

Team Rocket: Blasting Off to America - part 1 by WANNADIE3
Another truly great fic! And it reads just like an episode of Pokemon! Know some writing secrets we don't, WANNADIE?
part 2part 3part 4part 4 cont.part 5part 5 cont.part 6part 7
part 8
Sailor Meowth by WANNADIE3
A fic inspired by SaloriN1's Sailor Comet series. It answers the question "What if Meowth was one of the Sailor Scouts?"
Team Rocket: A Story of Jim and Jess by WANNADIE3
A story about the children of Jessie and James, but, not in the way you're thinking.

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Comet - Episode 1by SailorN1
What can we say? SailorN1/Crystal Dawn Phoenix's first fanfic! We're all real proud of her!
Episode 2
Luna tells us a little tale of the Moon Kingdom...
Episode 3
My, James is acting differently...
Episode 4
Jealousy begins rearing its ugly head...
Episode 5
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the vainest of them all...?
Episode 6
There's trouble at the aquarium.... guess who's behind it.
Episode 7
Showdown in the salon!
Tea Timeby SailorN1
An insane fic about what can happen when you have a little too much tea and free time on your hands. Guest starring Haunter.
A Story So Lame, It Doesn't Even Have a Titleby WANNADIE3
The even-more-insane sequal to "Tea Time", starring Haunter. We should all be very afraid.
The Return of the Phoenix by SailorN1
Just when you thought it was over, the insanity continues! This is the sequal to "A Story So Lame It Doesn't Even Have A Title", starring Crystal Dawn and Haunter.
Another One by Rosie Q
Lookie! Another chapter to the Tea Time saga! Rosie wrote this and sent it to us! Thanks, Rosie!
Days of Future Pastby SailorN1
or "The C.U.R.E. for C.U.T.E." Written for those who have experienced the dreaded "Butch Tea High", and worse....
The Alternate EndingThe alternate ending to Days of Future Past... This whole fic is nothing but one huge in-joke! Read and see if you can figure out what's going on!
National Geographic Explorer Presents: The Wild KojiroBy SailorN1 and AurynTR
Ever listen to Lucky Lucky and wonder what in God's name Kojiro was talking about - or what that weird "celery mucnhing" noise was? This attempts to answer that thought provoking question!

Jasmine-prologueby AurynTR
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Jesse and James' memories are erased upon their expulsion from Team Rocket. Will they even remember each other?

"Planes of Existance" by Frogwoman
Chapters 1 & 2
Chapters 3 & 4
Chapters 5 & 6
Chapters 7 & 8
A charming story about dimension hopping...
"Alternate Dimensions" Series by Frogwoman
1. Team Rocket
In another time and place, things are very backwards....
2. The Rose
A sweet story about everyone's favorite flower...
3. Eyes of a Persian, Ears of a Growlithe
This story is set in another dimension where Team Rocket performs human experiments...
4. Jessi's Curse
A touching story about why Jesse might act the way she does...
5. Jessi, James, and a Box of Donuts
Too many donuts... You know what that means... SUGAR SPAZ ATTACK!!!!

Secrets, Lies, and Adventure by Charmander_gurl
A cool fic that delves into Jesse's mysterious past...
Twisted Evil by Charmander_gurl
Whaddaya get when ya cross a Vulpix with a Mewtwo? A Raging Omnipotent Nasty, the R.O.N. - that is, a cute little furry thing. And Jesse and James end up with it!!! Woo-hoo!!! *starts humming "Symphony of Destruction", by Megadeth*
Second Chances by Charmander_gurl
A really nice story about Jesse and Arbok...

IceBeam14's series of fics entiled "Just Plain Weird"
Real Pschyos Are Hard To Find by IceBeam14
The introduction to the series. Very weird, but very humorous.
Love, Music, and Bad British Accents part 1 by IceBeam14
The continuation. What happens when Jessie's Arbok eats Togepri(I don't care how it's spelt.)? It gets a bad British accent, but that's not all.
Love, Music, and Bad British Accents part 2 by IceBeam14
Part 2 of the Bad accent fic. Arbok seems to be making plans of it's own.......

These next two fics where written by two differnt authors, but coincide with each other.

Crime for Crime by AurynTR
A very tragic fic involving the death of one of OUR heros. A deffenate must read, but have the tissue box handy.......
Vengence by WANNADIE3
The sequal to Crime for Crime. Another tear jerker. But, due to extreme violence, this fic is not recomended for the faint of heart. But, if you can stand the gore, and you can stand the tragedy, read on...............

Pokemon Vs. 007 by Jim Tiroch
Not really dealing with TR, but they're in it. A wierd fic in which the Pokemon characters meet up with the James bond characters.

Team Rocket Failures or Maybe Not? by Peace2Dogz
Hmmm.... When you think about it, have they really been such failures?...
Pikachu Taking The Right Path.... To Team Rocket? by Peace2Dogz
As the title says.... You kinda get the feeling it should have been that way all along?
An Episode of Team Rocket by Peace2Dogz and Myuusashi
Another great one! Just read it and see!

Can't Hurry Love by Angela Donato
Can two new mysterious characters save James from a fate worse than death... marriage to Jessebelle!?!

What it Takesby Hitmonchan
If you ever thought that Team Rocket would admit just anybody, think again and read this fic!

The Satelite of 'Dite: The Fanfic of Riffing Other Fanfics!series, byJaimielée Rocket and Maelstrom
In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, comes the Satelite of 'Dite! Different anime characters, as well as the authors review different fanfics! Starring Jessica, Kasey, Cleo, Lita/Makoto, Great Tree, Vegeta, Angie, Rob Tapert (also known as Giovanni), Jesse, James, Crow, Tom Servo, A-Ko, Mike, Joel, Shampoo, Mousse, Dr.Evil, Austin Powers, and many, MANY more! And from what I hear, "Sailor Comet"'s gonna get riffed soon, too!
Episode 1: "Rocket Princess I" by Chibi Team Rocket
Episode 2: "Rocket Princess II" (part a) by Chibi Team Rocket
Episode 2: "Rocket Princess II" (part b) by Chibi Team Rocket
Episode 3: "Rocket Princess III" by Chibi Team Rocket
Episode 4: "The SuperBowl Tickets, Old and New Version" by Amber
Episode 5: "Julivani, part 1" by Icecube
Episode 6: "Snapshot!" by Chibi Team Rocket
Episode 7: "Sailor Meowth" by Nyase of the Rocket Gang
Episode 8: "One Too Many" by Anni Ruecroft
Episode 9: "All That Matters" by Icecube
Episode 10: "The Xena/Team Rocket Crossover" by Amber
Episode 11: "A Hard Road to Walk Alone" by Icecube and "The Last Days at Pokemon Tech" by JessieRocket
Episode 12: "Goodbye" by [R]Jessie[R]
Episode 13: "Team Rocket Blasting Off to America, part one", by Nyase of the Rocket Gang
Episode 14: "What it Takes" by Hitmonchan
Episode 15: "Nightbird" by Rhiannon
Episode 16: "Vengence" by Nyase of the Rocket Gang
Episode 17: "What It Takes, pt 2" by Hitmonchan
Episode 18: "Team Rocket's Day Off" by Chibi-Jessie "Untitled Romance" by IceBeam and "Untitled Bashing" by Cool TR Dude
Episode 19: "Attack of the Rabid Jigglypuff" by Eric Trumble

No Life Sailors by Jaimielee Rocket and Maelstrom
Episode One
Episode Two
A No-Life Sailors Special: How Did Joxer Show Up In Our World?
An excellent series about two junior high school girls who find out that they're super heroes! But all superheroes have to fight, and they have to defend us all against "the cruel mockery of life that is Preps and Jocks". A great read!

Team Rocket Meets South Park by Mina
For fans of both shows, here's something that had to happen...

Happy Halloween! by Blair Rocket
Just in time for Halloween, we present a gruesome tale of blood and fear!

Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her by Stephanie A.
What happens when Jesse and Jessebelle switch places? Madness, of course. And a great fanfic! Read on!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Addictive Stigmataby Stephanie A.
Kojiro tucks Musashi in for the night! *Goldie, Camara, and CD can be heard giggling in the background* Shut up you hentais!!! Not that way!!!

The Rocket Series part 1 by Anna Sartin
This story is kinda violent, so it should only really be viewed by peeps who can take that kinda thing. So, if it unsettles you, you might skip this one. But other than that, enjoy!!!
Chapter 2 ~ Unity
Chapter 3 ~ Imprisonment
Chapter 4 ~ Rocket Revenge
Light and Dark Eternal -beginningby Anna Sartin
A sweeping story of heaven and hell and a love that neither can break! Great story, truly recommended!
Light and Dark Eternal -conclusion

Jesse James, Priwate Eye: The Case of the Missing Partner by Michelle Chu
*blink* No, that's not one humongous typo. Really!!! Don't you believe me? Just read this story, then! It's by our close personal friend, Michi, AKA Kasumikewl!
Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
Jessebelle joins Team Rocket after a failed attempt to purchase James from the Boss! This is a must read! Especially Giovanni and his Matchbox cars!

Once Loved by Mina R.
Another really sad one. Make sure you still have that tissue box handy!

A Shoulder To Cry On by Rocket Babe
Grab the tea! It's a Butch fic! Woohoo!

Pikachu Revoltsby Ditto Jesse
James' POV of the second appearance of Butch and Cassidy! Get 'em, James! Our hero!
New Beginings: Epilogue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
A new series that follows "Pikachu Revolts"! Be sure to read the explaination first!

Rainy Day Man by Sunaru
Jesse's boyfriend leaves her, but James is there for her!
My New Friend
Cassidy makes an unlikely new friend...
Sunaru Joins Team Rocket
Team Rocket gets a new member!
Clones: Butch's Origin
Sunaru's take on where Butch came from!
Crescent Moon
James as a Sailor Scout! Oh, you knew SOMEONE had to write it!

Adam's Song: Aftermathby Lady Luna
A fic with a strong message. A very good read.
Author's Notes
A special message from Lady Luna, regarding her fic...

Sailor Pokemoon by Mr. Know it All
While traveling through the Orange Islands, the cast of Pokemon meets the cast of Sailor Moon! Much lunacy ensues!
Sailor Pokemoon 2
Sailor Pokemoon 3

THE most brilliant, heart-warming, charming, not to mention Rocketshippy story ever to be written!!!!!! (part one) by Rocket Blue
As the title implies! A cute, funny, very short fic!

This The Great Pokémon FanFiction Ring!! site owned by SailorN1(Crystal Dawn Phoenix).
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